
Americans send a decapacitated horse head to the ICC judges

 Just compare the reaction of Putin being issued an arrest warrant by the ICC and how the gangsters are reacting to the ICC's arrest warrant on Netanyahu. Open threats are levelled against ICC leaders, the same way Al Capone does with opponents. And those Senators in Congress, controlled by the Jewish Lobby, are adding their voices of threats against leaders of the ICC.

The world must think carefully how the USA and the West can threaten any World Body using legitimate evidence to do their work. The USA seems to think that by using Mafia tactics, it can get away with anything including murder.

Such tactics may work in the USA, with political leaders making people disappear without a trace (probably inside those barrels in Lake Mead, now being uncovered with receding waters) or creating suspicious accidents, or as in the case of the two Boeing whistleblowers, facing mysterious deaths. Does Jeffrey Epstein's death in a cell also tell us anything or have we learned anything? What is the purpose of having video cameras that do not work in the right place and at the right time?



Anonymous said...

The persecution of Trump is really a clown show. Gag order? Where is the boast about 'Freedom of Speech' and freedom of this and that in the country that touts itself as the beacon of democracy? All bullshit!

The number of people arrested in two weeks of pro-Palestine protest in the USA is more than those arrested throughout the four months of unrest in Hong Kong, according to Nury Vittachi on his site 'Fridayeveryday'. In honesty there were no real violence in those protest in universities, fire setting or destruction of public property. But the Hong Kong police were accused of cruelty, acting against human rights, fighting back against violent attacks, preventing destruction of public property and fire setting. The hypocrisy really stinks.

What are the leaders of 'Human Rights Watch' doing about this? The USA forbids them to bark or criticize. At least 'Democracy Now' came out to criticize those arrest.

Strangely, Nancy Pelosi was as quiet as a mouse, not a sound was heard of her squealing 'a beautiful sight to behold'.

Virgo49 said...


You imbeciles shits and wanted China to clean up the shits?

Think Xi will tell Putin hello partner end the war lah!

Putin said I am ordering my Necular Bridgde to test these readiness.

Tell NATO and that Marconi I shall cook him with meat and vegetables

Virgo49 said...

Nancy Pesi Cola quiet as her hubby preferred males than her.

Anyway, cannot blame her hubby.

But what's the Hell so many Lewinsky don't want looked for males ah?

Ask Clinton introduce lah!

At least Clinton more class played her with cigars.

Hairy Clinton played with who ah?

Toy boys?