
The killings and genocide of Palestinians and Arab muslims by US and Israel continues unabated - But why.....?

It seems there is no end to the genocide of Palestinians and the killings of Arab Muslims in the Middle East by Israel and the Anglo-Saxon United States. No one seems to be able to put to an end this senseless killings and genocide. There is a lot of talk, protest and condemnation by the Arab elites and rulers but nothing further than that. It is all rhetoric to please and show the local home population that they are doing something. But so far there is no solid action of resistance or fighting back in whatever form that may be necessary. It is just all protest and condemnation or No Action Talk Only just "NATO". 

What is the fear of the Arab countries' rulers, leaders and elites in taking tangible actions to boot out the despicable Zionist Jews and the evil American barbarians? What is behind their fear of offending the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the European countries? Could it be that they have invested too much in US and the European Countries and that their investments might be held to ransom? It is said that the royal families of Saudi Arabia, UAE, QATAR, Morocco, Bahrain and Tunisia have invested trillions of dollars in posh properties, hotels, business conglomerates and further trillions parked in Western banks in US, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin and Brussels. Therefore they have the fear that all their investments and trillions parked in the US and the Western countries might be robbed off if they take actions contradictory to US and Western interests. They have reminded themselves how Russia's 300 Billion Dollars parked in Western banks in New York, London, Paris and Brussels was hijacked and robbed off. So for their selfish self interests they dare not take any concrete action against Israel and the United States. 

Actually for the survival of Palestine and all Arab Muslim countries they can stop all oil sales to US and all European countries. They can sell all the oil to China which can buy many times more than the combining sales to US and Western European countries. They can also sell the oil to India, only there is the fear India might sabotage and resell the oil to US and European countries with huge profit. 

If the Middle East Arab Muslim countries totally stop selling their oil to US and Western European countries it will paralyse their economy and all their economic activities will grind to a halt. This may make them reconsider about their diabolical behaviour in Palestine and the Middle East. Another action they can take is to organise a modern Jihad against Israel, US and the European powers. In this Jihad they will have the strong support of BRICS and all other countries of the South in Africa, Asia, South America and Central America including the countries of the Caribbeans like Cuba, Jamaica and Barbados. 

There is nothing to fear that the desperate Zionist Israel and the West might resort to use of nuclear weapons as this may result in massive nuclear reprisal by Iran, Russia and Pakistan. So the Middle East Arab Muslim countries and all Muslim countries of the free world must take concrete actions now to stop the genocide and killings of Palestinians and Muslim. 

Southernglory1 Monday, 14th October, 2024


Anonymous said...

This serves as a warning to all countries of the Free World never park your countries' sovereign funds with American banks and all Western European banks. All your money will be hijacked and gone. Look at how easily they robbed off Russia's 300 billion dollars parked in western banks in US, UK , France ,germany and switzerland.

Rosita Noordin

Anonymous said...

Watch out , rich people with millions or billions and trillions in ASEAN countries declare your income and pay your fare share of income tax. Remember money must be born and not just appear from thin air. Don't think you can hide your billions in Western banks especially American banks. It's never safe for white men can never be trusted. If they can just swallow 300 billion dollars of Russia's sovereign funds deposited in their banks, how safe can your billions be. Be honest and declare all your income and pay your due taxes and keep your money safe in your own countries' national banks.

Joseph Lazaru : Malacca : Malaysia

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans have the right to know where the government park the country's sovereign funds which is said to be in the hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars. Can anybody who knows please share the information?

Tan Siu Lui : A retiree

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog, Rosita Noordin, Joseph Lazaru and Tan Siu Lui.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily money in Western Banks that they can just seize like taking candy from a kid. Even investments in properties, movable assets like yachts are not safe from seizure. I think buying gold bars and keeping them at home under the bed is safer, LOL.

Luckily, I have nothing of value but my HDB flat, which belongs to the Government in reality.

Anonymous said...

Singaporean's have a right to know but does not have the right to ask about where those investments are parked. Just using the 'national security concern' quotation keeps a lid on those trying to ask the difficult questions.

Anonymous said...

Israel is the only country on this planet that can openly attack UN soldiers with zero consequence .

Anonymous said...

What say you our 'Principled' guy about those Israeli attacks on UN peacekeepers?

Anonymous said...

Singapore's foreign minister Bala said on principle he sanctioned Russia's part in the Ukraine War. Where is his so-called principle in United States backed Israel genocide of Palestinians and Arab muslims in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Double standard hypocrite, or because Anglo-Saxon United States and Zionist Jewish Israel have might and so it is alright for them to kill and genocide the Palestinians and muslims. What a shame? No integrity.

Abdul Mydin: Kelantan

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Abdul Mydin: Kelantan.