
Americans are the most hated people in the Arab and Muslim world, their enemy Number One

 When lies and deceits, discrimination and conspiracy against the Arabs and Muslims over decades are exposed in the most blatant and naked way, the Americans can no longer hide or continue to decide the Arab and Muslim people and the people of the world. The continuous open support for the Israelis to genocide the Palestinians have gone too far for any Arab or Muslim to stomach anymore. The Americans are now seen as their enemy Number One, conducting ethnic cleansing and stealing the land of the Palestinians. They are hated by every Arab and Muslim states in the Middle East and the world.

The most problematic situation is the fate of Arab and Muslim leaders that are still cozying up to the Americans and sleeping with the Americans and unable to condemn the hideous crime against humanity, against their Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza and Palestine. These leaders have been seriously compromised by their support of the Americans and the Israelis and their lives are endangered. They are now the pariahs of the Arab and Muslim world, for being on the side of the murderers of their Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters.

Many Arab and Muslim states may still be keeping mum about the criminal behaviours of the Americans in the Middle East while under the pressure and control of the American terrorists. Given a chance, they would be the first to want to kick out all American presence and interests in the Middle East. The Americans have condemned themselves completely in the Middle East and the Arab and Muslim world as the butchers of the Arabs and Muslims. They are their enemy Number One. There is no going back. No more American lies and treachery.

The same applies to the American doggies, the colonies and cronies. All have been reticent about the genocide, and worst for those that were openly in support of the Americans and the Israelis genocide. Now they are all in a bind, complicit in the crime against the Palestinians. The doggies Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia etc etc are also seen as members of the American terrorist gangs against the Arabs and Muslims and cannot be trusted, for silently supporting the genocide.

The cries of Americans go home would be stronger and stronger everyday. The Americans are finished in the Middle East, The Arab and Muslim states are waiting for the opportunity to chase them out of their countries. Poor Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar may also be hit when the deep hatred sentiment against the Americans and the Israelis blows up in the open, into the streets.

The American terrorists have charted their final chapter in the Middle East, in their relations with the Arab and Muslim world. No more pretences and lies about protecting the Muslims around the world. Caveat, some Arabs and Muslim states are still dreaming and wearing blinkers, still believing in the Americans as friends, buying weapons and aircraft from the Americans. Hopefully they cannot be conned forever.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Anonymous said...

In China, the USA had the intention to instigate the Uyghur Muslims against the predominant Han Chinese. The USA in honesty has no love lost for the Muslims as we can now see in the Middle East.

Conversely, we can see that the USA's intention in the Middle East was to use Israel to be used against the Arabs and Muslims. The biggest slap on their faces is supplying weapons to Israel to commit genocide against Muslims in Gaza while shedding crocodile tears for the Muslims in Xinjiang that they have been professing. Why is that love of the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang not mirrored in the Middle East?

Everything the USA does can be summed up in one word - Interest. The radicalized Uyghur Muslims had been cultivated to create chaos in Xinjiang, hoping that it will spread to the rest of China. The USA had already, in tandem, instigated chaos in Hong Kong during the Xinjiang unrest.

In the Middle East, it all boils down to USA wanting to control the region, an important geopolitical asset rich in oil and an important sea gateway for trade via the Suez Canal and Persian Gulf.

Anonymous said...

When the USA threatens with 'You are either with US or against US' that alone puts many countries that does not like the USA in fear and have to toe the line. Why action does the USA need to take to cow them? Un-necessary is the word. The USA already have military bases inside those countries, which already indicate the obvious if they do not be obedient. Those bases are not to protect them. It is to harass and instill fear in them.

Given a choice, and without the threat, most would not be on the side of the USA, except the whole Anglo-Saxon clique. This is the stark reality and all that gloating about the USA having so many friends are all a mirage.

As I like to repeat, the next World War will be the Anglo-Saxon White clique against the non-Whites. This is already clearly demarcated, with the Anglo-Saxon Whites ganging up together to confront the Arabs, Muslims and China.

Need I say more?

Virgo49 said...

UAssA we don't know the motive of the North Koreans troops in Russia!

Must ask your permission meh?

White scums

Anonymous said...

India is the second most hated in the Arab and Muslim world.

India rejects Turkey's entry to join BRICS. And the reason is Turkey's good relations with Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

Only idiots asking why the North Koreans are in Russia.

Anonymous said...

India opposed Pakistan joining BRICS, and all Muslim countries joining BRICS.

Virgo49 said...

Very simple just get rid of India!


What's so difficult?

After all India is straddling to too many alliances that are conflicting in nature.

Anonymous said...

Agree that India in QUAD is of no benefit to BRICS. India is in fact a hindrance and has nothing positive to contribute. I would even suspect that India is not helping BRICS but creating obstacles that benefits the G7 and the collective West.

What is wrong with Pakistan joining BRICS? Turkey I can understand because, like India, Turkey has divided loyalties between NATO and BRICS. Pakistan cannot join BRICS because it is a Muslim country. Is that it? Russia has no objection. China has no objection. Why is racist India so fixated on religious issues. BRICS is not India and represents countries of all races, religion and status, big or small.