
Singapore's justice menu, a price for everything


The chart is copied from CNA. All those thinking of taking bribes better pin this on their walls to remind them of the consequences. It is like a menu, with the respective items and the prices for each item clearly stated. Good reference for future offenders.


Anonymous said...

How about a chart for kicking a cat or a dog? Understand the jail term could be much longer. The law does work in mysterious ways.

Anonymous said...

Ya lor, just in case we kick a cat or dog accidentally.

Anonymous said...

This chart is only good for those with money & good connection. For ordinary peasants, if want to accept bride, better makan big big & then chao lor...if kana caught..then blame yourself for not joining the white party earlier.

Anonymous said...

6 mths for $42k, 2 mths for $3k, like that better take $42k. The bigger, the cheaper, more worth taking. Got discount for taking more.

Anonymous said...

This is the 'hang qin', going rate. Can be used for mitigation. Junior officer can ask for shorter term for same amount, right?

Anonymous said...

I thought things work according to market demand, like HDB prices. I guess justice works the same way nowadays. Now I am beginning to understand why those other charges are withdrawn.

Anonymous said...

My friends and I are confused and confounded by the very light sentence since the gravity of the corruption is very serious both with regard to the criminal's high position as a minister and to the different forms of enhancing his corruption over a long period of time.

a non-plussed citizen

Virgo49 said...

Aiya Anon 1.02pm

There is a saying that: "When you happens to hit a dog or cat, you must realise or be careful who are their Masters lah"

Now even stay in First Class Cell.


Anonymous said...

He has no shame. He still talks freely per normal as if nothing has happened. Totally no self-respect, no integrity and no dignity. The only honourable thing left for him to do is to repent and ask God to take him to 'HE _ _ !'

Christine Rana

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Christine Rana and a non-plussed citizen.

Anonymous said...

If there is such a menu, sentencing can be outsourced to a robot.

Anonymous said...

This is a rare case where the judge handed out a heavier sentence than sought by the prosecution. Why?

Anonymous said...

They cannot set a precedent giving a short sentence like 6 months as desired by the prosecution or just 8 weeks by the defense. It will make a mockery of similar cases in future involving non elites. Non elites ought to be given even shorter sentences, which is even more ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Let us see how they deal with Ong Beng Seng.

Anonymous said...

One gave, one received. Which is more serious, the giver or the recipient?

Anonymous said...

Give and take not serious lah! Consensual!