
Salient Truth & Facts: The Sins & Evil Deeds of Anglo-Saxon America are Beyond Redemption: PART TWO

 PART     TWO:        The Evil Anglo-Saxon Americans are incarnations of Satans.

The Anglo-Saxon Americans are really incarnations of satans for they are savagely warlike in their endless violent aggressions and conquests of other countries and their inhuman brutal treatment of conquered peoples who were subjected to all kinds of atrocities and painful tortures. For example native Americans were targets for sport shooting to satisfy the Anglo-Saxon psychopaths cravings for killings for pleasure. Native Americans were massed removed from lands wanted by the white invaders and forced to march for hundreds of miles or over a thousand kilometers to hostile deserted desert areas in the mid-west without being given any food or water. Under such torturous conditions hundreds of natives would drop dead on the way and many more would suffer with painful agony of fear and hunger and severe psychological disorders. The diabolical evil ways in which the white Anglo-Saxon invaders treated the native Americans witout even an iota feeling of remorse clearly show that they are incarnations of satans. Karma would one day surely haunt the Anglo-Saxons and the white invaders and see that they are properly punished. Sad to say these same type of atrocities are repeated on natives in Canada, Australia,  New Zealand and some other places by the same Anglo-Saxon invaders. Thus wherever Anglo-Saxons go there goes death and suffering for the natives.

The hideous Anglo-Saxon Americans like their predecessor Anglo-Saxon British are wanton aggressors and brutal expansionists. They are horrendous psychopaths who enjoy torturing and killing others for fun and entertainment. Native Americans had narrated endless tales and descriptions of how the white invaders and raiders had trapped and captured native sons and daughters and subjected them to the most gruesome atrocities of brutal tortures. 

Yet when white men first landed in America in the early 1,500s they were treated well by the natives who helped them to get use to the land. The natives provided them with food and lodgings and taught them how to till the land by planting local crops of maize, potatoes and tomatoes. But after one or two years white men turned on the natives. They became atrocious thieves and robbers who robbed off their cattles and food products. The savage white men killed the natives and raped the native girls and woman folks freely. The native Americans fought back bravely and fiercely against the white raiders. But it was always a losing battle as natives spears and arrows were no match against white mens's guns and cannons.

One story told that barbaric armed white raiders would hold siege of a village early in the morning. They waited in ambush behind some trees or hillocks. When the unsuspecting native villagers open their doors to go and work in the farms they were taken down by white snipers. No natives were spared be they men. women or children. 

The natives try to commemorate the orgy of their sufferings at the hands of the savage Christian white bandits by writing folk songs that tell the pains and sufferings of the natives at the hands of  white killers. One native folk song tells how white killers ambushed and massacre the natives and threw both the dead and the wounded into a river. The surviving natives said their hearts turned in pain and agony  when they thought of the distant river where their love ones were thrown into the river to be drowned. The song ended with the natives hoping in vain for the return of their love ones who were drowned in the distant river far far away from home. It was a sad song of the natives dream for their lost folks to return home but it was a hope against hope. 

Immediately after its independence from England in1776, the United States laid out detail plans to conquer the rest of the continent which was ruled by scores of native tribes with selfgoverning status under British suzerainty. Under its new doctrine of  'The Manifest Destiny of America' the United States set out on a wild barbaric rampage to not just conquer the native lands from the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the west coast of the Pacific Ocean but also with a clear blue print to genocide the natives in its entirety. After almost totally decimated the native tribes the savage Anglo-Saxon white Americans set their eyes on Mexican territories. They created incidents as excuses for starting wars with Mexico. From 1840s to 1870s and with their superior arms they marched on Mexico. They not only savaged the Mexican armies with brutality but were also merciless in killing Mexican civillians to cow them down into submission to their rule. In all two thirds of Mexican territories amounting to one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand square miles were robbed from Mexico which now comprise the provincial states of Texas, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona,  New Mexico, Wyoming and California.

Satanic Anglo-Saxon United States  aggression and expansion had no bounds. It wanted to expand across the Pacific Ocean. It had to conquer the kingdom of Hawaii and used it as a jumping board for its further conquests of the other Pacific Ocean island kingdoms before proceeding to conquer China. Its violent and destructive conquest of Hawaii and the Philippines had already been described in Part One.

The Americans had earlier in 1830s to 1900s particiapated in the criminal exploitation of China in the Opium Wars with England and France and later in 1900 it joined forces with six European countries and Japan to attack and sack Beijing in the Boxer Rebellion episode. Together with the European countries and Japan they tried to dismember China to tear China apart and apportioned among themselves the different parts of China to be ruled and governed by each of them. 

