
Americans benefitting from India's 'slave wage'

 The West never talk about the widespread child labor in India. Neither will they talk about 'slave wages' being paid to Apple and Foxconn workers among others in India.

When India does become the next China, if it could, the USA and the West can continue with their 'freeloading' from India instead of China, which is ending with de-coupling. De-risking is just another sleight of hand and is the same as de-coupling.

Therefore, India is important to the USA and the West and cannot be condemned for paying 'slave wages' for the moment. The USA and the West are betting big on their dependence on India going forward, with USA investments rising in India, like the Chips sector. They never want to talk about India's lack of skilled engineers to provide the factories with manpower nor the supply chains absent in India and needed to be set up. They are putting the cart before the horses instead.

Elon Musk saw the picture more clearly - the skills, the supply chains, the market are all not in India. That is why his main focus is still on investing more in China. And not only Musk, but leaders of industry from Germany, France and even USA are still positive on China, despite all the hubris about a collapsing China hype up by all the anti-China juvenile delinquents paid to do so by the US$ and the West.

China is not going to collapse anytime soon, with more than 5,000 years of existence behind it. It is not going to happen just because someone thinks so, or some country wants it to. They lapped up Gordon Chang's 'The Coming Collapse of China' like Hector Biden's drug addiction. Twenty years later, China is still standing tall, with Gordon Chang's prediction being postponed on a yearly basis. Who is to believe in a blotched prediction that works on a yearly renewal basis, like a subscription that must be renewed annually? Laughable indeed!

How will Modi take it, knowing he had been given the cold shoulder by Musk? Musk was supposed to meet the No. 1 of India, but he instead went to meet the No. 2 of China. What a letdown for India!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day, the USA will blame India for stealing their jobs. That is what happened to China after Trump came to power, and USA having already enjoyed decades of freeloading at China's expense, just by printing toilet papers.

China must have pointed a gun to Steve Job's head to force Apple to make iPhones in China, thus stealing USA jobs. Fancy that coming out of the mouth of a man who is supposed to be financially savvy in his thinking but behaving like a spoilt child. Oh, he is a spoilt child after all, with a fabulously rich father!

Trump is going to make America even greater this time if he is elected. By then India will probably also be accused of stealing USA jobs and technology. USA's problem, any problem, must have a scapegoat to take the blame. Even allies are not spared.

I guess allies are even more at risk, if being USA's enemy is dangerous and being its friend is said to be fatal. How fatal it can be, just look at Germany or the EU at large.