
American lies that North Korea is poor and facing starvation falling flat

 Putin is also going to visit North Korea soon. Must be something important. To source for more weapons perhaps? Or just spreading the 'be prepared' motto that Putin is telling the Chinese as well. Putin may even be telling them we have your backs covered.

How could North Korea, a country sanctioned by the West for decades, is still able to produce weapons for helping Russia is a mystery. Are we being told the truth about North Korea? Some light could be shed in a video on the Jimmy Dore show in an interview with Haz Al-Din @ InfraHaz. Take that as just a personal viewpoint of the interviewee, but there are points touched on that are worth pondering.

If North Korea is as dirt poor or facing starvation all the time as what the West claims it to be, this really does not tally with what it is doing thus far. Firing rockets and missiles every now and then to celebrate USA, Japan and South Korea military drills, which are not cheap celebrations by any means. Their rockets and missiles may actually be cheaper than USA or Western made ones for sure, but certainly no junks. They work very well, even compared to rockets or missiles made by its enemies.

And North Korea is even sending up a spy satellite that is creating hysteria and nervousness to South Korea and Japan. Why need to fear when it is just junk that the Western funded social media is trying to tell the world?

'Boh Jeong Kiah' is what the Hainanese would like to say.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

The North Koreans going to have a same elaborate and grand ceremonial welcome for Putin as what's been displayed by China's Xi.

They shall show their Palace Buildings and also their surrounding high rise class buildings.

The Western Barbarians would be salivating to see all these.

Someone would post a video comparing the Western Scums Slums to North Korea beautiful sceneries.


Anonymous said...

Kensington Ave, Philadelphia, USA, is probably the worst drug infested hell hole on earth. The USA Government tried to clean that place up recently by chasing the drug addicts out of sight, but they are returning, as their drug habits cannot be chased out of their miserable lives. Kensington Ave is like a 'zombie town'. Hollywood could make a movie titled 'The Walking Dead' right there, with all the actors giving a realistic performance free of charge. It will be a blockbuster for sure.

Sure, the North Koreans are hiding their slums and walking dead, the deluded West would claim. Just like what they always say about China, hiding its poverty. Foreign visitors are now visiting China, able to roam freely around to find those slums that failed to exist. They existed only in the twisted minds of the evil propagandists paid by the USA and the West. Even their foray into Chinese villages were met with astonishments of cleanliness, no homelessness, friendly people who welcomed them. Need I say more?

China's visa free program extended to some countries is a masterstroke to counter the lies of the Western MSM. Even the demonization of Xinjiang, that undoubtedly lured some foreign visitors to that region, failed to find the concentration camps and instead they found a very clean, cohesive and friendly place to visit. These foreign visitors were even more surprised that the whole cotton industry in Xinjiang had been largely mechanized, even machines running on satellite guidance, with little labor inputs to talk of. The majority of the Xinjiang population are Han Chinese that have assimilated well with the Uyghur Muslims.

The very fact that minority races in China have privileges in education having more children that the Han Chinese do not enjoy, are never exposed to the world by the Western Government or Media. They only highlight the negatives and conveniently ignored the positive. That is what an evil mind do best.

Virgo49 said...


Wow looked at North Korea so poor thing!

Hello UAssA please help!

Anonymous said...

If they can lie about China, they could be lying about North Korea.

They have been lying about the EU sanctioning Russian energy, but the reality is that the EU is discreetly buying Russian oil mixed with others sold by India, China and even Saudi Arabia under the table. On the surface it is just a show of unity within the EU, but most countries within the bloc are now looking after their own interest. Energy from the USA is too expensive for their liking.

Saudi Arabia seems to be moving its economy away from leveraging solely on oil and is even building nuclear power plants and going big on solar energy as well. This is possibly a step that it is now taking after joining BRICS, in order to get out of its support of the Petrodollar and having to support the de-dollarization agenda of BRICS, despite the threat from the USA.

The outlook is that the Gulf Oil Producing countries are likely to follow in the footsteps of Saudi Arabia going forward. And that will be the final nail in the coffin of the US$ hegemony. The USA is making hay while the sun still shines, spending like no tomorrow while it still can continue to print toilet paper before that privilege ends.

Think about it!

Virgo49 said...

This video is of the homeless in the U.K..

Whites hearts very "geuk" one.

That's is heartless one!

You die your business.

The strongest survived! Zero sums games.

If this happened in Asian Society, ours would try to help.

Even how insignificant and small.

So Daft Asians if you want to stay there make sure you ok and can survive.

Or else you be also sleeping on their sideways and lanes.