
Iron Dome and Patriot missile lies up in smokes...They are useless!

Try counting the number of missiles raining down and hitting target. Iron Dome is doomed. The missiles were not aimed at the centre of Tel Aviv, but would if Israel escalate by retaliating. Iranian missiles are not fire crackers. Israel has been warned. The next wave would be the centre of Tel Aviv. The Iranians and Arabs can hit back!
Iraq, Gaza, Beirut, Jordon Erupt In Joy As Tehran's Missiles Smash Israeli Air Defences

 Iran launched a major missile attack into the heart of Israel, raining at least a few hundred missiles and nearly every missile hit its target. The Iron Dome and Patriot missile defence systems were no where to be seen or heard. The Iranian missiles were free falling from the sky with no resistance.

The American and Israeli Iron Dome and Patriot defence systems, touted as invincible, were exposed to the world as nothing but myths, totally useless and hapless against the Iranian missiles. And this was only a small sample of what Iran can do. Iran has hundreds of thousands of missiles waiting to be launched. The Arab and Muslim countries are also watching. Can you imagine if all the Arab and Muslim countries were to launch an attack on Israel at the same time, there will be no Israel anymore. 

What is Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and of course Iran and Lebanon waiting for? Israel is standing naked, to be whipped. Even the Americans cannot help them. If the Americans get involved, just send a hundred missiles to the aircraft carriers and they would be history.

Israel has vowed to fight back with greater force. How many missiles and aircraft did Israel has against the Arab and Muslim states? Iran alone has more missiles than Israel. And Erdogan is waiting eagerly, his fingers are itchy, to press the buttons. He has talked a lot and has yet to be seen to be in action. The Arab and Muslim world are watching him and see if he is real.

 A major escalation of the war in about to begin. Would the rest of the Arab and Muslim world stand idly by when the Israelis, Americans, Brits and Nato attack Iran? Would Russia, China and Pakistan join in?

One thing for sure, nothing in Israel can stop the incoming missiles from turning Israel into another Gaza if they are foolish enough to attack Iran. All the American bases and warships would be attacked. Saudi Arabia and Jordan would be forced to act as well.

Welcome to WW3.

By the way, any twit still clamouring to buy American Patriot missiles or Israeli Iron Dome system after last night, 1 Oct 2024? Any twit still believing in the lies of the Americans and the Israelis about their invincible missile defence systems?


Anonymous said...

The 'Iron Dome' was indeed a myth created by Israel to deter the Arabs and Muslims from doing anything to Israel. This fear that missiles cannot break Israel is what cowed the Arabs and Muslims from attacking Israel. That myth managed to withstand for more than decade, a length of time during which the Arabs and Muslims were practically paralyzed with fear of the Israeli threat. No Arab or Muslim country tried to break it; no scrutiny mounted to test the theoretical effectiveness of the system.

The 'Iron Dome' myth had already been busted by Hamas in October 2023 and by Hezbollah months later by the Lebanese shooting cheap rockets and duds that needed expensive Patriot Missiles to counter. When those Patriots were exhausted in numbers, then the real destructive missiles and drones will do the job.

Lessons are learnt, not forgotten and Hezbollah knows now how to counter the 'Iron Dome' defense system. As in all things created by humans, sooner or later someone will find a way to counter it. Just look at Russia and how it is countering all the sanctions and deflecting the damage towards the perpetrators. Are the sanctions working and if not, that must be the biggest shame on the USA and the West. Russia alone is able to counter the might of the USA and NATO, rich countries inside the G7 and top of the crop in economic power. How NATO is suffering today and how Russia is becoming great again is a slap on the face of the USA and the West.

I still cannot fathom the mantra that the USA is almost in recession. It is already in recession and the only reason is that they are denying it. What is the reason for cutting interest rates when the economy is said to be doing so well? As Professor Richard Wolff said, Janet Yellen knows but is pretending not to know. She and her fellow juggler, Powell have reached the end of their tethers and can no longer kick the can further down the road.

Anonymous said...

Iran has acted. Where is Erdogan, where is Turkey? All words and all shows but not action. If Erdogan and Turkey continues to talk cock no action, the Arab and Muslim world would rule out Turkey as one of them. It also confirms that Turkey was play acting but on the side of Israel and the West.

Anonymous said...

This assertive and forceful attack by Iran is what the Arab and Muslim world is waiting for. It will unite all the Arab and Muslim forces to take on the Israelis and the AngloSaxon terrorist forces.
The war between the good against the bad, the real terrorist white men has started. They cannot go on starting wars and killing everyone with impunity under the lie that they were the good guys and the rest they called terrorists were the bad guys.
The world opens its eyes to see the real devils, there is no where to hide or to lie anymore.

Anonymous said...

As I said earlier, Turkey is in NATO. Turkey hosted USA nukes earlier against the Soviet Union. Turkey is not going to act against NATO and will not support Muslim states, even though it is a Muslim country itself.

Can Turkey be trusted? BRICS must think carefully.

Anonymous said...

The Patriot Missile Defense system was already proven to be a failure in Saudi Arabia, unable to protect Saudi oil installations against Houthi attacks just using unsophisticated rockets. The Saudis turned to Russia instead, opting for the S300. That move really was a slap on the face of the USA. But they can only threaten, and whine and Mohammad bin Salman just does not care a hoot.

Russia is now providing Iran with its sophisticated missile defense system and the West is paranoid.

Hezbollah meanwhile is ready for Israels forage into Southern Lebanon. They will be trapped there, just like Zelenskyy's foray into Kursk. Hezbollah will just pick them off like sitting ducks.

Therefore, which twit is still going to buy the Patriot Air Defense system is a good question.

Virgo49 said...

Iron Dome became TOMB!

Patriot became Pariah!

Why so many Commentators said that Iran is just giving a sort of warning to Israel!

Hello exterminate the Scoundrols lah!

Why scared to esclate the War ah?

Bidamn said that Iran failed to attack Isreal.

Now the Western Scoundrols alreday lembek lembek and you all the Arab Bros still dont want to finish the Israelis off ah?

Stupidity indeed

The Israelis had killed so many of your kind and and you all still wants to give the Scum live to fight and kill you all the next day ah!

Anonymous said...

Now that the Iron Dome myth is gone to dust, Israel says Iran will face consequences. Likewise, Iran tells Israel that retaliation is going to face consequences.

Iraq had joined Iran and so does the Houthis. I am sure Hamas is not going to stand by the wayside. This is a chance to put everything into settling the scores and I just wonder what is going to happen. When attack comes from all sides and direction, it is going to be pretty ugly. Oops, pretty and yet ugly sounds contradictory.

Anonymous said...

Those twits that believe everything the Americans said will buy. They will buy more F35s also. F35s are only stealth, cannot be seen, because they are parked in the USA.

Anonymous said...

Iran must have some long range missiles to hit the American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean, as far as Diego Garcia. When the Israelis counter strike at Iran, the Americans would be flying with them.
Make no mistake, the war against Israel is a war against the USA, just like the war in Ukraine. The real terrorists behind both wars are the Americans. Iran must be able to sink the aircraft carriers and also Diego Garcia to stop the Americans attacking them.

Anonymous said...

Stealth has taken a new meaning. Even the owner cannot see it, LOL.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 7.56

That's why China on the Sept 25 purposely fired a ICBM Missle into the South Pacific after 120000kms.

This is to tell the Americunts and theie lackeys that we can get you.

Don't play play.

A stern warning that we could also burn your soils to dust.
