
Biden slaps the Pacific Islanders

It strikes me as odd that Joe Biden is so confident that the USA debt ceiling impasse will be settled by next week, after months of horse trading and tough threats. In other words, all that wrangling in Congress is just a show purposely put on to fool, both their domestic audiences and the world. Just raise the ceiling and be done with it, as they always did, in fact that ceiling had been raised or revised 78 times by Congress since the 1960, or more than once a yearly affair, in an almost soap opera fashion.
They have been putting on excellent shows, I must admit, and will continue to do so till eternity. Biden is cancelling his Papua New Guinea trip to meet leaders of the Pacific Islands before proceeding to his QUAD summit in Australia. He is now having a G7 meeting in Japan, but will be returning home to deal with the debt ceiling, which must be solved by next week, undoubtedly with cheering and standing ovation to boot in Congress. Biden is very confident that the debt ceiling will be settled next week, just as confident as his prediction that the Nord Stream pipelines will be bombed somehow. How uncanny is his dementia mind in predicting events! But he could not remember what he ate that morning if you ask him.

That QUAD summit and meeting leaders of the Pacific Islanders were supposed to have been called to jell the QUAD members, and rally and incite the Pacific Islanders to, as expected, counter China. Always nothing else of benefit to give, but calling others to counter China for the interest of the USA. What can the Pacific Islanders expect to gain from countering China? Papua New Guinea, the host of Biden's visit to the country, and his meeting with leaders of the Pacific Islands, had spent much effort in preparing for Biden's trip and felt ignored and kicked around like a dog. Like Africa, I think the USA is thinking that those Pacific Islands are also 'shit holes' to them. So, why bother so much? Wake up you Pacific guys!

Compare the 'China Central Asia Summit' between China and five Central Asia countries of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. And what was the purpose of their meeting? To draw up blueprints for China/Central Asia co-operation. In other words to foster closer economic ties, development, and more infrastructures building. Did I hear anything about the meeting meant to coax those five countries to help China counter the USA?

Imagine the size of the bloc coming together with Russia and the potential power they hold, with all the resources they have still to be exploited. The Pinnacle of Power is flowing back to Central Asia and the USA has lost its hold.



Anonymous said...

Biden is still claiming that the USA and the West do not want to decouple from China. Watch his tongue, as there may be a sign of a fork coming out. The USA and the West are famous for inventing 'word salads' to confuse and conceal their real agenda. They now call 'decoupling' as 'de-risk', just 'assassination' as 'target killing', 'bailing out failing banks' becomes 'merger'. These snakes or rats are very good in coining words and phrases to hide their real intentions.

China is retaliating and about time, using the National Security concerns that it has largely avoided thus far. China has taken out Windows based and foreign made computers from its Government servies for security reasons. China is banning the use of Micron chips in 'critical' systems also over security risk. This is a warning of more to come. The USA calls it a retaliation. So what if it is? The USA cannot now dictate that China cannot retaliate or cannot ban its companies. China must do even more to retaliate against Chip companies such as TSMC, Samsung, SK Hynix, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments etc in time to come. They want a chip war, they will get it. China will do it where it is going to hurt most, at the right time, when it finds weaknesses in the enemy's armour, and not on the spur of the moment like the West.

South Korea and Japan's trade with China are shrinking fast, especially in the semiconductor sectors, but they want to do more trade with the Pacific Islanders and others to cover up. Demand comes from a large population of 1.4 billion in China. How big a population are the Pacific Islands combined? How long it is going to take to develop the economy of the Pacific Islanders is the pertinent question to fuel the demand, and who is willing or capable of developing the island's infrastructure? Right now, Japan and South Korea could probably do trade with the Pacific Islands in coconuts, pineapples and bananas. They think trade with China can be compensated by increasing trade with other countries, good luck to them.

China had been depending largely on USA, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan in its Chip requirements for its manufacturing sector. However, as China is pouring huge resources and subsidies into chip development, do not underestimate that China cannot do away with dependence on them eventually. China can also do a 'de-risk' in due time, and is in fact working in that direction.

China is looking more favourably at Africa, Latin and Central America and now also Central Asia, which are and will be developing much faster with China's support. This is where the potential is that China is looking at, with all the resources to be jointly developed, not just South Korea and Japan where nothing in terms of resources is worth looking at, with both being vassal states of the USA and will be used by the USA as proxies to target China.

Anonymous said...

What was the G7 meeting about? I think the MSM need not have to report on it, as we already knew what was on the agenda. It was all about confronting China and supporting Ukraine to fight Russia. As long as it takes according to those weasels. Would we expect anything different when weasels meet?

I think it was already a non event even if Biden did not cancel the QUAD meeting. You could just transpose what is said at the G7, word for word, and that is exactly what will come out of the QUAD meeting.

And what will be said at the USA/Pacific Islanders meeting had it not been cancelled? More of the same stuff about security and the China threat.

It was the Communist threat before the Vietnam War. Terrorist threat before the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Russian threat before the Ukraine War. Next will be the China threat before the Taiwan Straits War. And that need lots of hyping up, which the USA and its allies are doing right now.

Anonymous said...

The debt ceiling negotiations, now going on in Congress, is just a annual show, put on for US citizens and those outside to enjoy. Nothing serious really. They could basically just raise the ceiling to US$100 trillion and avoid the need to negotiate annually, but then the show would not be as gripping and entertaining. They just hype up the threat every year, the same way they hype up other threats.

At the last minute they will come to an agreement, raise the ceiling, keep printing and keep spending. Next year they will put on the same show. Life is never so good for any other country, a privelege which is only available and extended to the USA by the rest of the world. Countries have to keep working to produce goods in exchange for fiat money, and let the USA enjoy the fruits of their labour. Not only that, countries are putting a rope around their own necks, not knowing when their turn to be sanctioned will come.

Actually, the moronic world would have left the issue and privilege as it is, and live with it. But when the USA misused this hegemonic privilege by sanctioning others, and seizing the assets of Russia, that was the tipping point. Some believe it was a trap set by Putin to wake up the world over the need to de-dollarise to get rid of this hegemonic evil set up by Satan. True or not, let us hope Putin by setting the wheels in motion, will see success.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 8.25

Absolutely right you are!

Same sentiments here.

The Russians Urukians Conflict lead to many eyes opening wide of the UAssA's final fatal mistake or push for the world's duds to see whose turns next with their daylight robberies of others wealth and their unsavory unscrupulous behaviours.

So better scoot and safeguard your arses before too late.

As for their charade or wayang squabbling in their yearly pantomime, they wanted to be first class comedians like Zelenskky.

All these from the cheeks of the same arse.
