
USA is an orgy of lies, fake news and propaganda

 Notice how ridiculous are the Western propagandas manufactured in a USA propaganda factory that often backfires and be proven to be just lies and nothing else.

Take the case of the death of Navalny, which the USA and the West vehemently insisted was killed upon the orders of Putin. Now it appears that they are admitting that Putin had little to do with Navalny's death. Every little misfortune suffered by the West is the work of Putin. Every little setback of the West is the work of Xi.

Strangely, all the problems of the USA always fall on outside scapegoats. The USA never will blame itself for being uncompetitive, devoid of ideas and becoming stunted by lack of innovation. The USA will never own up on its mistakes. It does not look into the mirror. It is so ingrained in its head that lying is the way to do things and that has become its nature in everything it does.

When China rose to control 30% of industrial capacity of the world, with the USA controlling a mere 10% and mostly in military equipment, it is China's fault and China must now cut back on such over-capacity. And the USA thinks it can demand China to do that, using threats of financial sanctions. Most people do not believe in that overcapacity hubris and are saying that the industrial overcapacity of China is just an illusion born out of jealousy. Even gangsters have morals, so says Robert di Niro.

When Russia sells oil and gas to Europe at cheaper prices, outcompeting the USA, Europe had been forced to cut its reliance on Russia for energy, and the Nord Stream pipelines must be taken out at all costs. And the stupid Europeans just resigned themselves to be sacrificed and suffering serious problems over energy shortages and paying exorbitant prices for USA energy. How much longer can Europe carry on like this is questionable.

When Japan and Germany posed threats to the USA's economic power, they had to be taken down, to allow the USA to remain the top dog. Companies like Toshiba and Alstom were taken to the cleaners using trumped-up charges, and Japan and Germany just acquiesce and sheepishly retired to the corner.

When the USA and the UK could not find excuses to attack Iraq for standing up to sell oil in Euros, the USA and UK used fake evidence, inventing WMD and chemical weapon narratives to sell their odious agenda at the UN to attack Iraq.



Anonymous said...

Reports manufactured in a USA propaganda factory about China collapsing must have given the USA leaders 'fake orgasm'. Too bad their leaders are too old to even attempt an erection, not to talk about orgasm. People like Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi are way past their useful lives to attempt that. They could not even walk a straight line. Nancy's husband was even suspected of being 'gay' and engaging in an orgy with a male visitor, later spun into an attempted break-in, in a recent incident at her home.

For over twenty years after Gordon Chang's prediction of 'The Coming Collapse of China', the USA media had been preoccupied and happily lapping up that narrative but were deeply disappointed in having to wait year after year. 'Coming' is the word in question. When? Not only is China not collapsing since then, as all metrics indicate otherwise, but China has instead grown to be so much stronger, that the USA is put in a desperate situation of trying to contain China's growth. Trade Wars, Chip Alliances, chip sanctions, decoupling, derisking have all been trotted out, but of what use? Even the threat of increasing tariffs on Chinese EVs multiple times is going to fail. USA consumers will pay for those tariff increases. It is an additional tax burden for them. The coming collapse of Gordon Chang himself will definitely happen earlier than China.

Yet the USA thinks that by decoupling with China it will progress faster. Fat hope and wishful thinking! When competition is absent, innovation goes out the window and the USA will lag further behind China. They say that' necessity is the mother of invention' and that is China's priority today. That is a certainty for China to progress further. Already in the field of innovation, China is far ahead of the USA. All the hurdles that the USA wants to erect, even financial sanctions, to prevent China from rising further is not going to work. It will push BRICS even faster in pushing forward its de-dollarization calendar.

Xi is going to visit France, Serbia and Hungary to promote better ties. China could see the fragmentation of the EU, despite the fake proclamation of solidarity that the EU is trying to project on the surface. Germany has taken the lead to invest more in China. German companies know they cannot afford to decouple from China, knowing that the market in China for German products is of paramount importance. To overcome the energy crunch, German firms are relocating to China in droves and forming joint ventures with Chinese companies. Now, this is not a one-way traffic of China wanting to learn from German innovation as in the past. It is a two-way traffic today of co-operation that benefits both sides, which the USA leaders fail to see or understand.

And the irony is that the USA leaders are believing in their own lies and propaganda. That is the beauty of creating too many lies and buying into their own propaganda and lies blindfolded.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 11.03

Well said!

Just to add also China controlled of their resources. Ie. their rare earth etc these countries cannot even manufacture anything.

Now these Nuts knew that they would collapse if still obeying the UAssA

Lastly, Pelosi's husband preferred a guy arse hole rather than hers

What's a joke.


Anonymous said...

What has become really an upside-down world today is that it is the Mainstream Media that is proliferating and generating fake news to pollute the world, while the actual truth has to come from ordinary folks countering such lies. Entities like the NYT, CNN and the BBC are just perfect examples among others.

Indeed, what can we really expect from 'The Empire of Lies'. The MSM is really in self-destruct mode and Journalist now have a very bad reputation that stinks to high heaven.

Anonymous said...

With the two jokers fighting for the Presidency, the USA is doomed.

One is a six-time bankrupt, possibly a con-man with that kind of record, while the other is hardly able to remember what he ate that morning and cannot seem to keep his eyes open even while on the rostrum. And that is what they are getting to run the USA?

The USA is one big joke.