
Mad and desperate Israelis wanting to nuke Iran...Be sure Iran can nuke Israel as well

 Scott Ritter is saying that Israel may be secretly considering the nuclear option now, as it is caught in a bind trying to counter attacks from all directions. Israel's Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, is in Washington meeting Lloyd Austin, probably sounding him out on the nuclear option. Do not believe the Israelis claiming that their mission is totally theirs in control and they are making decision all by themselves. Only the naive will believe that hogwash.

Moreover, it is clear that Israel's military resources, tanks and troops are spread out over too wide a territory to be meaningful, whatever the gloating by Netanyahu about Israel having long arms. That Iranian attack on Israel's F35 airbase could have also dented Israels air assault capabilities.

There is an ongoing war in Gaza against Hamas. There is a war now against Hezbollah. There are attacks coming from Iraq and the Houthis. There is the fear of Iran joining in as well, and with Russian support. Where is Israels priority now? How spread out are its troops and logistics?

Remember that Russia is now openly supporting Iran and a nuclear option by Israel is not going to be a one-sided affair. Iran does not need to make its own nukes now and can have them on a platter thanks to Putin. Will Israel take the risk of total annihilation by going for the nuclear option?



Anonymous said...

Israelis are fleeing the country since the start of the war a year ago, with the economy in free fall. That is one simple reason put forward to explain the situation. I think it goes far beyond that.

The other reason, for justification of security that cannot be discussed, must be the realization by the Israeli citizens that if Israel does use the nuclear option, it will just disappear from the face of the earth. With the 'Iron Dome' myth turning to dust, what other options do Israel have other than going for the nuclear solution, except that people in glass houses should think first before throwing stones.

Even if the war against all the Arab and Muslim states ends tomorrow, Israel is in deep trouble. The economy is in tatters, the relations with its neighbors on all sides is not going to be more cordial going forward. Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis will not just go away. The thousand killed in Gaza will not be easily forgotten and forgiven. There is a price to be paid and those related to the victims are not going to sit around and twiddle their thumbs. Of course, fighting back will be accused of terrorism, a one-sided term of reference by the Anglo-Saxon Whites while justifying their own terrorist mindset.

And what can the USA and Brits do? They will not always be around to provide babysitting measures for Israel. A long conflict may see them fleeing for cover like in Afghanistan. Proxies come and go, and Israel is no exception.

Anonymous said...

Cannot say like that. Natoyahoo will not be happy and might call you as 'a swamp of antisemitic bile' as it did to the UN. Israel's economy is doing as great as it's 'Irone Dome'.

Anonymous said...

If the Jews are really smart, they should flee the country immediately, especially those in the big cities like Tel Avi and Haifa. Once the Jews started to attack Iran, this time Iran will not avoid the cities. And you can imagine the casualties.
Go, Israel, go, you can hit Iran, and Iran cannot hit back. The Houthis, Hezbollahs and Hama are hitting back with only firecrackers. Will not kill any Jews. Not to worry.
And the Americans would help to attack the Iranians.