
Fentanyl - CIA is the biggest drug lord

 The USA loves throwing money into black holes, more than loving its own people. The money thrown around the world creating wars could have been better used to lift its citizens out of poverty, homelessness and infrastructure renewals. But why worry, when it can just print at will. Money is no problem to the USA and what it wants to do with it, right?

The most ridiculous accusation is that USA's unsolvable drug problem is all because of China providing drugs to its addicts. If that is the case, why isn't China itself having the same drug problem. flush with drugs to send to the USA? China would be better off manufacturing stuff like EVs, consumer products, smartphones and chips to sell to the world than just producing drugs for the USA addicts. The drug lords in the Philippines, the drug cartels in the Golden Triangle, said to be under the control of the CIA, could do a better job than China. They have all the open channels to enable the drugs to enter the USA.



Anonymous said...

Afghanistan, the land the USA sought to control, is the biggest producer of drugs. Ever wonder why the USA wants Afghanistan, when Afghanistan is devoid of oil. Fight terrorism? That reason just makes my toes laugh. The answer undoubtedly lies in the massive drug cultivation source that the USA wanted to control. Suffice to say, even their military leaders are left in the dark over what their purpose was remaining for 20 long years in Afghanistan.

20 years of occupation in Afghanistan did not cut off the drug production channel and gives an idea of what the USA was really trying to do in Afghanistan. Fight terrorism? Of course, branding the Taliban as terrorists gives the USA the justification to remain in Afghanistan for 20 years until they could not win against the Taliban and fled with only their pants on, leaving behind billions of dollars of weapons.

Why is the USA so interested in Myanmar and the countries surrounding the Golden Triangle? To promote democracy? Again, that reason makes my toes laugh as well. It is the drug trade, which some sources said the Golden Triangle is controlled by the biggest drug lord, the CIA. Which is why attempting to get rid of them is an exercise in futility.

Why is the USA so pissed off when Duterte cracked down on the drug lords in the Philippines? Using human rights to demonize Duterte works as we now know. The Drug Lords have more or less won the day and the CIA benefits most of all. Isn't war against drug lords the pre-occupation of the rest of the world. Why is that suddenly a crime against humanity with the killings of the drug lords?

Now Karma is coming back to haunt the USA. But China is always the ready-made bogeyman for all the ills of the USA. Have I said the wrong thing?

Anonymous said...

The American terrorists use the catchphrase 'terrorism' to invade countries and stay them. They are still in Syria and Iraq. This is a violation of a state's sovereignty, against international law.
This is the Rules Based Order of the American terrorists. They can invade Singapore or any Asean state or any country by spreading the lie that there are terrorists in your country. Indonesia better watch out.

Anonymous said...

Why Chinese companies must never invest in India !

In late September, Sanjeev Sanyal, a member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, batted for allowing Chinese FDI in non-strategic sectors during an interview with India media. His question was: if India is importing increasing amounts of parts from Chinese companies, why not allow those parts to be manufactured within India. This, he said, would create jobs and bring in capital and know-how. India needs all three.

From a strategic point of view, he said that while India doesn’t want companies like Huawei in its telecommunications sector due to well known security concerns, Chinese plants in India could even become ‘hostages’, should such a need ever arise

Anonymous said...

I would not blame the Indians if the Chinese continue to be stupid and invest in India. They deserve to be robbed and cheated by the Indians.

Anonymous said...

Singaporean multi-billion investments in India are already held hostages - money down the drain that could have been used to cushion the huge increase in compulsory CPF MediShield Life premiums

Anonymous said...

Still not enough, throwing more every year in the billions, and not seeing any returns. More tax hikes, more fare hikes, more fee hikes.

Anonymous said...


While the USA and EU are throwing money into a Ukraine black hole, someone over here is throwing money into an Indian black hole. This one really, really black, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Was DBS then kena held hostage by the Indian government to inject much needed capital into the sinking Indian Lakshmi Vilas Bank in November 2020 ?