
Dynamics of US China rivalry and the alienating of Muslim states

 China is looking at a rail project or pipeline across Pakistan and Afghanistan right into Western China, without having to rely solely on the sea route via the Straits of Malacca chokepoint, for its energy imports from the Middle East.

China is simultaneously developing the Gwadar Port in Southern Pakistan that is instrumental to its strategy to bypass the points of blockade by the USA in the event of confrontation. China is also developing the Chancay Port in northern Peru to bypass the Panama Canal, for its trade in commodities with South American countries, particularly Brazil.

China's oil and gas imports from Russia is already largely via pipelines and cannot be blockaded. This flow of energy to China is a growing concern for the USA, hence the recent warning and threat by Yellen and Blinken during their visit to China.

What the USA had been planning and plotting for decades to blockade China is now all falling apart, which is why the USA is using threats to stall the Isthmus of Kra project, the Nicaragua Canal project and the Iran/Pakistan pipeline project among others.

The sabotaging of the Nord Steam pipelines was another of their vile mission. That succeeded because of the co-operation of all the Anglo-Saxon co-conspirators from Europe, including the UK. The Europeans found out too late that they were cutting off their noses to spite their faces. But they seem to care more about the USA's interest than their own. Stupidity has no cure has been laid bare for all to see.

How the USA pushed Russia towards China was a real blessing in disguise for China. How also a Muslim country like Pakistan could not be used by the USA was also a blessing in disguise for China to capitalise on. This development should also be thankful to India that Hindus in India and Muslims in Pakistan could not see eye to eye and are not on friendly terms, and the USA cannot be seen to be straddling two boats at the same time.

Some things have to give way and Muslim Pakistan is closing ranks with Muslim Iran and old ally China. The USA had tried its regime changing moves in Pakistan by bribery in Pakistan's Parliament and the military recently, leading to the ouster of former leader Imran Khan. The USA is still fermenting turmoil in Pakistan but cannot change the geopolitical landscape. Pakistan's close relations with Iran are a good indication of which side the dominoes are falling. 


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