
G20 - Modi and Biden's last waltz

 Joe Biden just loves to come up with new 'satires' to entertain the weasels, everywhere he goes. And the weasels, with wide innocent open eyes, lap up every word he spouted. You see, Joe Biden really stole the G20 show this time, with Xi and Putin absent. I think the Indians really love it, with 'India' taking centre stage with such an earth shattering project being announced in India. Wonder what other earth shattering announcements Joe Biden will make in Vietnam, but I believe my guess can never be that far off, if confronting China is not at the top of the agenda.

Modi will probably love it even more if Biden names the project 'Modi, ME, EU Corridor'. His turban will swell even larger (to accomodated the swelling head) and the Indian newsites will be doing a song and dance about it. How long is it going take to start this project, and how long it is going to take building it, is not important, since India is a very patient country and can always wait forever, like their high speed rail system project using low speed construction methods, LOL.

While Maui residents are crying for help and telling the world they have to resort to helping themselves, and cannot depend on the USA Government that cares little about their plight, here is Joe Biden talking about a new earth shattering project aka 'India, ME, EU corridor'. It is little to do with benefitting countries involved mind you. That is not the intention. The project's main purpose is to challenge the BRI.

Now, how many projects have Joe Biden announced thus far. There was the US$600 billion Global Infrastructure project announced in June, 2022, also to challenge China. Wonder how that is progressing? There was the US$350 million (shrank from US$350 billion) project for digital transformation of the African continent. Wonder how that is progressing? At US$7.5 million for each African country, what kind of digital transformation does Joe Biden hope to achieve? Think about it rationally. He thinks the Africans are taken in by his 'snake oil' salesmen tactic.

Now, let us not forget about another blockbuster project he fantasised about, of building a railroad across the Pacific Ocean, to link up with another linkage in the Indian Ocean, to India I suppose. That has now been discarded as just a wet dream when Joe Biden nodded off in his chair. Now, this 'India, ME, EU, Corridor' project is another wet dream of Joe Biden. And announcing it at the G20 makes Joe Biden really, really popular. He has regained the leadership role after being blindsided in Jakarta. When one is left as the only competitor in a competition, the winner is obvious. Wonder whether that slight in Indonesia has to do with the USA now targeting Indonesia for a color revolution? 


PS. India would need to wait another 20 years to have another 2 hours of temmporary sense of importance.


Anonymous said...

Zelenskyy's official just criticise India and China as intellectually retarded, for not supporting Ukraine against Russia. The Indians are up in arms over the issue. That Ukraine Official specifically criticised India's moon landing as prioritising the wrong way forward and not helping Ukraine instead.

Zelenskyy and his cronies are just lashing out in anger at any opportunity, and India came into the picture because of its stand of not allowing Zelenskyy to attend the G20, and downplaying the issue of Ukraine at the meet, besides issuing its joint declaration that did not criticise Russia. The clown and the whole circus are mad as a hatter, running amok.

Putin and Xi must be sniggering behind their desk at the clown show.

Anonymous said...

The no brainers are the ones doing the fighting and dying.

Soon the Pinoys, Taiwanese, South Koreans, the PNGs would do the fighting and dying. The Japs and the Aussies would not fight and die. Of course the Americans would not do likewise.

Anonymous said...

Aussies already done their share of fighting in Afghanistan & Iraq. Fighting againts men in flip flops armed with AK47. They dare not take on a peer military like China.

Japs even more scared. China remembers Japanese WW2 atrocities & have no qualms in turning Japan island into a wasteland.

Virgo49 said...

Convicts Land Aussies only will join gangs and fight lah.

Alone! They be shittings and peeing in their pants.

Anonymous said...

Gangsters never go into a fight alone. Gangsters have to gather their 'kakis' in order to give them courage in a group to face other gangs. The same with the USA. They could not even dared to face Taliban farmers bearing small arms, running away with only their pants on and leaving everything behind.