
Gaza Genocide - Who are the real butchers of the Palestinians, women and children?

 The reported number of Palestinian civilians killed in Gaza is 43,000. The truth is anything from 100,000 to 200,000, and still growing daily. It is so shameful that the world could not do anything to stop this genocide at all. And the butchers continue slaughtering the Palestinians with impunity, like animals, no guilt, no crime, no consequences. Where are the UN, ICC, ICJ, western media crying for justice, crying for freedom, crying for protection of human rights, in this case human lives and crimes against humanity?

Who are the real butchers behind this genocide? Many would simply say Netanyahu and his Jewish gang. This is partially right. The deceit, the biggest lie, is that no one dares to point the finger at the real butcher. Everyone pretends not to know, not to see the elephant in the room.

The Israelis are just the hatchet men, the people doing the killing on behalf of their masters, the real murderers. Without them, the Israelis cannot do it and get away with it. Now the genocide is extending to Lebanon, and the real butchers are still strutting around, acting so innocently, like angels, calling for a ceasefire, talking to this country and that country, acting so busy. Anyone with a little interest cannot miss this great deception.

Without the Americans and the Brits, the Jews would not have a field day killing the Palestinians. Without the Americans and the Jews, the Israelis would not have enough ammunition to last a month. Without the Americans and the Brits, the Arab and Muslim states would over run Israel to the ground in less than a week.

It is so hypocritical, so shameful, that no one dares to call out the real murderers of the Palestinians. They are the Americans and the Brits. The two most evil and barbaric AngloSaxon tribes on earth. Between them, they have killed several hundred millions of people. They are the mastermind and real protagonists, feeding the Israelis all they need to kill the Palestinians. Even the Arab and Muslim states are also acting and thinking that the Americans and the Brits are so innocent. It is the Israelis that are doing the killing, look no further. Is it out of ignorance or fear that they would not point the finger at the real murderers? In a way, it is like the Ukraine War. It is an American war against the Russians. The Ukrainians are just the cannon fodder, sent out there to die for the Americans while the Americans finance the whole operation from behind.

Anyone still sleeping, pretending to be stupid or ignorant, not wanting to know who are the real murderers of the Palestinians? As for the Arab and Muslim states, many are still in love with the Americans and the Brits and would not want to know the truth. Knowing the truth means they cannot be sleeping and kissing the Americans and the Brits asses openly. So it is best to keep the deception as it is, and NO one knows the truth.

After centuries of being exploited by the white men, lied to, cheated, manipulated, massacred, robbed, looted, bullied, abused, divided and ruled by the white men, they did not learn a single thing. They are still as blind as before, as daft as before. White men are good, especially the Americans and the Brits. How can anyone accused the Americans and the Brits for butchering the Palestinians? They are working so hard to create a state called Palestine for the Palestinians. What veto in the UN? Who vetoed? Must be China or Russia, definitely NOT the Americans or the Brits! Really?

In a way, the Arab and Muslim world deserves to have good friends like the Americans and the Brits, Israel included. They can be trusted wholeheartedly. With such good friends, they don't need enemies.

PS. The American terrorist leader Blinken smeared China as the aggressor in the South China during the Asean Summit, acting so innocent, when the Americans are behind the tension and trouble in the South China Sea. The Americans are so innocent, acting like the policeman, the big gangster stepping in to protect the Mickey Mouse sent by them to provoke China and create trouble for China. And the western media, including all the cronies, would echo, China is the aggressor. They cannot see the dirty fingers of the Americans poking here and there, all covered with shit.


Anonymous said...

We urge the very principled Vivian Bala to impose sanctions on International-rules-breaking genocidal Israel, as he did without hesitation on Russia . .

Anonymous said...

Cannot. Must ask his master's permission first.

Anonymous said...

Macron is asking Iran to help to de-escalate the conflict in the Middle East, claiming that Iran had the mandate to do its part to those now leveraging on its help.

Is he really serious or pretend to be trying to play the angel to bring peace to the Middle East? His first priority in that direction should be to ask the USA to stop supplying more weapons to Israel to commit genocides, war crimes and assassinations all over the Middle East. After all, Israel is the recipient of all the USA aid and the USA should have the mandate and leverage to rein in Israel. Why is he not doing that and barking up the wrong tree?

Israel targeting and striking the UN peacekeeper's operation quarters is a war crime clear and simple. Netanyahu thinks he is God almighty and can do what he likes, without consequences. And yet the UN seems unable to mount any sensible counter to the Israeli act. Which sensible country is now willing to provide peacekeeping personnel for the UN if such terrorist act goes unpunished?

Anonymous said...

Propagandists mastered the art of inserting 'Principles' and 'Integrity' in their narratives', is a page from the Western playbook to groom a huge society of unthinking, robotic servile sheeple.

Anonymous said...

Even so called elites are unthinking, what to expect from the masses.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the daft leading the daft works like a charm, like the USA and EU.

Anonymous said...

You are so right. The hillbillies are so dumb without knowing they are dumb. And being dumb, they think Trump and Kamala are brilliant when both are equally dumb. The dumb hillbillies cannot see what is wrong.

Anonymous said...

The dumbing down of the USA was carried out over years, even decades, using the MSM, and the elites ruling the USA have succeeded. Now it is just a question of making them even dumber and they can rule till eternity.

Anonymous said...

I am truly amazed by the Arabs and Muslims' love and trust for the Americans. They even invited them to set up military bases in their countries to protect them, and hoping that the Americans would support the creation of a state of Palestine.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese saying - Beat dog must first see who the dog's master is.