
Chinese companies are world beaters without the need to hire foreign CEOs

 Who spread the myth that you need to hire foreign CEOs, with international experience, to lead MNCs? Who spread the myth that universities need to have foreign lecturers and foreign students to be called good? Oops, cosmetic value, to be on top of a superficial ladder to be noticed.

Who would benefit from silly countries believing in such myths and applying them without thinking? The scheme is good to create employment opportunities for foreigners at the expense of local academics. Foreigners got employed, gain exposure and experience while local academics ended up unemployed and collecting dust in the bookshelves. The same goes to the professionals in the industries. Giving good jobs to foreigners, pay them very well to get trained, gain experience to beef up their CVs. Singaporean professionals unemployed, with holes in their CVs, and many lost confidence in their own abilities and in themselves and become the jokes of foreigners. Unemployed, no income, no chance to be trained, no chance to gain experience....all the good opportunities given to foreigners.

Who would hire foreign CEOs to run companies that are not much different from chicken rice stalls, local environment, local customers, local laws and culture, and competing with local companies, and did not have business overseas? You need a foreigner with international exposure to run chicken rice stalls?

The people that invented such myths are not really smart. It is the suckers that believed in such myths that made them look smart, at the expense of the citizens and think they are very smart, still dare to ask the citizens to vote for them.

Practically every successful Chinese companies, world champion companies, are run by Chinese CEOs. Practically every big Chinese banks are headed by Chinese without international experience. And the top 4 international banks in the world, and several in the top ten, all have Chinese CEOs and are doing damn well, not collapsing, unlike American banks that hired foreign CEOs and are collapsing one by one. Many American MNCs are also collapsing one by one, all headed by foreign CEOs with international experience. These companies are now regretting but too late.

Are the successful banks and companies in Singapore successful because they hired foreign CEOs or because of their brand, the Singapore Brand? The Singapore Brand was built over several decades and has gained great recognition and acceptance. The DBS Bank is not just a bank, did not become successful because of a foreigner CEO, but because it is a Singapore Bank backed by the Singapore govt and Singapore's reputation as a bank that can be trusted, with the highest integrity and security.  

And Tik Tok hired a Singaporean with no international experience other than his foreign education, to be its CEO and very successful. And Chinese universities are tops because of the quality of their academics and the work they produced, not because they have foreigners in their staff. They are tops for real good reasons, not cosmetic reasons. Not putting on lipsticks and mascara to look pretty.

What do you think? Should Chinese companies go overseas to head hunt for foreign CEOs to run down their successful businesses that are successful internationally? 

PS. The Chinese are smart enough to learn only what is useful to them, not blindly following everything they see or hear.


Anonymous said...


Because TikTok competed so well, they thought that their CEO must be a Chinese, even a member of the CCP. And they probably thought Singapore is a Province in China.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Singapore may want to send a team to China to teach them to hire foreigners to take over Chinese businesses to be successful...and head towards the third world.

Anonymous said...

China does not trust Indian talents. Just look at the USA today. The proof is already there.