
China competing with the Americans in every field of interests

 For 30 years the West keep deluding themselves that they are the top dogs in every sector. They can just concentrate on using its military power and US$ hegemony to continue to control the world forever and they can ignore and brush China aside as backward, destined to mire in poverty and are good only to be cooks and laundrymen.

The rude awakening facing the Trump administration when they suddenly started realizing that the USA and the West are now fighting China in every sector. China is what they now call a 'peer competitor', not a competitor in just one or two sectors e.g. electronics or cars.

China now competes with the USA and the West in military capabilities, space exploration, AI, EVs, clean energy generation, telecommunication equipment, consumer electronics, mobile phones, chips manufacturing, shipbuilding, and aviation. Aviation is the only sector that China has not dominated yet, but China is trying to climb that ladder as well.

China just sent up three astronauts to their Tiangong Space Station and welcomed back three others who had completed their six months stay working at the TSS. Such a task seems so easy and it like a walk in the park.

China is well on its way to be self-sufficient in chip manufacturing by 2027, if I am not mistaken. It is even exporting chips, five billion pieces and even making its own lithography machines and selling them cheap to the rest of the world. Why is that important? Most smaller countries, not competing at the top end, do not need the really high-end chips and matured chips are sufficient for their industrial demands. China's lithography machines should find a ready market for small countries in the global south. They could hardly afford ASML lithography machines that costs US$200 million each. China already warned ASML not to play the sanctions game too aggressively, as one day China will be selling lithography machines like washing machines bought off the shelf, LOL.

I still remember the days when good quality photocopying machines from Xerox were as big as a small car and cost even more than a car then. Cars were really inexpensive, with a Mercedes just costing around S$15,000 around 1973. Today, we can get a printer cum copying machine for about S$250. The irony is that cars are now terribly expensive, in Red Dot of course.


PS. China is miles ahead of the Americans in space technology. The fake American moon landing has been exposed as a cheap American lie to con the Russians and the world. The Americans have NEVER been to the moon. They can't even get to the ISS without help from the Russians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

China already left the USA behind in various fields. China has built its own space station and is now operational. The USA still needs Russian rockets to send their astronauts to the ISS. Who is ahead? How did their rockets reached the moon I wonder?

In the clean energy sector, China is already far ahead of the USA, in EVs, solar panels and wind turbine manufacturing. The USA wants China to cut its domination for the USA to catch up.

China is already far ahead of the USA in shipbuilding. This is a fact that not many had noticed or are aware of, and still thinking that the Japanese and South Koreans are still dominating the sector.

Apart from the above, what else had China overtaken the USA? In the field of patents, China trumps the USA. Huawei holds patents in telecommunication that other telecommunication giants have to pay patent rights to use. China is on par with the USA in super computers. China's infrastructures put the USA in shame. China high speed rail construction is so far ahead of the USA, it puts the USA in the shade.

Chinese universities are rising up the ranks in the world and attracting students from all over, with tuition fees and accommodation on campus so cheap that it is putting some USA universities out of business or facing financial problems. Moreover, the influx of English-speaking professors from USA universities are allowing Chinese universities to conduct courses in English, a blessing in disguise again for China arising from the USA crackdown on Chinese academics and researchers.

China is thankful that the USA cannot find good people, with good thinking skills and strategic mindset to pull the USA out of its quagmire. China is just content to let the USA continue using their outdated playbook of pulling others down while putting itself in stagnation.

Yes, China should be thankful to the USA for all the help.