
Cognitive decline of the USA, nothing can stop it

 Cognitive decline is affecting the USA, and no amount of fabrication is going to stem the reality. The clearest evidence is their uncompetitive spirit, their fear of competition. Erecting hurdles such as tariffs will do little to improve their abilities, and their decline will just continue down the road.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and this necessity is making China and Russia great again. They faced the issue of necessity to take on the challenge head on and is making them resilient, innovative and their co-operation is enabling them to take on the challenges posed by the West. The result is clear and simple to watch and dissect.

Russia is emerging from the sanctions even stronger economically instead of the gloom and doom envisaged. China is facing the tech war and chips war even more resilient and less dependent on the USA and its cronies, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. The latter two are facing economic gloom and doom themselves going forward. The Japanese Yen is slipping again towards banana status. 



Anonymous said...

Long ago, Xi Jinping, a great man with far vision, had already foreseen and declared that “the East is rising while the West is declining”. . .

Anonymous said...

I think the USA election today shows the quality of their leadership. How in the world could these two jokers, Trump and Harris, be considered the best there is to lead the USA is indeed a joke. Harris was already a failure as Vice President. They are now debating issues that boggles the mind. When one dances during a rally, the other comes out to make fun of it. And they are basically making fun of each other in front of daft voters, who will clap and cheer. This is sheer lunacy. They are treating election rallies like a carnival, just have fun and the future will take care of itself.

The decline is already obvious, no denial about it. It would have been blunted in the eyes of the world if China had not risen to compete with the USA to elicit a comparison. That competition reveals, warts and all, that the USA is really uncompetitive and not as innovative as the world had been led to believe. We already knew that when the USA had to invent reasons to suppress France's Alstom and Japan's Toshiba for being too innovative.

That the USA is great is just for grandstanding, otherwise, why would Trump need to continue repeating that he is going to make the USA great again. You do not make a country great when it is already great. Trump should make USA even greater if the USA is already great.

Actually, I am not saying that the USA was really that great either. The USA already showed its fragility when Japan was rising so fast after suffering all the damage during WW2, that the USA and the West had to put Japan down. How could Japan, a little country in Asia, ever harbor the thought of overtaking the great USA.

Now China is on their radar for rising and competing so well against the greatness of the great USA. It is bad publicity showing the world who is rising and who is sliding. The truth hurts!

Anonymous said...

The sickest country on earth was great on the 60s and 70s. But when they were great, they were also lazy and became decadent, which started the decline. Then with their hegemony, they took shortcuts to stay ahead rather than to invent, innovate and work hard. The rest is history.

Anonymous said...

The US hegemony was actually a plan contrived by the Anglo-Saxon Whites to rule the world forever. They thought they had the perfect system, the support of all Anglo-Saxon Whites, the control of the global economic system and, having destroyed the Soviet Union, the world is theirs to rule and control.

To them, Empires collapsing and Dynasties biting the dust are not going to bring down their perfect system, embracing military power, economic might and control of all the world bodies like the UN, WTO, ICJ, SWIFT, global exchanges for energy, food and raw materials. It was so perfectly put together which nobody else could think of.

Remember however that whatever man can create, man will be able to destroy.

Anonymous said...

The USA is self-destructing right before our eyes.