
US using India to attack BRICS/SCO and China

 It is already seen by many that India is being used more and more by the USA to be another pawn cultivated to contain China. China knows it, the world knows it, but only the Indians have yet to know it or pretending not to know it. India may be good in playing both sides, but eventually will regret just like those countries that had been used by the USA, and than discarded or destroyed when their usefulness is over.

Whatever alliances or treaties that the USA signs with any country is all for the interest of the USA, nothing more nothing less. Enemies just have to strengthen themselves militarily for whatever the USA is planning, while friends may yet end in more fatal ways, by letting their guards down and being blindly lead to the abatoir for slaughter later on.

Yes, the USA is not going to condemn the Modi Government's treatment of the Muslims in India the same way they accused China's treatment of the Uyghurs. Neither will it now condemn the ethnic/religious conflict now erupting in Manipur, between majority Meitei Hindus and the largely Christian Kukis, a group which had been suppressed and mistreated by the Hindu Government. In return the Modi Government had to tow the USA line, just like the Philippines and PNG, and the USA Government is now demanding a base in India for logistics to support their confrontation with China.

BRICS has to take a stand now with India in the process of hosting USA naval and logistical facilities. Most people commenting on this issue are of the opinion that India cannot be allowed to remain inside BRICS and a way must be found to remove the Trojan Horse that is already doing the damage.



Anonymous said...

After seeing how vicious and offensive were the Indians in trying to undermine China, can we learn anything from it? Can India be trusted?

Anonymous said...

Knowing that India is not in BRI and RCEP, we can understand what was the motive. It should be looked upon as a blessing in disguise, not a loss to be regreted. India has nothing to contribute, much to gain, but decided to stay away. And who, why and how did India become the pariah in Euro/Asia, just like the Japanese in Asia. Care to make a guess what influenced the actions of Modi recently? That trip to Washington reveals the 'horse leg' that we have been trying to figure out.

Russia should by now realise that India is not to be trusted. China already found that out long ago. But China is not attempting to split the relationship between Russia and India, unlike the USA and the West.