
Xi Jinping's visit to Europe carries an important message

 Dr. David Oualaalou on his site, Geopolitical Trends, did a very incisive take on Xi's visit to France, Serbia and Hungary from 5th May to 10th.

The French visit was largely ceremonial goodwill visit for Xi, knowing well in advance what is to be on the table and will be about France coaxing China to stop trade with Russia to help Ukraine. It will all be in vain as China's relations with Russia is not negotiable. It is the visit to Serbia and Hungary that is more important for Xi.

Xi will be in Serbia on May 7th, a very significant date, as it is the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade by NATO. It is a clear message to NATO that China will not forget the debt owed by NATO to China. NATO's bombing on the Chinese Embassy had nothing to do with the fake excuse about blaming the old map hubris. It was an unprovoked and purposefully executed attack, after China took a stand against NATO's intervention in Yugoslavia.

Xi's visit to Hungary has more to do with economic co-operation and the construction of the high-speed rail link between Belgrade and Budapest, that will facilitate Chinese trade via Piraeus Port in Greece to Europe as part of the BRI. It will benefit both Serbia and Hungary and of course China. 



Anonymous said...

We know for a fact that Xi will never travel outside China unless it is vitally important.

And whatever is expected of such visits is never about countering the sovereignty of another country or taking it down, unlike the USA. This trip by Xi to Europe is no exception. China's priority is all about forming economic alliances, helping countries to rise above poverty, which is just what the objective of the BRI and the formation of BRICS are for, being first and foremost economic blocs, not alliances to counter the military powers of the USA, unlike the Five Eyes, QUAD or AUKUS.

Even those innocent-sounding Global Infrastructure Investment and India/Middle East/Europe Corridor initiated by the USA are just to counter China's BRI. Investments should first and foremost be about benefiting parties involved, not wasted on countering an already favorably accepted and beneficial concept as the BRI. Such mentality is just as wasteful as churning out weapons and having to start wars to destroy.

China's help is always for the longer term, like the help that China gave Africa, which goes back to the days of the 50s, when China was even poorer than Africa. African leaders always like to mention that episode and are outwardly extremely grateful. There was one African leader who even talked about China facing food shortages at home and yet was sending food to help certain African countries facing famine.

With the USA, any summit, any meeting between its leaders and others is always centered on countering China or Russia. These two countries can never be left in peace in any conversation between the USA and its allies.

Jealousy and envy coupled with hatred will eventually swallow up the USA and its Western backers.

Anonymous said...

France is reported to be supportive of BYD setting up a factory in France. Best for BYD to think very carefully in the face of the geopolitical situation. Anywhere else, but certainly not in any Anglo-Saxon country. Forget about the lure of the market in USA and Europe. They can be gone in a jiffy by changing the rules and laws at their whims and fancies. France has still to take orders from the USA, nothing more, nothing less.

Mexico already made a 180 degree turn regarding China's EV makers setting up manufacturing facilities in the country, following pressure exerted by the USA using the trade deals it signed with Mexico to threaten the Mexican Government. Chinese investments in Mexico had all along been smooth and accommodating until now. It will be rough from here onwards.