
China has proven that Communism can triumph over fake western democratic system in just 40 years!

 China, as a communist country, is now irrelevant for the purpose of demonization, because China proved that communism works better than democracy. Forty years is all it took to bring down the myth that democracy will always triumph over communism. Without that narrative to support its outdated evil hegemonic mindset, the USA and its doggies are using another tactic by demonizing China's domination in manufacturing overcapacity, China's domination of raw materials and supply chains and China's expanding global influence, especially in Africa and Latin America. China is slowly working on upping its influence in the Middle East and the Pacific Islands.

In trying to curb China's manufacturing, the USA and its doggies are using trade wars, tariffs, technology strangulation to put China down. When China is able to manufacture products so cheaply, it is no brainer to think that this avenue of attack will succeed. There is an analysis put up by Kevin Walmsley on his site 'Inside China Business' that revealed why China's EVs are dominating the world and why the USA and EU and even Japan are lagging far behind. Chinese EVs have been stripped apart by the West and Japan and they found out that the Chinese have managed to incorporate many separate parts together to produce more efficient and cheaper EVs.

In trying to wrestle back control of raw materials, the USA and the West now found themselves unable to go back to Africa or South America to take control of those raw materials now in Chinese hands. Their attempt to take control of rare earth minerals in Mongolia also failed miserably. The USA and the West also found that they lack the refining and processing facilities and now have to build them up from scratch. What is even more uncertain for them is the ability of the Chinese to kill off those facilities they intend to set by rendering them incapable of competing against Chinese domination.

Chinese influence is growing in the Middle East and South Asia region, particularly Afghanistan, Pakistan and the five big states of Central Asia. China is exploring co-operative ventures to fund a new link with Afghanistan and Pakistan for its oil imports from the Middle East and be less dependent on the Straits of Malacca. China is building and upgrading ports in Pakistan, ostensibly to host its security arrangements for those ventures that rattles India. 



Anonymous said...

The democratic system is failing big time in USA. The MSM will not talk about it. Janet Yellen will keep harping on the strength of the USA economy. The MSM will keep gloating on the daily record highs set by USA stock market. The USA Government will keep fabricating the rosy jobs market despite all the business closures and tech layoffs.

Banks in USA are in deep trouble. There is a massive mountain of losses hidden in their books after years of investing in USA bonds as stipulated by the USA Government, with the banking watchdog closing both eyes to the problem. All the frenzied money printing ended up in USA banks with investing in bonds necessary to fund the USA deficit spending. This cannot go on forever, as the banks are carrying the losses unknown to the public. Depositors are in for a rough ride as losses cannot be covered anymore. Either way, even if the FDI were to cover the losses, such coverage will come from public funds, from the taxes levied on USA citizens. It is just robbing Peter to pay Paul.

To get a good idea of the USA's economic problems, which have been avoided being discussed by the MSM, I recommend readers to go to the Youtube site of Ric Bender, a treasure trove of USA economic news with well explained dissection of the economic problems in the USA.

Do not get carried away either by the rosy picture painted of the economy, about retails sales being better. It is all a mirage. The uptick in retail sales figures are all about price increases of everyday products and nothing about improve sales numbers. As inflation hits, things will get more expensive, but people just buy less. Still the values will go up, right.

As for the rosy job statistics, that is all a mirage conjured from thin air. If the USA job statistics can be caught out by hundreds of millions in subsequent adjustments, can we ever believe in them?

There is another tsunami arising from property crashes and foreclosures resulting from all the business failures and store closures. This has never been discussed much in the MSM as well.

In the USA, everything today is interpreted as great, resilient and rosy. Did anyone say purple as well?

Anonymous said...

Whatever the type of political/government system we talk about, ultimately it is still human who is running the show. If the 1% in power that control the population only think about their self interest then no matter what system it is running, the average people will suffer. In China, you have to work through the grassroot for years in order reach the top 1%. In Sinkieland, you need to be born to the right family or join the right party (maybe good in tickling the bosses balls) even without any relevant experiences you can be sure of being part of the top 1%.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the line between Dictatorship and Democratic rule is so blurred that it does not make sense. Some democracies are by the 1%, for the 1% and catering to the 1%. Some Dictatorships are by the country, looking after the whole country and catering to the whole population. Now, which is your choice as a normal person?

Anonymous said...

Unless the West can prove that China's system is a failure, they are toast. No amount of fabrication, misinformation or disinformation is going to change the reality.