
BRICS should be given a chance to replace the American hegemony

500 years of western colonialism, imperialism and hegemony are coming to an end. The people of the world have seen what it is like living under the control and domination of the West. The Americans are fighting tooth and nail to retain their control over the world. The Gaza Genocide and the Ukraine War are two pieces of the jigsaw for world hegemony and control. In every America literature, it was clearly written and explained that the intent of the Americans is not about democracy or freedom, but about continuation of Pax Americana.

The rise of BRICS, or the reasons for BRICS existence need no further explanation. It is an organisation grew out of a need to find an alternative to western domination and oppression. The countries of the world have had enough of wars, tensions, sanctions, exploitation, isolation, bullying and divide and rule by the Americans and the West. All the evidence is out there, all the countries that have lived under the American bullying and oppression are testaments to abuses and aggression of the American Empire and the plundering by the West.

Latin America is still a divided continent of poor nations constantly attacked by the Americans with intervention, regime change, threats and invasion. The Americans would not let them become rich and prosperous nations like Europe. The state of Cuba, condemned and sanctioned into generations of poverty by the American terrorists is despicable. The UN cannot do anything to free the Cubans from poverty, from oppression by the Americans.

Africa, a continent of 54 nations, supposedly independent but barely. The Americans and the West are still colonising these states in one way or another. The luckier ones that are truly independent are still beleaguered with internal strife caused by the American and Western terrorists and their support for terrorist groups. Some are filled with American and Western financed mercenaries operating independently within some African states, causing and threatening instability, civil wars and overthrow of the incumbent govts. Africa is still struggling to break free from the yoke of American Imperialism and western colonialism.

The Middle East have been under the crutches of the Americans and the West for centuries, made and manipulated to fight against each other, poisoned by the Americans and the West, to be at unending wars among themselves without knowing why they were fighting each other, and their economies ruined permanently...and fearing being invaded or taken over by the American forces in their countries. Any short lapses of peace and reconstruction and rebuilding would be terminated by wars conducted by the Israelis and the Americans using fake excuses like WMD or fighting terrorists. The Israelis called such intermittent wars as mowing or pruning the ground, to destroy the Arab states every few years, to keep them poor and weak, and a dysfunctional economy and society.

Lately, the new found wisdom of the Arab and Muslim states have shone a light into their leaders. Their lives and economies would be better off if they seek peace, cooperation and mutual cooperation among themselves instead of wasting funds, resources quarreling and fighting among themselves. With the help of China and Russia, the Arab and Muslim states have found willing conciliators to bring them together, to patch up their differences, to understand who are their real enemies,... and with the Chinese and Russians willing to back them up when under pressure and threats from the Americans, Israelis and the West. They are even offered the military weapons and hardware to defend and protect themselves than be sold substandard equipment and weapons that cannot match the Israelis and would always be threatened and held hostage by the Israelis and the Americans/West.

South East Asia is fairly better as an area of peace and neutrality, with the Americans and the West influence being counter balanced by the Chinese and the Russians. The association of Asean also plays a critical role to keep Asean on even keel, warding off the pressure from the big powers. But the American terrorists are not going away and are constantly instigating and inciting the countries in the region about fictitious threats, hyping up tensions, inciting differences, to turn the region into another area of instability and conflict.

Central Asia was the neglected wilderness, landlocked, nothing to offer except for strategic reasons for the Americans and the West to contain and isolate China and Russia. Thanks to BRI and BRICS, Central Asia is coming alive as regional economic centres and business hubs.

The Americans and the West are not giving up in their intent to control and dominate the world. The beneficiaries of the American and Western domination era are primarily the Americans and Europeans. SE Asia was in a better position not be designed but by accident. With the rise of China as an economic giant, SE Asia benefited tremendously with the Chinese growth engine. Without China's rapid economic growth, the only Asean state that was doing relatively well was pro American Singapore. The Philippines was in a rug, while Thailand was struggling along.

BRICS is born out of a necessity to replace an oppressive and failing American control Rules Based Order, increasingly oppressive and destructive and interventionist. It is time for the world to adopt a new economic system and world order that is fairer to every nation state, treating every nation state freely and equally without being threatened and bullied under the American Order. The world must be given a chance to try out a different system offered by BRICS. The Americans and the West can be sidelined for a while, without totally being replaced, and can resume its role should BRICS fail to deliver what it promises to the world, just like BRICS now making itself available to a failed and hostile system controlled by the Americans.

Give BRICS a chance, give the world a chance, give every country a chance to live in a new multi polar world system. The 21st Century cannot be the same drag century controlled and held at ransom by the oppressive and trouble making American terrorists and the West. The Global South needs a breath of fresh air, to live as free and independent nation states without fear of being sanctioned or invaded by the Americans and the West.


Anonymous said...

As more nations clamour to join BRICS, Singapore's principled idiots are finding themselves on the wrong side of history., sorely missing the wisdom and guidance of LKY..

Anonymous said...

Let the threat by Trump to punish those joining de-dollarization be cowed. Trump knows the consequences, while Biden and Harris are basically ignorant, or feigning ignorance of the oncoming train wreck.

Countries should come together to make de-dollarization even faster because the world needs to get away from unfairness, sanctions and blackmail by the USA.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Let the threat by Trump to punish those joining de-dollarization NOT be cowed.

My apologies - Anon 4.19