
Today Saudi Arabia would welcome a nuclear Iran

 Saudi Arabia's leader Mohammad bin Salman was reported to have told the media some time ago that Iran's possession of nukes will not be able to use them, and that means it is not going to change anything, as Iran using it will incur the wrath of the rest of the world. He forgot that the USA used nukes against Japan and got off scot free without even a squeak of condemnation from the rest of the world. It was even fabricated that those two bombs saved more lives than what it killed. In other words, the innocent women and children in Japan were just collateral damage and worthless human beings.

Mohammad bin Salman even warned that Saudi Arabia will also go nuclear if Iran has that capability. If possessing nukes is deemed as useless as what he thinks, why is he thinking of going nuclear to counter Iran's possession of nuclear weapons? What then will be the USA and Israel's stand over Saudi Arabia's nuclear ambition if implemented? Will they threaten Saudi Arabia the same way as they threatened Iran? Will Saudi Arabia also be demonized as the biggest threat to the rest of the world? I would even bet that they will welcome Saudi Arabia's nuclear ambition, touting that this was the Saudis' right to defend themselves.

I think Mohammad bin Salman completely missed the point, with respect to his exalted position. Iran's possession of nukes, like North Korea, is a deterrent pure and simple. Unless Israel uses nukes against Iran, Iran has every right to retaliate with nukes. That is what having deterrents mean. Japan did not have that capability and suffered the consequences, and which invited the inevitable.

Does Russia, China, India or Pakistan having nukes a useless possession and cannot use them without being condemned? Of course, the terrorist state, the USA will use it. If the USA resorts to using nukes, does that not be justifiable for Russia or China to resort to nukes as well? I think Russia and China's possession of nukes serves the purpose of deterring the nuclear terrorist, the USA, from ever going to think that they can do what it did to Japan. Every country under threat by the USA harbors intentions to have nukes, even small numbers that can still do much damage. 


PS. The above about what MBS said was at a time when Saudi Arabia and Iran were still arch enemies, manipulated by the Americans to distrust each other. The situation has changed. They are now friends and MBS would welcome a nuclear Iran. He might use the same reasoning to acquire nuclear weapons, to protect themselves from the Americans and Israel. By now all the Arab countries are aware who are their real enemies. Definitely not Iran.


Anonymous said...

The USA and EU are putting much pressure on Saudi Arabia against following de-dollarization with its BRICS membership. We probably will hear nothing about this in the MSM. We have to remember that the Saudi Royal households, fifteen thousand in all, all have massive investments in the USA and Europe together with movable assets like yachts galore, which are under threat. MBS himself is therefore under pressure to make sure asset seizure as happened with Russia, is not going to happen to his country.

The USA is attempting to create animosity between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as it is not in its interest to have these two power players in the Middle East getting friendlier after the peace deal brokered by China. Saudi Arabia is being pressured to take sides, which if against Iran, is not in MBS interest. Either way, MBS is in troubled waters. Moreover, the USA probably wants the Saudis to counter the Houthis, as it did before the peace deal with Iran. This is in the interest of the USA, with weapons sales and keeping the Houthis at bay or busy around the Gulf region instead of targeting Western naval vessels in the Gulf and Israel.

Of course, if Iran gets its nuke, the USA will just let Saudi Arabia sleep-walk into the nuclear club without the usual threat to the rest of the world mantra.

Anonymous said...

What's even more powerful than possessing nukes is getting rid of the USD. It's the peaceful solution against a terrorist country.

Anonymous said...

MBS is smart, talking about wanting nukes if Iran has it. And being able to sleep-walk into the nuclear club is a bonus from Iran. I think it is a positive development for Saudi Arabia to have deterrents as well, just in case.

Anonymous said...

As more USA enemies have nuke deterrents, the fewer wars can the USA wage. It is a positive development and will lead to a more peaceful world.

Anonymous said...

Both Iran and Saudi Arabia must acquire nuclear bombs to free themselves from American and Israeli control and oppression.

Anonymous said...

The idea is catching on! North Korea sets the example.

Anonymous said...

When the USA got the bomb, it went around threatening everyone. If dropped two of the nukes on Japan. Wanted to use nukes against North Korea and North Vietnam. Had on many instances talked of nuking China as well.

Now in Ukraine is fermenting the idea of a nuke strike on Russia. Russia threatens to put Washington on fire if it attacks Moscow. Now, that is deterrent, clear and simple.