
China gets ahead with long term planning by the CPC

 How China succeeded was thinking years ahead, supported by hardworking Chinese people, a cohesive national resolve to rise after the century of humiliation and shame, and putting everything into wanting a peaceful rise instead of resorting to wars and instigating conflicts to seize resources from others.

There was no jealousy seeing Japan, South Korea, Singapore and others rising and making good. China wanted its place within the circle of the Asian Tigers and succeeded. China took up all the challenges through grit and hard work, building up its manufacturing, securing all the raw materials, suffered all the demonization of its polluting industries, which it has since tried to get rid of with its building of clean energy sources like hydropower, solar and wind. These were soon to be demonized as well, and we now can see the demonization of EVs with all the tariffs.

Whatever China now creates, the USA and EU wants to destroy. China is introducing clean energy products like EVs, solar panels and wind turbines and the USA and EU wants to put a stop to that. All have been demonized one way or another. Wind turbines are killing birds, so said Trump. EVs are now catching fires all over the world and the world is burning, so reported an anti-China charlatan on social media.

In the final analysis, who is really trying to save the earth and who is trying to sabotage that mission?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The USA and the West are now building toilets when the urge to poo is very urgent, so goes a Chinese idiom. They are basically going backwards to build infrastructures, logistics, looking for raw materials after thinking about bringing back manufacturing, which they already lost decades ago.

Acting on the spur of the moment is the modus operandi of the USA and the West. They do not even think of the consequences in some of their actions. Look at the sanctions they imposed on Russia and the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines. Did they ever think of the consequences befalling the EU? I guess they do, but knowing that, making the EU the scapegoat and benefitting from the sale of expensive energy to the EU is all to cater to the interest of the USA. What happens to the EU is just collateral damage, nothing personal and worth the sacrifice.

Everything is worth the sacrifice as long as it benefits the USA. Even sacrificing the lives of half a million Iraqi children is worth the sacrifice for the USA to seize Iraqi oil. Getting rid of Saddam Hussein is probably the side dish and not the main course. Introducing democracy into Iraq is an even more grotesque reason.