
Catholic Popes of bygone days and world politics

 The Catholic Popes of bygone days always claim they were the representatives of God and so always play the role of God in dealing with world affairs. That was what Pope Romanus in 1455 did when he proclaimed his Godly power to empower his Christian killers and murderers and genociders to go round the world rampaging, plundering and slaughtering and invading all other non-white and non-Christian countries all in the name of his naked outrageous so-called Christian God. 

The white people and white Christian countries have never stopped practising Pope Romanus evil and wicked practices. They are still playing God and deciding who to kill, assassinate and slaughter and which country or countries to attack, destroy and invade. They can carry out all their most wanton and brutal atrocities against non-Christian believers and non-Christian countries and all will be alright with no sin or criminality as they are all carried out in the name of their Christian God.

Just look at how Anglo-Saxon United States and its Christian European allied powers attacked and devastated Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine and many other countries in Africa and South America. So all their sins and crimes against humanity will be forgiven and they will go to heaven because of their faith and believe in their Christian God, Jesus. 

What a hollow claim, utter hogwash rubbish. Even if their blind God will forgive them of their crimes we the people and countries of the South will ensure they face Karma or retribution and that they will be ultimately destroyed and sent into oblivion in Hell.

Sommatat Somchai : Bangkok - Thailand.


Anonymous said...

I am apt to believe that Christianity is such a widely followed religion stems from the early days when it was shafted down the throats of Natives by force, enforced conversion through conquest of weak countries, indoctrination and using the carrot and stick of using heaven and hell to instill fear. Human beings have two major weaknesses that had been exploited - greed and fear. Greed for wanting heavenly bliss and fear of the unknown befalling them if they do not follow.

If Christianity is so well accepted, why did it fail in China and India and even Red Dot. Muslim countries have their own safeguards against Christianity, which forbids Muslims from being converted to Christianity. That is their 'Red Line'.

Here, Buddhism lost the edge in becoming a well adopted religion worldwide, particularly in the West, because Buddhism, which by the way is more a philosophy than a religion, believes in freedom of choice, and that belief is not handed down or imposed by parents to offsprings by force. That is why Buddhism harbor this belief by advising would be followers to understand the beliefs and doctrines before getting converted.

Today, Buddhism is still a major religion in China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar and Singapore.

Anonymous said...

How the Christian church forced the Natives of Canada to be indoctrinated had been reported recently. Native children were forced to be sent to indoctrination centers masquerading as schools and many died from mistreatment and just buried inside the grounds.