The American monsters had wild plans to ultimately  rule all over China itself. In the 1880s an American naval commander by the name of Maher  and Delanor Roosevelt arrogantly claimed that  China was a rich resource country but the Chinese were not fit to rule China themselves so the Americans must civilize China and the Chinese with American rule.

These Anglo-Saxon American monsters had since its independence set up a system and a timetable for world domination to build an American empire that would surpass  all past Roman and European empires. In other words the imbecile Anglo-Saxon Americans always have the evil ulterior motive to take over the mantle of all European imperialism and colonialism. With the end of the Cold War in1990 and the collapese of the USSR in 1991 the Americans loudly proclaimed the end of history and arrogantly announced that for the first time in history the whole world can be brought under the full control and dominance of one country under  United States total hegemony.

In the past the easy defeat and conquests of small and weak states had gone into the barbaric Americans' heads that caused them to be drunk with political stupor. In their political drunkeness they want to bully and take on the new Russian federation under President Putin and a new found China under President Xi Jinping. They have miscalculated due to their brain comatose and found out too late that the new Russian bear and the Chinese dragon are not easy meat but are more than a match for their aggression. The  mentally deranged Americans are at present very extremely anti Russia and anti China and are now very determined to take down the two countries for the simple reason that Russia and China are the only two countries that are stumbling blocks to American satanic ambition for world conquest and hegemony.

The neurotic American government bellicose leaders have put aside 1.5 billion dollars to be spent over a period of five years on vile and toxic propaganda to demonize China and Russia with false information, misinformation and disinformation to win over the American citizens and the people of the world  for their support in the coming wars which they have prepared for against China and Russia.  

The white people  especially the Anglo-Saxon Americans and their forebears  the British are seasoned consummate liars. They tell lies with a straight face. They constantly fabricated lies which are dangerous and lethal. A case in point is President Bush Jr and his pack of satans Dick Cheney, James Rumsfeld, Colin Power and Paul Wolfowitz whose lies about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction just to justify a war with Iraq that caused the death of over a million innocent Iraqis and many more millions maimed for life and the total destruction  of Iraq. Another American fatal lie was 9/11 which was actually a job done by Israel Jews Mossad with the connivance of CIA and Pentagon and of course the White House. This lie justified the  illicit war on Afghanistan which lasted for 20 years and at the cost of hundreds of thousands of  Afghanistan's lives and destruction of the whole coountry.

The insane Americans  being cowards  have resorted to using their junior allies and poodles as pawns and proxies in the front line confrontation against Russia and China. It had provoked and started the Ukraine war against Russia hoping to wear down and destroy Russia. At the same time it is arming Chinese traitors and separatists of the treasonable DPP control Taiwan province to create choas and hostilities to provoke and lure China out to have a shooting war with fellow Chinese in Taiwan. When a shooting war starts in the Taiwan Straits the Satanic Americans hope to intervene and bring down China. That is a fat dream for Russia and China have made it very clear that all future wars created by the US will directly affect the American mainland as Russian and Chinese nuclear-armed hyper supersonic missiles and rockets will definitely rain down heavily on American soil as well as on its allies homeland.

Taking on Russia and China together at the same time or taking on them singly will  be American nemesis. However, in this nuclear age of nuclear bombs  and nuclear missiles no one will be the wiser for all will face armageddon and the end of mankind. 

Yet satanic America has more than 800 military bases all round the world well armed with nuclear weapons threatening and intimidating big and small nations. Despite of that the US and its so-called poodle allies will surely be defeated and devasted by  China and Russia in a conventional war and that is if they do not desperately resort to use of nuclear weapons to save its last breath; and if that happens no one will be the wiser for all will be dead. 

 Thus  the many decades of horrendous American diabolical evil  dreadful deeds against mankind clearly show that the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the British are incarnations of Satan and they worship their chief Satan 'Lucifer.' 

Finally let the free world remind the satanic Anglo-Saxon  Americans and their hostile Western  allies that if they choose to die, they must go and die themselves and not to drag the whole world by and large to die with them. There is no honour and there is no glory when everyone is dead and mankind is gone forever. So wake up the imbecile citizens of America and Western Europe. It's your duty and responsibility to imbibe on your satanic self-interests and self aggrandized lunatic leaders to stop being aggressive and warmongering for the safety and survival of all mankind. Act now before it is too late.


Saturday, 20th May,2023.

