
American Rainbow warriors


American military recruitment posters and requirements for new recruits. No men or women need to apply.

What are they looking for? Young people that like to put on makeups, mascara, lipsticks and wear panty hoses.

'A survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in April found that approximately one in four high-school students now consider themselves to be LGBTQ. At the same time, a Pew Research Center survey last year also found that some 5.1% of adults under 30 identified as trans or nonbinary. By comparison, a similar survey conducted by the Williams Institute in 2016 put that number at around 0.6% – a figure that already doubled estimates made ten years prior.' RT

If this trend continues, Americans would become a very beautiful people, with binary and non binary people happily living together. And the American armed forces would be a place to party instead of fighting wars with men soldiers putting on makeups and wearing panty hoses to look pretty.

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