
Mickey Mouse strategy to counter super powers

 The American strategy of creating fear, raising scarecrows to frighten the Mickey Mouse have worked wonders among the unthinking Mickey Mouse to the point that they became so blur to who is the real threat and the real terrorists in the world.

The formula is simple, there is a big threat, you need the Americans to protect you militarily, or you would be attacked and swallowed by the threat. Who swallowed up North America, who swallowed up Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Falklands to name a few. Anyway, many Mickey Mouse have joined the American camp, hiding under the American protective umbrella without knowing that they have been swallowed by the Americans. What they did not bargain for is that when the American terrorists started wars, the Mickey Mouse would ended up having to send their men and weapons to fight and die for the Americans instead. Yes, they ended up protecting the American interest, American hegemony and the American Empire instead of being protected by the Americans and living in peace.

This formula was good but is losing its relevance. The Americans can only protect the Mickey Mouse when they carry the biggest clout, when they can hit the rivals and the rivals cannot hit back. When the rivals carry as big a clout as the Americans, the Americans would back off.  A good example is in Ukraine. The Americans would only push the Ukrainians to fight in the front line. The Americans would not fight the Russians with American boys and girls. The other example is Syria. Syria would have gone the way of Iraq and other Arab states if Russia did not step in to stop the invasion. Syria is safe because Russia carries a stick as big as the American, if not bigger.

Now another scenario firing up in the Middle East. Sure, the American terrorists were all in to kill the Palestinians and its neighbouring Arabs and Muslims, because they cannot hit back. Even little Britain is eagerly involved in the genocide, feeling very safe as they would not be attacked, even launching from Cyprus.

The genocide is expanding and Iran is involved. Not to worry, the Americans can also nuke Iran like they nuked Japan. It is a very safe proposition. The most Iran can do is to hit Israel and some American assets in the region. Iran would not be able to hit the American homeland. So, a big attack against Iran is being planned, with the forces of the American terrorists and the mischievous Brits tagging along. The only possibility of stopping this is for Russia to move on like in Syria to defend Iran. Caveat, Iran just detonated a nuclear device. Iran could already have nuclear bombs from one way or another. Do not discount that. Iran cannot be sitting there doing nothing and waiting to be nuked. They would have done what is necessary to prevent being nuked and cannot hit back.

The Americans would only attack and run over countries that cannot hit back, like Iraq and Afghanistan and the Arab and African states. The Americans would back out in a war with China over Taiwan. There is no reason for American boys and girls to die for Taiwan when China can inflict as big a damage as the Americans, including nuking American homeland. It is a war that would not happen unless insanity got into the heads of the American terrorists in Washington. China can hit back and would hit back.

What option is left for the Mickey Mouse to counter super powers, even to provoke and challenge super powers? Buy more weapons, build a bigger military force. Buy one submarine or a warship, or a dozen aircraft would make a difference to counter a super power? This is the silly thinking of the Mickey Mouse. It is a grossly mismatch proposition. Only the shallow and unthinking would think of buying a ship or a boat, or a tank, to think it is good enough to take on a super power. 

But what to expect from Mickey Mouse? Their brain is not even bigger than a peanut. The best and most realistic solution to relations with big power is not aggression or war, but diplomacy and harmonious relationship, peaceful co existence. This is the cheapest and most reliable option to Mickey Mouse. Not all super powers harbours the intention of world hegemony. Not all super powers are like the American terrorists wanting to invade and control countries through wars and aggression, to meddle in other countries' internal affairs. 

Diplomacy and good relations are the key to peace, not provocations and aggression and wanting to fight a losing war when they have no chance at all. Stop listening to the American terrorists, stop making the American terrorists rich by buying their weapons of war. It is useless, pointless and simply stupidity. Mickey Mouse cannot afford to confront a super power militarily. Period.

PS. American terrorists' solution to any thing is war and military might. And Mickey Mouse think they can also use war to solve their problems, even going to war with super powers with a fishing boat.


Anonymous said...

Mickey is behaving this way as the yanks has all of Mickey's money in their paws. Pinoys should get rid of Mickey and all will be well.

Anonymous said...

It is the same strategy that man in white told the sillyporean. If you don't vote them you will not have a good life or you have to work oversea as a foreign maid. Opposition will spend all our reserve, we are target of terrorist, so must buy expensive toys from our americunt master to defend ourselves. Sadly, most sillyporean believe in all this nonsence.

Anonymous said...

Lebanon will begin importing more telecoms products from China after a wave of deadly attacks last month that targeted electronic devices, according to a Lebanese business group, which said the West had “lost credibility”.

Ali Al Abdullah, president of the Lebanese Chinese Business Association, said his country, along with “many other countries”, would reduce purchases of tech products from Western countries and “turn east for technology” due to safety concerns, adding that Western companies would “suffer major losses”.

“What happened is a lesson for Lebanon and the world,” he told China Global Television Network in an interview aired on Sunday.