ADDENDUM to   PART   TWO : Evil Americans are Incarnations of Satans :

The Chinese Embassy has published a list of states that were bombed by the United States of America after  World  War  II :

1.   Japan : Hiroshima : 6th August, 1945 :   Nagasaki : 9th August, 1945 :  Both nuclear bombed.

2.   Korea and China : 1950 - 1953  ( Korean War )

3.   Guatemala 1954

4.   Indonesia 1958

5.   Cuba 1959 - 1961

6.   Guatemala 1960

7.   Congo.   1964

8.   Laos 1964 -1973

9.   Vietnam 1961 -1973

10.   Cambodia 1969 -1970 

11.   Guatemala   1967 - 1969

12.   Grenada   1983

13.   Lebanon   1983 -1984  ( hitting targets in the territories of Lebanon and Syria )

14.   Libya.   1986

15.   Salvador  1980

16.   Nicaragua.   1980

17.   Iran 1987

18.   Panama.   1989

19.   Iraq   1991    Gulf War

20.   Kuwait   1991

21.   Somalia    1993

22.   Bosnia   1994 - 1995

23.   Sudan   1998

24.   Afghanistan   1998  

25.   Yugoslavia   1999

26.   Yemen   2002

27.   Iraq   1991 - 2003   Joint  US and  British troops

28.   Iraq   2003 - 2015

29.   Afghanistan     2001 - 2015

30.   Pakistan    2007 - 2015

31.   Somalia    2007,  2008,  2011

32.   Yemen   2009,   2011

33.   Libya    2011,  2015

34.   Syria    2014 - 2015

There are more than 20 states on the list. China urged   "Never forget who is the real threat to the world"

Were there outrages from the Western community regarding the United States horrendous crimes?

Were there  loud accusatory cries? Were  there sanctions against the United States at least once?

This whole hypocritical caudle sits quietly with its tongue in one place, when the USA nightmares countries like a real bandit . Not  an exclamation, not a shadow of reproach, not a glimmer of indignation. Cowardly, shameless hypocritical creatures! I would spit on everyone in his hypocritical mug and would poke his nose into this list.

This list should be broadcast on all possible channels 24 hours a day continuously. Make videos that would gouge all this Western riff-raff, would not let them sleep peacefully! Pound them and peck and remind every fact of the US crime against other countries.

NB : Nota Bene :   Please help to spread this information around the world to as many countries and to as many people as possible. Print out copies and talk and discuss with everyone, friends or strangers, relatives and acquaintances to keep everyone in this world aware of US / West hideous crimes against humanity especially against non-white people. Let all of us, let the whole world condemn US / West hideous crimes in no uncertain terms.


Saturday, 20th May,2023.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning southernglory1

Right you are absolutely and thank you for your enlightening articles.

Now Karmas are going to punish the Euro Nuts and soon also the Anglo Saxons Satan's when this phenomenon of their own are boomerang to kill their own.

The Brits supplied their depleted Uranium Shells to Urukian trying to kill the Russians.

Now Russia had bombed their cache of all these arsenals and waves and waves of their blown up Uranium Shells are blowing across the European Contingent.

Just one BIG happening that Good enough to punish their Evil Deeds.

Also that winds might also blow over to that Satan Brits Land and they will also get their just punishments.

The saying" He who digs a hole for his Bro will himself fall into it " is very apt.

Let's sit back and see their next few descendents if they able to have them with crippled legs and deformed bodies like what's they did to the Natives and other coloured peoples.

This Russo-Urukian Conflict really eyes opners for many dafts and imebeciles that worshipped the Whites Devils.

Virgo49 said...


This the link and they still blindsided to it.

Anonymous said...

The assurance that they will go to heaven just by believing in their God, no matter what evil they commit, is enough to entice them to commit as much evil as they want. They already have a place reserved for them in heaven, so why should they bother about redemption?

Anonymous said...

The United States of America today is the world's most hated nation. Why?
Can the Americans explain to that? Or can someone else enlighten the world about the "American dream" of Trump 'MAGA' --- Make America Grief Again'

Anonymous said...

Both the Democrats and the

Both the Democrats and the Republicans are jingostic in China bashing. Belligerence against China has a bipartisan front. American political thugs and hoodlums in both parties enelessly use the mmass media and the social media to scapegoat China for all of America's deep seated ills and debacles of their own making.

Sceptical American

Anonymous said...

MAGA now does not stand for 'Make America Great Again'. The new war cry is 'Make Africa Great Again' and is happening.

Anonymous said...

The only redemption for the USA is a deep and honest introspection into their thuggish white supremacy mindset, the corruption of its Deep State political ruling class, and their toxic system of oligarchic enrichment that benefits only the elites in Wall Street and the big corporations, their obscene militarism and tyranny of 'national security' that suppress democracy but promote US dictatorship and world hegemony.

But to avoid those reckonings the thugs in Washington and the sociopaths in both parties will do everything they can to distract their public's attention of their failures and incompetencies with vitriol slanderous incitement against China, Russia, North Korea and Iran no matter how ridiculous and no matter how reckless and dangerous they can be.

