
November Election, job numbers must look good, economy must look good...can adjust after election

 USA job figures are going through the roof, despite all the job cuts now going on. What is the magic formula that is making this happen? 254,000 jobs were created in September, if you believe that. There have been so many revisions downwards being made months later just this year, that it boggles the mind as to how those reports could be that wrong, sometimes by as much as 70,000 jobs extra. In other words, all those job statistics trotted out were merely plucked from the air with none the wiser. And the most ridiculous thing of all was and is that such miscalculation or misinformation is taken now as the norm by the public.

November is just a month away, and everything is so rosy. The stock market is breaking records every day. Job creation is in the clouds. When Trump, takes over, if he wins, he will bear the brunt of having to do even better than Biden and Harris in job creation. Trump will need a new magic formula to outdo Biden. We saw this happening before, with one claiming he did better in job creation than the other.

Oops, just saw a report that the CIA is recruiting spies to work against China. There must be so many recruitments that it changes the whole definition of job creation and contributed substantially to the 254,000-job created in September, LOL. 



Anonymous said...

When it is too good to be true, it is not true.

And how can it be true from the 'Nation of Liars'? I just wonder how long they are going to play this game of denial and fabrication.

Anonymous said...

With tech companies cutting staff, how could it be good? With businesses closing outlets like wildfire, how could it be called good? With lower income people holding 2 to 3 jobs to make ends meet, how can that be considered great job creation?

Oh yeah, Wall Street is breaking records every day. Every wonder where all that money printing goes?

Anonymous said...

Russia has no friends, so they gloated at the start of the Ukraine War. John Mearsheimer in a recent interview, now admits that half the world is on the side of Russia.

Russia is going to collapse from the sanctions by the West at the start of the Ukraine War, so gloated Joe Biden, the demented one. But never mind, Joe remembers not a thing about saying that. The world now knows that Russia is doing even better now, even outperforming the EU economically.

The USA and the West are stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to stop India and China from doing business with Russia. It is a forgone conclusion that China will never ever sever ties with Russia, despite all the propaganda and effort to throw spanners in their relations with fabrications about differences. Why kill the goose that is laying all the golden eggs for China. Cheap energy for China from Russia is fueling its competitive edge in manufacturing that the USA, Europe, Japan and South Korea are looking on with saliva dripping.

India, despite all the attempts by the USA and the West to pry apart its relations with Russia, is going nowhere. The USA and the West cannot alienate India using hardball tactics like they are using against China. India knows that cheap energy is most important for India and cutting off its lifeline is a no brainer. Buying energy from anywhere else is not going to be any cheaper than from Russia. So, India is not going to kill the goose laying the golden eggs as well.

Anonymous said...

Cognitive decline is affecting the USA, and no amount of fabrication is going to stem the reality. The clearest evidence is their uncompetitive spirit, their fear of competition. Erecting hurdles such as tariffs will do little to improve their abilities, and their decline will just continue down the road.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and this necessity is making China and Russia great again. They faced the issue of necessity to take on the challenge head on and is making them resilient, innovative and their co-operation is enabling them to take on the challenges posed by the West. The result is clear and simple to watch and dissect.

Russia is emerging from the sanctions even stronger economically instead of the gloom and doom envisaged. China is facing the tech war and chips war even more resilient and less dependent on the USA and its cronies, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. The latter two are facing economic gloom and doom themselves going forward. The Japanese Yen is slipping again towards banana status.

Anonymous said...

The EU, Japan and South Korea can continue to sacrifice for the USA. No one is going to stop them. The result is sayonara for Japan and for South Korea, whatever is appropriate to be said.