
American Election - Blowing the Wall Street bubble for a bigger bang!

 We are witnessing the fall of an Empire - the denial, the threats, starting more conflicts to distract, more desperate moves that are backfiring without careful thinking, banks failing, economy in ICU and needing life support.

Forget about what you hear about Wall Street breaking records every day. It is all related to frenzy money printing entering the stock market. Forget about the economy being strong with retail sales all rosy, when it is just supported by higher prices when people are actually buying less. Forget about the job statistics which we now know is all fabricated. What is hidden is not what you get.

After November, if Trump wins, and tariffs on countries joining de-dollarization put in place, the USA will be on fire with inflation causing widespread chaos and people in desperation. They have to live with the Government they have chosen, or should I say the Government being chosen for them actually, to screw them blind. The USA election is a Hobson's choice, between choosing a rock and a hard place.



Anonymous said...

The coming USA Wall Street bubble bursting will make the Japanese real estate bubble just child's play. That Japanese bubble caused Japan to lose several decades in a malaise state trying to recover.

A bubble burst hitting Wall Street will wipe out the banks, hedge funds, retirement funds and depositors of those banks. In fact, I would even suggest that retirement funds are just waiting for this to happen to wipe their slate clean without having to answer to the retirees. Retirement funds are mostly bankrupt and just operating like Ponzi schemes of using new member's contribution to pay off more and more older retirees. It is not sustainable. A default will be a blessing in disguise for them.

The only trap being laid now is the word of the Fed and Treasury, still painting a rosy picture of the USA economy. Yellen and Powell can fool some people most of the time, most people some of the time, but not all people all the time.

Virgo49 said...

MOT Collapsed!

Those still holding their what's Trash Surely Bonds and Currency and what's nots are in for bankruptcy.

Think China and the Rest Wealthy Ones are ready to forgo their balance stocks.

But those not for Wealthy and foolish Ones are going to be Papuers soon.

Likewise all their Gold Reserves that are kept in the UASSA Foxknot.

It shall be Fox NOT with the UAsd already confiscated and smelt them into their own pockets.

The World's Mafias and Gangsters "Cheng" all the foolish vassals and doggies even bones and all