
BRICS - Freedom from the American terrorists

 There was a discussion about BRICS on Channel News America aired days ago, where many so-called experts were expressing their enlightened views. I was deeply disappointed with some of the shallow arguments by some of the views expressed by some of the experts, undoubtedly pro-USA hardcore elements in their biased espouse.

One particular expert was harping on the issue of what was the purpose of forming BRICS and according to him serves little purpose of value. Really? As a non-expert, I know that the purpose of creating BRICS was de-dollarization first and foremost, with finding an alternative solution to overcome the weaponization of the US$, which is getting more ridiculous. I think this view is shared by most people with a working brain.

Elsewhere, some anti-China shrills are even trying to fabricate issues, claiming that China and Russia are not as co-operative with each other and picking on small incidents and making them into big explosive talk that China and Russia are breaking apart or that their co-operation will not last.

In my humble opinion, whether the relationship last or not is immaterial. If the relationship can get rid of the US$ hegemony, it has already served its purpose. And the whole world will be thanking what BRICS has done to give them an alternative to trade in their own currencies, cheaper, faster and more convenient and avoiding sanctions. 



Anonymous said...

Those detractors of the de-dollarization movement are trying to downplay BRICS as an inconsequential bloc and will be unable to do anything to the US$ hegemony. They claimed that BRICS serves no purpose to further the ambition of Russia or China trying to become the next superpower. Is that the mission of creating BRICS to help Russia or China become the next superpower? I thought Russia and China wants a unipolar world instead.

They are also claiming that China is trying to impose its influence over BRICS using its financial clout that is making India unhappy. Is that the reason and if so, why is Russia such an influential entity instead when it comes to setting rules and regulations over the acceptance of new BRICS members?

As de-dollarization moves forward, more of such demonization will be fabricated in a Propaganda House set up in the West and disseminated to echo chambers like CNN, BBC, WION, Channel News America and Social Media sites like China.... this and that, which should be avoided as they spout misinformation and disinformation like the MSM.

Clicking on Social Media sites like those China...... is like clicking on a scamming site. Strange that such sites seem to be attracting much traffic, true or not, real or fabricated, is debatable. I guess stupidity has no cure is never out of date.

Anonymous said...

Very soon our G mouthpiece (sph) will have articles to down play the important of BRICS. or selling the failure koyok of "debt trap" BRI.

Anonymous said...

Heard the story of the fox and the grapes? Cannot reach means the grapes are sour. Now cannot join BRICS, so what is the similarity? Make a guess!

Anonymous said...

BRICS+ will add 10 new “Partner Members” at the Summit this week!

30-40 countries had applied formally and many more have shown interest.

The new partners will eventually become full members.

Punch-above-its-weight Singapore is bar from joining BRICS because it unilaterally impose sanctions on Russia without UN General Assembly resolution.

Virgo49 said...

Aiya mouth piece and on the take of the Americunts propgranda millions.

Sure everything UAssA good.

Likewise CNA aka Channel News America all their news inly on the Americunts.

No eyes see