
Silly journalists and reporters reporting lies and fake news in support of Gaza Genocide are complicit to the crime against humanity

 Israel's spokesperson, David Mencer, was grilled to a crisp by Norwegian journalist Yama Wolasmal trying to defend Israel's actions in Gaza. Mencer was really rattled and taken to the cleaners by the pointed questions and tried to lie his way out. It failed miserably.

That video, on Janta Ka reporter's site, according to the author, should be played in every Journalism school of what real journalist should really be doing, going after the truth. Alas, Journalism today is all about spreading fake news and lies following an agenda dictated by the USA and the West. And they just regurgitate propaganda manufactured in a facility in the USA and just changing the headlines to fool the masses.

Mencer is trying to wriggle out of the question about whether Israel will pay to rebuild Palestine. He was cornered and could not provide an answer. While the West had been talking and threatening about seizing and using Russia assets to fund the rebuilding of Ukraine, in view of the destruction Russia caused in Ukraine because of the war, it runs parallel to what Israel did to Palestine. Will the West seize Israeli assets in Western Banks to pay for the reconstruction of Palestine? I know that is really wishful thinking, but it just exposed the ridiculous and ludicrous 'double standard' of the USA and the West.

If I may say so, Israel really lost whatever sympathies and support it had earlier, over its actions in Gaza this time around. And it is destroying the USA with it, with the USA, as always, denying the implications. Well, even the Europeans failed to realize the implications of following the dictates of the USA in Ukraine. What can we say? Stupidity?


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