
How to rule a country like the USA with zombies and the living dead?

 How to rule a country like the USA is for democratic countries to sample, learn and follow.

Mitch McConell, the Republican Senator who suffered a stroke earlier, and who refused to retire from the house after that, just suffered another, standing on the rostrum answering a question, and had to be escorted away. Both times, Mitch just froze in mid air, like a statue, immovable and staring into space. It was eerie to see. And mind you, this man is voting on policies as a senator in his state of mind.

John Fetterman, another senator from the Democrat's side also suffered a stroke in 2022, and fighting depression said to be 'throughout his life', and yet is staying in the house and refusing to step down. This is how desperate the situation is in the USA, unable to find more suitable calibre people in good health to take over. Or should I say, the Deep State is just choosing and allowing people resembling the living dead, to be involved in running the country, easily under their control and manipulation.

Biden is in the same boat, mentally unable to cope with stammering and incoherency in his speeches, yet is still aiming for 2024, with the hyena in tow. To be sure, after putting Trump away and clearing a pathway for Biden by attempting to cover up his and his son's corruption and drug issues, helped by the MSM, the chances of his re-election looks pretty good for the Democrats.

Four more years of Biden, McConnell and Fettermen, all walking deads leading the country, is a sure recipe for the USA to be lead to no man's land, the dead end. Forget about the rosy picture being painted of tight job market, strong job growth, robust banking system, and all time highs on Wall Street. Necessity is the mother of invention.

If all that money printing is not able to do all this and does nothing to the economy, I rest my case. But it is just creating a bigger problem ahead by just, as what they say, kicking the can further down the road.

Oh, one more thing. The USA and the West are, according to Sean Foo, discreetly urging China to follow the USA to print and print to stimulate its economy to drag the global economy up and running. China is not going for that remedy, knowing it is a recipte for disaster. China does not believe in saving 'too big to fail entities', especially in the construction industry. Xi wants to punish those who speculate big on properties and letting them bite the dust, with some painful consequences for the economy no doubt. Does that give a clue about what is happening in the West and why they are now not gloating about 'de-coupling' and moving towards 'de-risking' from China? Who is blinking first is quite clear. 



Anonymous said...

In any other country, people like Mitch McConnell would have been removed long ago.

Our former President Ong Teng Cheong, despite his cancer was more lucid, clear minded and asking the correct questions, and yet had to be removed.

And dementia Joe, the Joke of the century, is still running in 2024 if true. Of course compared to Mahathir, he is still a young man, robust, healthy and mentally sound. However, in his state and watching his every move, I beg to differ. Much as I dislike Mahathir, he is way healthier, mentally alert and perfectly capable of picking up a fight with his own shadow any time, LOL.

Oops, cooling off is still on right?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget 90 year old Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Anonymous said...

Japan is taking China to the WTO over the banning of import of seafood from Japan. As I said earlier, China's ban is a matter of survival for Japan's seafood industry. The reality is setting in.

Even if Japan were to succeed to open up the China market again to Japanese seafood, what is there to prevent Chinese citzens throughout the country from to boycotting the seafood from Japan? What can the WTO do? China could easily get its seafood from Russia, which the Russians are doing so now and happily taking over the market. And once that happens, it is more like 'Sayonara' sushi.

Japan is in inextricable decline even without the Fukushima seafood contamination issue. Japan's rise was largely attributed to the global demand for their Internal Combustion Engine vehicles for decades, and their consumer electronics hold over the years. Today, Japanese car makers are no longer monopolising the car market worldwide for Internal Combustion Engine vehicles, as they were relatively slow to migrate to EVs, and its electronics sector has now been cannibalised by South Korea and also China.

I would not say that Japan's adoption of EV production were slow, but it was due to its outright intention to avoid EVs, out of fear of being too dependent on China for certain raw materials for electric vehicles. Japan therefore opt not to go into EV. Instead they opted for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, with Toyota and Honda the main propagators swaying the direction, and totally resistant to changes. Other Japanese car makers had more interest in EVs, but unable to carry the ground as these two main Japanese car makers have a strong hold on the Government and lobbying groups.

The problem with hydrogen fuel cells is that even if the Japanese managed to succeed domestically by installing fuel cell points in Japan, which is today even massively inadequate to cope, people in other countries are not going to buy such vehicles that needs massive investments in setting up fuel cell top up points countrywide, apart from safety concerns like electric shocks and inflammality of Hydrogen. Compared to EVs, with power lines already linking every nook and corner, this is a very inconvenient factor.

Anonymous said...

Japan is playing the victim part of the Fukushima contaminated water release, instead of China, South Korea and others, trying to gather sympathy from the rest of the world by playing the WTO card. Bring the issue to the WTO for all China cares, but it will make the Chinese people even more intent on avoiding Japanese seafood. The WTO cannot order that the Chinese people must consume Japanese seafood, right? There is such a thing as 'Freedom of Choice' that had always been espoused by the USA itself.

Japananese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was reported to have eaten seafood with ministers earlier in the week, right after the release of the water, but that action is not going to bring any comfort to the Chinese nor the South Koreans. Remember that the Japs are going to be releasing the contaminated water over 30 to 40 years, or longer with more contaminated wastewater being generated by the day. As with all things dangerous and toxic, continuous ingestion or subjecting to, is going to cause harm in the long run.

For what kind of a show Kishida and his ministers are trying to put on, those fish or seafood could have come from anywhere, probably caught long ago and frozen like those bluefins caught in deep sea and frozen on board for months, so it tells us nothing about the safety of the fish being eaten. It rather makes a mockery of Fumio Kishida trying so early to pull a fast one. If he keeps eating the fishes really caught off Japan for months, I may say he is not trying to pull wool over people's eyes.

As I did mention earlier, the release of those water into the ocean had been talked about long ago, but due to objections, were held back. The most pertinent observation that I could not put away was the fact that the contaminiated water release came just days after Kishida, Yoon and Biden met at Camp David, and it was obvious that the release was effected after given the go ahead by Biden. Kishida is banking on the believe that with Biden's approval, no one would dare to raise objections, coming from the reigning superpower. With that stamp of approval, no one was thought to be daring enough to raise any objection. Fiji did raise a whimper of an objection, but was just brushed aside as noice coming from a Chiwawa by the Japanese. However those objections from China and South Korea, took the Japs somewhat by surprise, but not beyond my expectation. Yoon was probably told by Biden to handle the South Korean side of the problem.