
North Korea and Iran need nuclear bombs to protect against nuclear terrorists like USA and Israel

 The same rhetoric about North Korea having the bomb and the whole world is going to be in grave danger. North Korea never really posed any danger to others, until the USA, Japan and South Korea started provocations by conducting military exercises on its doorstep throughout the years.

In reality, the whole world had been in grave danger since the USA had the bomb. The first country to suffer was Japan, with two nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and nobody said anything about the USA being the nuclear terrorist holding the world hostage.

It is only a matter of time that Iran will have its hands on a nuclear weapon for deterrence purpose and that has come true. Unless provoked, Iran will now have the ability to retaliate. This news is a real game changer.



Anonymous said...

So does Cuba and Venezuela. They're right at their doorstep and thus most effective. The yanks should not have defecated in their own backyard.

Anonymous said...

North Korea is right all along. We truly admire North Korea !

Anonymous said...

Iran is constrained by religion that forbids it to acquire nuclear weapon. Now it is held at ransom by the Israelis and Americans threaten to nuke Iran and Iran cannot have nuclear weapons to threaten to hit back. This is the pathetic state of Iran. Hope the realists and pragmatic in Iran went under the official religious position and acquire nuclear weapons unofficially. If not, Iran's fate is sealed as the Americans and Israelis are in the midst of planning to nuke and finish off Iran for good, no longer a threat forever.

Anonymous said...

The USA is always threatening those when it sees them as basically weak opponents. That was how they went into Vietnam, thinking the North Vietnamese were just easy meat. At one stage the USA had half a million troops fighting in Vietnam, on top of support from allies like South Korea, said to be the biggest force helping the USA, with about 300,000 rotating troops fighting in the Vietnam War. Getting entangled, they eventually found themselves fighting a war that they cannot win against the North and fled with tails between their legs.

The USA also went into Afghanistan, thinking it was a piece of cake with the Taliban farmers just using obsolete small arms compared to their big guns. They calculated wrongly and after 20 years of wasted effort, also fled with tails between their legs.

These are lessons that smaller and weaker countries have taught the USA that not all small countries are necessarily weak. The USA may have the same confidence trying to destroy Iran. They better believe than Iran is not that easy to destroy. History will bear testament to that. They Iranians are as tenacious as the Vietcong and the Taliban, and we know their history well enough. Iran has been reported to have tested a nuclear device recently and this is enough to tell the USA and Israel that there are unknown unknowns that may yet surprise them.

Anonymous said...

Israel faces a looming shortage of interceptor missiles as it shores up air defences to protect the country from attacks by Iran and its proxies, according to industry executives, former military officials and analysts.

The US is racing to help close gaps in Israel’s protective shield, announcing on Sunday the deployment of a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) antimissile battery, ahead of an expected retaliatory strike from Israel on Iran that risks further regional escalation.

“Israel’s munitions issue is serious,” said Dana Stroul, a former senior US defence official with responsibility for the Middle East.

“If Iran responds to an Israel attack [with a massive air strike campaign], and Hizbollah joins in too, Israel air defences will be stretched,” she said, adding that US stockpiles were not limitless. “The US can’t continue supplying Ukraine and Israel at the same pace. We are reaching a tipping point.”