
Ukraine War - Great news, North Korea joining the war

 North Korea is sending 12,000 soldiers to fight on the side of Russia against the American/European and Nazis. This move is unprecedented since the Korean War, a momentous event in international affairs. It directly pokes the American terrorists right in their eyes. In a way it is shocking to the lawless American terrorists. No country has ever confronted the Americans so directly without fear of retaliation since 1950.

The American terrorists have been terrorising the world with their lawless Rules Based Order, meaning what is right or wrong, acceptable or not acceptable, is dictated by the American terrorists. The American terrorists can start wars with any country, interfere and remove popularly elected govt, at their whims and fancy, and no one can stop them or even complain about it. The American terrorists can commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and no one dares to even say so. The ICJ and ICC would not dare to prosecute any American murderers or be assassinated. Instead, for conducting wars of invasion, they are even rewarded with the infamous and now rotten and smelly Nobel Peace Prize.

Countries are lucky if the Americans just sanctioned them for standing up against the Americans or supporting the enemies of the Americans. In this move, Kim Jung Un has as good as showing the middle finger to the American terrorists. He is supporting the Russians and fighting the Americans in a war! What can the Americans do about it?

And when the American terrorists are forming international terrorist gangs which they called military alliances, it is for peace. But other countries cannot do the same and would be called a threat to peace and security if they do so. And while the American terrorists can gather all their international terrorist gangs to support them in their wars of aggression, other countries cannot support their enemies to fight the American terrorists.  For instance the Ukraine War and the Gaza Genocide, only the American terrorists and their doggies and cronies can join them in the fight against. Any country joining Russia would be condemned as terrorists and be attacked and sanctioned, be called enemies.

Kim Jung Un's move is a sign of a big shift in international perception and reaction to the evil American Empire. The North Koreans are standing up to the American terrorists and inviting the rest of the world to do so. More countries would be thinking of joining the Russian side as well. The Arab and Muslim countries may be encouraged to join the Iranian and the Arab/Muslim freedom fighters in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria to fight the American terrorists and Israelis Zionists.

The gate is wide open to confront the American terrorists directly as a united front. This is a major change. After the BRICS Summit in Kazan when a new alternative banking system and currency are announced and put in place, Global South countries would have no more fear or reservation to take sides against the American and European terrorists. Sanctions would no longer work. They would be free to act like the North Koreans, free to act on their national interests and on principles, to call out the American murderers and Israelis Zionist in the genocide of the Palestinians. Principled countries would then be really principled and not pretending to be principled, insulting the meaning of principles.

Great changes are coming, and North Korea has made the first move to show the way to a more just, equitable, fairer and freer world. Kim Jung Un has called out the real devil in name, by his action.


Anonymous said...

Our man in white should send our world best Generals to fight for the U-Cane. Maybe also throw in our F35 that are parked in the USAss paying high rent. These Generals can go to the front line, hide in a bunker for a week then come back to tell their brave motherhood story. Our ParLeement will have a special session to honor/award them with CEO/Director position in GLC..huat ah...

Anonymous said...

Great move. Now if North Korea is attacked, Russia will have to reciprocate and repel the attackers. It's a bilateral arrangement.

Anonymous said...

North Korea has nothing to lose for doing that. The country had been sanctioned since the 1950s, so what is the problem of sending troops to Russia. The USA and the West can now impose more sanctions against North Korea, but trade with Russia and China will put paid to that.

Great news? I think it is wonderful news.

Virgo49 said...

In the past, the Americunts with their cronies murderers of Brits, Frenchies and others always joined forces in gangs of Bullies to attack a single weak or even small country.

So the North Koreans are giving them a taste of their bullying antics.

Caged up with sanctiones for too long, they are yearning to go all out to seek their revenge.

How's Cuba?

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