In fact all American presidents including Biden and all American politicians or rather political hoodlums are willing to jeopardize world security even to the point of starting wars for as long as they can conceal their corrupt rule.

The Americans engneered the coronavirus - Covid 19, to destroy China, but turned around to accuse China of pandemic cover-up. This the most audacious American guilt-projection since 9/11, war on terror.

Sadly and regretably the Americans and people in the free world are so brainwashed and misinformed. The ruling American political charlatans and thugs may get away with murder as they are always used to, though not for long now.

Ling Tong Sing

Anonymous said...

Global South and the tale of two summits

G7 summit in Japan is coinciding with China-Central Asia summit in Xi’an. The two perfectly encapsulate low weight of global South on most economic, military or technology metrics. Excluding EU, countries invited to Hiroshima control ~39% of global GDP, rising to 44% if Japan is included. By contrast, Central Asian countries that occupy a strategically important centre of Eurasia, have economic weight which is only slightly larger than the state of Michigan. Why is it important?

1. Depending on one’s definition of global South, it houses over 50% of global population but its weight in GDP terms is not much more than 20%. On the other hand, a broadly defined West (ie, US, Canada, UK, EU, Swiss/EEA, Australia, Japan and Korea) have ~15% of global population but ~60% of GDP, ~70% of R&D and ~80% of internationally recognized patents. China is the only partial counter balance

2. Unlike West that broadly agrees on a number of basics (ie importance of democracy, human rights, rule of law, institutional independence etc), global South does not have the same coherence. It is not to say that there are no disagreements in the west (there are plenty) but there is a cohesion on key issues. Global South on the other hand is in transition. Some reside in pre-modern Malthusian settings, others are passing through 19th-20th centuries while some are closer to our time. Why would you bother with Russia’s violation of the UN charter when warlords are redrawing borders in your neighborhood, without anyone doing anything about it? Why would you bother about many issues when you can’t even feed your population? Why would you support policies that go against the grind of still highly conservative culture that permeates your societies? The view of corruption is different – it is a lubricant that allows at least something to get done

3. These differences are key to productivity and the extent to which geopolitical pressures will keep flaring up, with bad societal and economic implications. Neither meaningless acronyms (BRICS), nor ‘debt colonialism’ by either west or China, nor the counter productive debates about past mistakes and blind alleys, nor suspect arguments of giving countries freedom from the ‘dominance by the elites’ (freedom from what and to do what?), nor China’s ‘indivisible security’ are helpful. Only Marshall Plan (greater than 10% of global GDP) rolled out systematically and accompanied by institutional building, sustained for several decades, can make a difference. Alas, chances of that happening, in the absence of greater conflagration, is zero

What does it mean for investors? No easy or even palatable answers. We are dividing into spheres of interest and Balkanizing. It is driven as much by the East as it is by the West. It is difficult to find a common ground between societies that inhabit different eras

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Hi Sceptical American and Tong Sing, welcome to the blog.

Anonymous said...

G7 said that China having more nuclear weapons is a threat to the world. Have we heard that before with North Korea? What about the USA having multiple times what China has? And the USA is not a threat to the world? The world must let the USA have the most nuclear weapons and it will be safe? What a load of horseshit!

Which country ever used nuclear weapons on another? Which country constantly threatens to nuke China? Wake up G7 doggies! Do not just bark on cue when the master orders. Think first.

Virgo49 said...

G7? More like G-strings!
More of them poorer than other countries and they dared Group themselves as G7?

Canada, Japan Italy France etc richer than China?

Wake up from your illusions,

Many of them going to be Papuers soon.

Economily ruined and the Necular waste winds blowing your directions.

No need China to drop their Necular bombs.

Your own killing your selves.

Less White Barbarians safer for the World.

Virgo49 said...


G7? Satirical video of the G strings meeting where six of them combined GDP cannot even beat China's alone.

Anonymous said...

The old saying that 'the only good politician is a dead politician' is so true for the west.

Virgo49 said...


Old Senile Bidamn talking cock and own masturbations!
Wondering is he still able to do thus.

Zelenskky promised that their Half past six Fighter Jets will not attack Russia.

Made my foot laughed!

Ouch ouch!

Their soldiers even want to fight also have to learn the rats hide and skunks crawls b4 they could even hold a wooden prop rifle.

He blowing hot Airs. Still in illusions that able to match the Russians.

A Fighter pilot can fly within three days of the Americunts also another clowns training with so many of their Jets crashing.

Better come to Seletar Air base on a cesena and fly to JB or Melaka first to get your basic pilot highway code.

Also your F16 donkey planes dirt dirty conditions also cannot take off like Ah Guas.

How to even take off and fight the Cossacks?

Nightmares on and have some sweaty nights oil's.

Don't disgrace too much yourselves.