
Pariah Japan to dump contaminated radio active waste onto Pacific Ocean

 The stupid Japs think that by sitting with the Whites in the G7 makes them white. They are being used as cannon folder over Taiwan. Just like the Europeans being used as cannon folder by the USA against Russia.

The Japs are already the 'pariah' among Asians, having taken the side of the Whites, the Germans and Italians during WW2, calling themselves the 'Axis' alliance against all others, including all Asian countries. The atrocities they committed will never ever be forgotten.

By the way, why are White Anglo Saxon countrie not making a big issue over the intended dumping of Fukushima nuclear waste water into the Pacific? In reality, the Japs could already be doing it discreetly, knowing that they already found contamination on the Western coast of the North American Continent. But they kept all this behind wraps and not trying to alarm the USA citizens.

Only Asian countries, like China and South Korea are taking up the issue over the dumping of Fukushima waste water into the Pacific, millions of tons of it. Had China done the same thing by dumping nuclear waste water into the Pacific, the Anglo Saxon Whites would by now be having hysteria and barking day and night like rabid dogs, over human rights and evironmental disaster. You can clearly see who is controlling the IAEA and giving the Japs the benefit of all the doubts.

Similarly, the USA is slowly being abandoned and becoming a 'pariah' in Africa, Middle East, Latin and Central America, including Central Asia. The do not welcome the 'pariah' in their country.



Anonymous said...

Japan had always harboured the hope of other Asians treating them like the Whites, but their Asian features and skin colour cannot be changed, no matter how hard they try. Even today, sitting among the Whites at the G7 gives them to fake sense of satisfaction that other Asian countries are looking up to them as Whites. A wet dream indeed! Or a nightmare being treated like a 'pariah'.

What is Japan today? A sinking ship, long left behind by China militarily and economically. And Japan is very angry and sore, besides facing anxiety and paranoia over its past history. At its peak, rising after the post -war rebuilding, Japan wanted to be treated as Whites in Africa and Latin America. They were the second largest economy on earth, a miracle economy, and even thinks it owns the African and South American Continents, demanding respect like the White colonisers.

In Asia, after what Japan did during the war, makes it impossible for Japan to garner respect or support, even though they were the second largest economy then. Asians care two hoots about that status. Asians allowed Japanese investments to flow into the region, also to take advantage of the cheap labour, and provide jobs, but forcing them to treat Japanese as a notch higher in status was never a possibility as in Africa and Latin America.

Japan realistically was hoping to follow the Whites in the the same way that they treated the Native American Indians, but Japan lacks the military might after its wings were clipped by the USA after the war. They could not colonise countries even if they wanted to. It was all to be an empty dream and hopeless hype that faded miserably

Anonymous said...

The Japs were given honorary white status in apartheid South Africa. They were so proud & happy but it was because SA wanted the Japanese money.

Virgo49 said...


Produced by CGTN 40 plus mins of Japan's Planned Disposal of their Necular Waste Water.

Anonymous said...

If the waste water are so safe, why must take several years for disposing into the sea. Should completely dump all at one go. Or maybe they can drink it like sg' new water.