
Asean is not that stupid to want an Asian Nato, except for one or two.

 ASEAN is not that stupid, except for one or two countries within the bloc. Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar are strong supporters of China, and I do not see any chance of them joining Asian NATO. The USA is trying very hard to wean them away from China, using threats, subterfuge and demonization. It will be to no avail.

Even Vietnam, having territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea, knows who is buttering their bread, with China investing and doing so much bilateral trade. Vietnam needs China more than China needing them. With Cambodia and Laos opening up, Vietnam knows these two are also trying to attract Chinese investments and will be competing with them in years to come. It will be a bad mistake for Vietnam to antagonize China and siding with the West.

And Myanmar, despite having so much internal strife, may one day be one big potential destination for Chinese investments as well. Investing in these Indo-China countries are so much safer than investments in USA or Europe, that could be seized at the whims and fancies of the Anglo-Saxon Whites.

Indonesia, a Muslim country and a rising economic power, is unlikely to join Asian NATO as well, despite the threat that the USA is posing by signing a defense agreement with East Timor or Timor-Leste. Who is threatening East Timor and why is there a need to have a defense agreement with the USA is clearly obvious. East Timor is another Ukraine in the making when it is time to set the plan in motion. These are time bombs, clear and simple.

Japan is already toast, though it is still trying to strut its stuff like the Brits. The USA destroyed Japan militarily in WW2 and economically in the late nineties, making sure it does not rise again to become a threat. Japan was rising economically fast and furious after the war and the USA became nervous and paranoid once again, knowing the militant ambitions of the Japanese.

The USA knows the Japanese still harbor the humiliation of the two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese are just hiding their resentment over their humiliation. This is clearly shown by their worshipping of their war criminals and war dead at the Yasukuni Shrine and their refusal to come to terms with their crimes committed during WW2 against the rest of Asia.

As I said before, China's most dangerous enemy is the Japanese. So close geographically and so confrontational externally, it betrays its position in this part of East Asia. For Japan's revival, like its stance in WW2, and another attempt to regain its glory, it is looking at another big war in East Asia. And the USA is prodding them on. 



Anonymous said...

ASEAN's choice of China as the power in the region is a slap on the face of the USA. That proves that ASEAN is not stupid. QED.

Anonymous said...

ASEAN made the fatal mistake of inviting the USA to their summit. Inviting the devil into the house is easy, getting rid of it is difficult or just impossible.

Anonymous said...

Invited or forced to invite?