
US planning to place nuclear weapons in PNG. What is Asean going to do about it?

 It is so strange that Australia is very quick to be 'concerned' about China and the Solomon Islands signing a 'Law enforcement and Security Agreement'.

But Australia is not concerned about the USA signing an agreement allowing the USA to set up a military base in Papua New Guinea.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is hypocrisy of the stinkiest kind, that stinks to high heaven. As what North Korea said earlier, about the IAEA decision to allow Japan to dump its Fukushima waste water into the ocean - it is the 'most extreme double standard' that is displayed for all the world to see.

What is the USA's motive in setting up such a base in PNG? Encircling China was the assumption, with stationing of nuclear weapons on the horizon in due course, but the real immediate target is Indonesia. The USA knows that PNG and Indonesia have border disputes for ages, and is now trying to capitalise on those issues by undoubtedly using money to buy over the PNG leaders. Nothing more, nothing less.

The USA knows that Indonesia is a Muslim country, not easy for their leaders and citizens to trust the USA, thus difficult to destablise for a regime change to enable them to exert control to hijack the whole ASEAN grouping. Thus using a proxy is their way of going around the problem by creating issues using PNG to destablise Indonesia.

Moreover, the stance of Indonesian leader, Joko Widodo, to ignore the Anglo Saxon White's call, and invited Russia to the G20 meeting recently, has undoubtedly angered the USA under the surface, hatching all the evil plans to hit back at Indonesia. You never can escape being bitten by tangling with a snake. You will get bitten one way or another.

It is apparently clear that Indonesia already knows what the USA is planning to do on their border. The fact that they immediately came out with the warning that ASEAN must remain nuclear free, is giving a clue that they knew what the USA's intentions are.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Understand that IAEA's Chief was bribed a Million Euros approving the dumping of the Waste waters.

Also, as I posted earlier why Wang Yi came instead of Qin Gang to the ASEAN summit.

To listen and see whether all these ASEAN Leaders are doggies to the UAssA.

Hello Americunts better start doing more for your own Shits Country that going to the Skunks and NOT be a busybody to interfere with Other's Affairs.

Wanted to be busy body then be a Whore or Gigaloo.

Anonymous said...

Nato has the Ukraine War in hand and cannot cope still want to come to Asia to start another war. These white savages need to be terminated like termites before they do more damages.

They have been shut out of the Middle East and Africa. Latin America also closing the door to them. Only a few semi colonised states and cronies in Asia want them to come and start another war.

Anonymous said...

ASEAN leaders are IDIOTS.

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact, USA had already placed nuclear weapons in some Nato countries long ago, according to Sergei Lavrov. Ukraine is only providing them a closer look at Moscow, with nukes just on the border, if it succeeds in getting into Nato.

There is no denying that eventually the USA will do the same with ASEAN, or in PNG, close to ASEAN. This is a certainty, with China on the radar. They could have placed their nuclear weapons in the Philippines (if not already done), which is all ready and willing, so why choose PNG? The obvious answer is to kill two birds with one stone - China and Indonesia, with ASEAN in the pipeline. With Indonesia under their thumb, the other ASEAN Chiwawas are a piece of cake. Moreover, Vietnam is already in the bag for them. Thailand is on the verge of being sold to them if the new PM gets in. And Red Dot is just sup sup soi.

The USA always works with an inch, which they will stretch to a yard. What can PNG do, after inviting the devil into the house? More bribes will certainly solidify the relationship and more benefits will follow, just like the Philippines. Money talks and bullshit walks!. Reneging on this would mean being threatened with serious consequences. And with the USA military inside the country, PNG dare not even fart.

Just look at the USA stance in Ukraine. First a little involvement, then more weapons, then suddenly banned weapons as well. What Zelenskyy, knowingly or unknowingly, playing along is that those are obsolete weapons to be paid for by Ukraine - tanks, armoured carriers, Himars, whatever, all meant for the scrapyard, but fit for target practice by the Russians. Even the F16s and F18s are obsolete in terms of range compared to the Russians and they think sending those will 'change the game'. It is a fantasy.

By disposing of those weapons in Ukraine, it benefits USA both ways, showing its support and most of all is going to help their Military Industrial Complex come out with new business opportunities by manufacturing newer weapons to sell to allies, while getting rid of the obsolete junks. How to get rid of those banned cluster bombs if they do not send them to Ukraine? It is an opportunity they would never miss.

Anonymous said...

Asean condemns US sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. Yes, Asean dares to condemn the Americans for violation of UN Resolution.

Anonymous said...

We were given the impression that USA leaders visited Taiwan to give their support. Now we know they were paid to visit by Taiwan.

While Western leaders are inviting themselves to China, Taiwan has to pay money to invite Western leaders to visit. What a shameful thing to do?

Anonymous said...

They were paid by traitors using the people's money. Where is the accountability?

Anonymous said...

The cluster bombs, like all obsolete and expired ammo, are as good as junks. So send to Ukraine and Ukraine would have to pay for them.

Anonymous said...

Actually sending cluster bombs to Ukraine is killing the Ukrainian people rather than killing the Russian soldiers, who do not live there. Those unexploded bombs will continue to kill long after the war is over. Just like Agent Orange and mines which are still affecting the Vietnamese civilians long after the war. If this is a lesson in Vietnam that has not been learnt, it is a sad and catastrophic mistake for Ukraine.

But, since the USA is asking Ukraine to fight to the last man, it does not matter to them, right?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.05am

Bingo. Ukraine will be cursed with UXO for decades, turning it to be the Cambodia of 21st Century

Muricunts will sit happily at home while Ukrainian civilians are maimed / killed by these UXO. Not my problem, say Muricunts.

Anonymous said...

Fact is Vietnam did not ask for Agent Orange to be dropped on them. Ukraine is asking for cluster bombs. Backside itchy which the USA will gladly oblige. Disposal of junk and banned as well.

Today, Ukraine is just like a rag and bone man, collecting rubbish that the USA and Nato wanted to throw away. Russia is happily using them as target practice.

Anonymous said...

US now has 17 military bases in the Philippines instead of officially announced 8. US is also free to deploy nuclear weapons in the Philippines targeted at China, Russia and Iran.

Asean doesn't know?