
Heavens is punishing the damn Americunts with the Hurricanes and Twisters

 Good morning All

Now Heavens is punishing the damn Americunts with the Hurricanes and Twisters.

This is Karma from the High Heavens that even their Almighty God We Trust is angry with all their Evil Deeds to the Human Race.

Pray Hard to Heavens now and Repent or else worse Catastrophes shall rain on you soon.

The next BIG ONES shall be the Necular Bombs from Russia and China and Iran and North Korea.

Pakistan may also join in the Fun for killing their brethren and sisters.

So better wake your idles or ideas!

Your Mafia Gangsters Militaries shall as my 2SIR Sergeants shouted

We put you all to the Osso Course then you know.

Meaning the Obstacles Course lah!

You shall faint there and cry Heavens and.Earth also no use.

So Americunts pay heed.


1 comment:

Virgo49 said...

Morning All

Throughout the century been devastating all other countries especially the Coloured Peoples and now your own devastated by the Almighty High Heavens.

More to come if you Scoundrels and
Scums still carry on your EVIL Deeds.

Likewise Jepun, still having second thoughts of militarism and of militstics minds.

Bombed you scoundrels to dust.

Still no repentance and wanted an ASIAN NATO?

Own country already going to the dogs, oops dogs too high status should be going to the SKUNKS.

Soon very soon.