
How the American terrorists coerced their allies and doggies to do their bidding or else?

 It is quite often to hear stupid doggies of the Americans complaining about being influenced or coerced by China to go against the American terrorists. But none of the American colonies and doggies would dare to breathe a word about how they were coerced by the Americans, practically daily, to go against China, Russia or any country the Americans labelled as enemy.

The American terrorists are ruthless and dictatorial in dictating to their colonies and doggies what to do and what they cannot do. The biggest victims to date are the European states. They were having a little difficulty in the well being of their economies but still doing ok, people going to work, living a life normally, and in peace. Now their economies are heading into the abyss, forced by the Americans not to trade with China and Russia, cannot buy, cannot sell, sanctions, all at the expense of their economic well being. Many of the European states are going into recession and would never climb out of the shit hole again, given the enemies they created with their stupid acts the Americans imposed on them. They are not going to get cheap oil and gas, cheap raw material not just from Russia, the Middle East, not even from Africa and Latin America. And they are not going to get cheap and good consumer goods from China. And their chips and chip making equipment would have no buyers.

Americans did not coerced the European states to kill their own economies? The European states willingly do so to destroy their competitiveness and quality of life? How many silly buggers believe this is the case? And why the Europeans are not crying out loud? They can't or they would be booted out of office by regime change. They are virtually colonies of the American Empire.

In other parts of the world, other than economic sanctions, they are forbidden to use Huawei's advanced 5G network system, only allowed to use fake 4.5G touting as 5G.  Not allowed to buy China's high quality EVs at affordable prices, forced to sanction China and Russia at the dictates of the Americans. Cannot use China's Beidou advanced satellite positioning system and stuck with the antique American GPS. 

And the Americans have virtually taken over their main media to spew American propaganda and fake news against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea etc etc. The control of the main media of a sovereign state to badmouth American enemies is as good as taking over the national policy making function of such countries, mostly American colonies and doggies. And as usual, these colonies and doggies would put up a brave front like nothing of sort is happening. The American masters are so nice, so democratic, freedom, etc etc. They may even turn around to accuse China as the culprit in coercing and influencing their policies, but not a word about how their arms being twisted by the American terrorists to act against their national interests. Many are held at ransom by the American terrorists, beholden to the American terrorists. The worst off are those with military treaty or pacts with the American terrorists and American bases in their lands. MBS and Saudi Arabia are warned against joining BRICS or be taken over by the American terrorists. MBS would be removed or assassinated.

You are with us or against us, speaks volumes about how much control the American terrorists have over their colonies and doggies. No amount of pretences can hide from the truth of what is really going on behind closed doors. Becoming American allies or doggies is not protecting themselves but protecting the American Empire, be slaves to the American Empire.

Fighting against the biggest trading partners, not trading with the biggest trading partners, not buying or selling to the biggest trading partners, are stupid things that no free country would do. American colonies and doggies have no freedom to act on their own without the permission of the American terrorists. Europe would be the first to head towards bankruptcies

The world has changed. America and the West are in decline. They are digging a big hole to bury themselves in. The policy of joining the winning side needs a rethink. The old thinking of the 20th century, the oldies, are outdated and need to be replaced with younger and clear thinking intellectuals that are in tune with the new world dynamics. Stop clinging onto a piece of old furniture that is no longer useful or relevant. Joining the winning side is the way to go. Caveat, must be clear as to which is the winning side.

Politics is a different game. Being faithful to an ageing old lover suffering from dementia would mean being buried together or be discarded when the old lover loses its ability to use its clout, or to stand up.

1 comment:

Virgo49 said...


China said. "NO" to
UAssA and the Euro Nuts's economy sinks into Recession and the UAss Economy follows suit.

Best news ever
