
All the Anglo Saxon wars is failing

 The Anglo-Saxons used religion and succeeded in North America, Australia, the Pacific Islands and Carribean Islands. They thought it will work as well in China and India. But it failed in China and India because these two were so much more streetwise, civilized and developed than the Native American Indians, the Australian Aborigines, the Pacific Islanders and Carribean Natives.

But they still tried afterwards to use opium to drug the Chinese, and it also failed after facing a long stretch of opposition. This was also complemented by the eight nations trying to split China up, like in Africa, with each of the eight nations given the audacity, as they like, to rule different parts of China. It was just like robbers splitting the loot among themselves. That did not work either.

Fast forward to today and we have trade wars, technology wars, sanctions against China in semiconductors and threats morphing into economic wars.

What have the USA won so far? Trade wars were easy to win, like taking candy from a kid, right? Tech wars by roping in allies is now backfiring. High end chips are still being available to China via third parties on the blind. Business in those chips are being done outside USA monitoring. When there is a will, there is a way. When there is money to be made, businessmen will find a way, just like the drug trade despite all the fake attempts to cut it off.

The USA and the West are kidding themselves that Russian energy is unsaleable due to their sanctions. Who is kidding who? Even the EU is still importing Russian oil, mixed and marketed as non-Russian oil and India, China and Saudi Arabia are laughing all the way to the bank.

Now, the USA and the West are trying to sanction Iran's oil exports by cutting off settlement avenues. What is to stop the Iranians doing barter trade, or using the Chinese Yuan instead? When energy is cheaper, customers will not stay away. They will find ways and means to get around those sanctions. Joining BRICS is a sure way to do that. And inside BRICS are two of the biggest oil importers, China and India. It is helping China and India to afford cheaper cost of production that outcompeted the USA and the West. Does this indicate self-inflicted foot shooting?



Anonymous said...

As Anglo-Saxon wars are failing and going back to basics is the only way out. Which is why the USA is so intent on luring manufacturing back to the USA with massive subsidies to boot. This reality has struck the USA like a bolt of lightning. 'Made in America' they are starting to proclaim. Not even started yet and already gloating like the 'mission accomplished' hogwash in Iraq.

It is too little too late, with raw materials difficult to control or sourced from, supply chains absent and needing to be built up and skilled workers needing to be trained. And not to forget the market needed to make such manufacturing feasible and cheap to compete against others. I think it is all a fanciful thought.

There are still available resources to be secured like in Vietnam, parts of Africa and Mongolia, which the USA is eyeing and salivating. The latter had already been killed by the Chinese and found unfeasible. Vietnam is rich in rare earth but needs to set up the mining logistics and processing facilities, which will be very costly. Which is why the USA is trying to be chummy with the Vietnamese after tearing the country apart and committing war crimes against its citizens.

Anonymous said...

If Vietnam goes the way of the USA, Ho Chi Minh will be turning in his grave. All his lifetime wishes to get rid of foreign rule will turn to dust. All the sacrifice by the patriots fighting on his behalf will be rendered a waste.

Anonymous said...

Even if the USA lured all the manufacturing back to USA, can they compete outside the country? This is the only question that needs to be asked.