
Iraq, under the guise of democracy, US invaded and colonised Iraq

 The USA planned to export democracy to Iraq to get rid of Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi population supported that move. Now the Iraqis are worse off, with the country still in chaos and their oil being stolen by the USA.

Twenty years after 'mission accomplished' brought nothing constructive but more misery to Iraqis, more violence in the country, which is now against the USA in the Middle East and attacking Israel.

It is too late to regret for Iraqis that supported the USA in toppling Saddam Husein. Rather the dictator than the devil is what their biggest regret now. At least with Saddam Hussein there was relative peace and control of their oil. Now all is gone, and the devil is not intending to leave, just benefiting itself with the oil seizures that does not benefit the Iraqis. No, they will not leave like in Afghanistan, without the oil to tie them down. 



Anonymous said...

The USA also tried to export its democracy to Vietnam and got burnt very badly. Likewise, their intent to spread democracy to Afghanistan ended in abject failure and US$2 trillion thrown into a black hole, with the democratic endeavor disappearing without a trace. Oops, sorry billions of dollars of weapons also disappeared with them and traced into the arms of the Taliban.

To add insult to injury, the Taliban reverse-engineered and reconditioned those weapons that were supposedly rendered unusable into parade-worthy showpieces to antagonize the USA. Never underestimate farmers of having that capability. After all, they also drove the USA out of the country, just like Mao Tze Tung. Afghanistan is doing the right thing today, wanting to trade with China and even building roads in difficult terrain across the Himalayas, which is the Wakhan Corridor, to show to China and inviting China to bite. In fact, Afghanistan shares a narrow common border with Xinjiang and trade can be really convenient and fruitful. I was never aware they were that close geographically as neighbors, honestly.

Anonymous said...

Biden even wanted a regime change in Russia. He wants to turn Russia into a democracy by gloating about taking out Putin. Well, he did try to turn the Ruble into rubbles and collapse the Russian economy. What happened? His plan misfired and now his allies are suffering instead of Russia. He thinks that Russian citizens all share his mission, like in Iraq. The USA leaders can keep their warped democratic mindset at home to fool their own citizens.

Anonymous said...

A regime change is a very aggressive act of war. For instance if the Americans want to do a regime change in Singapore, it is like removing the PAP government and put in their men and party to be the new rulers.
It happened in Ukraine, they started a coup to remove the elected president and put in Zelensky as the President. This is like the Emperor taking over a country.
A regime change is a very malicious and unacceptable interference of the affairs of another country. It is an act of war.
Putin should tell the Americans he wants to do a regime change, to remove Biden and put Trump as the President.