
American created organisations in decline and will be replaced

 The UN is the tool of the USA and the West to control the world. Same as all the other world bodies that they created - the IMF, World Bank, ICJ, ICC, SWIFT, Bank of International Settlement, Energy Exchange, Metal Exchange, Commodity Exchange and others.

BRICS is slowly taking over some of the functions of some of these entities like the creation of its own Energy Exchange, Metal Exchange, Commodity Exchange, all bypassing the USA controlled entities. It is part of the de-dollarization movement, with trading done outside the US$ and beyond the USA's control.

De-dollarization will be either gradual or rapid, depending on how the USA wants to take measures to counter it. Trump wants to punish those countries joining the de-dollarization and is one factor that will accelerate de-dollarization instead. It is just like running away from danger rather than staying behind to be targeted for the kill.

Likewise, the taking out of the Nord Stream pipelines accelerated the de-industrialization of Germany and Europe, that would otherwise be more gradual and controllable. 



Anonymous said...

I just finished watching a video of the Indochina War of 1954 which led to the defeat of the French against the Viet Minh of North Vietnam. The French were intent on holding on to their colonization of Indochina, while Ho Chi Minh had all the while intended to throw them out. With China's support, Ho Chi Minh eventually did, at Dien Bien Phu, the French's last stand. Dien Bien Phu was supposed to be a set up to lure the North Vietnamese into a catastrophic defeat, but the plan misfired.

At the tail end of their tethers, the French pleaded for USA help, got it, but was told by the USA to use two nukes to win the war. The French did not go ahead as it will also involve killing too many of their own soldiers as well, thus facing total defeat either way. This shows how much of a nuclear terrorist the USA became after becoming a nuclear power. They were ready to use nukes on everybody in every war.

Elsewhere, it was also being divulge that the USA wanted to use nukes against the North Koreans as well during the Korean War, but with the Soviet Union and China helping the North, this was considered extremely dangerous provocation and unfeasible eventually, The same issue surfaced during the Vietnam War about using nukes on the North at the stage when the USA was facing imminent defeat. With Russia and China supporting North Vietnam, the attempt was abandoned. This was the deterrent we are talking about with possessing the nukes.

For many who did not know, the USA had on many occasions been contemplating nuking China. I am pretty sure that mentality has not faded. But times are different. Countries without nukes are sitting ducks for the USA. Countries with nukes have deterrents to ensure their existence. Iran is an example.

I am pretty sure as well, that the USA, behind the scenes may be hatching plans to use the nuclear option against Russia when facing total defeat in Ukraine. But Putin is too astute not to know that. In the Middle East, the USA could already have sounded out the Israelis on the nuclear option, a mindset they already have collaborated to take out Iran.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is expecting a nuclear war, and the most likely ignition point is in the Middle East. When Israels faces imminent defeat, the USA will urge the use of nukes against Iran. What will Iran do? And what will be Russia's response? Putin already said that Russia will step in if Iran is attacked by USA and Israel.

Do not take Putin lightly when he talks. Russia will step in. Just like stepping in during the Korean War and Vietnam. Just like China as well, stepping in on the side of North Korea and North Vietnam when its security is threatened. There is no joking matter of trying to belittle Putin's stance as just 'Putin's bluff', and the West and Israel can misinterpret it at their own peril.