
Salient Truth & Facts: May Day & May 4th are dates of importance and relevance to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party : PART TWO

 May Day and May 4th and the founding of CCP:     PART    TWO

The Chinese first May Day celebration was an important antecedent to the Chinese May Fourth Movement. On this day Chinese patriotic fervour was aroused when the Chinese people throughout the country realised the urgent need for China to reform to survive as a nation. Chinese students and workers in Beijing and Shanghai were awakened with great patriotic spirit after listening to public talks and lectures by Professor Li Dazhao and Professor Chen Duxiu. They felt the great urgency to do something to save China from the brink of national oblivion.

After the overthrown of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, the Nationalist Government - the Kuomintang - KMT assumed power in China under the leadership of Doctor Sun Yat-sen. Dr, Sun Yat-sen was faced with mounting problems of warlords, incompetent self-serving officials and ministers who indulged in infighting to serve their own self interests .

For the sake of national unity Dr Sun sacrificed himself and handed his presidency to Yuan Shi-kai, a warlord and former chief commander of the Qing Dynasty army. However Yuan Shi-kai was a traitor for he soon laid foundation to establish his own dynasty as an imperial emperor. Fortunately his rule was shortlived when he suddenly died in 1915. Dr. Sun assumed back his presidency after Yuan Si-kai's death in 1915. 

Dr Sun's government was still plagued with problems both internal and external. Warlords still controlled many provinces and Western countries and Japan still hold imperial motives of returning to China. They continued to cling to extra territorial rights in major Chinese towns, cities and ports.

There were frequent protests and demonstrations by Chinese students and workers throughout China against Western and Japanese imperialism. These protests and demonstrations culminated in the May Fourth Movement. 

During the First World War 1914 to 1918, China fought on behalf of the Western Alliance of England, France, Russia, US, Denmark, Holland, Italy and Japan against Germany and its allies of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. 

However, with the defeat of Germany the Western allies UK, US, France and Russia outrageously handed over to Japan the Chinese province of Shandong which was then an occupied German colony in China. This was contrary to earlier Western promise of ensuring Chinese independence and territorial integrity.

Thus against this outrageous Western betrayal of China, the  Chinese students and workers throughout China carried out fierce violent protests and demonstrations on the 4th of May, 1919 against the Versailles Treaty of Paris which awarded Shandong to Japan instead of restoring it back to China. The mass nation wide protests and demonstrations were effective when at the demand of the populace the Chinese government was forced to instruct its ambassador in France not to sign the outrageous treaty.

The May Fourth Movement had energised and radicalised Chinese political movement, Many Chinese Communist Party leaders like Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and MaoZedong who were party founders were strongly involved in the May Fourth Movement. Thus the founding and success of the Chinese Communist Party can be traced back to May 1st and May Fourth Movement.

This initial success of the CCP was to lead and inspire the long journey of hard struggle along the vast myriads and vicissitudes of obstacles to enduring and gleeful success of establishing the People's Republic of China when Chairman Mao Zedong was able to proclaim on 1st October, 1949 at the rostrum in Tiananmen Square that the Chinese people and nation have stood up never to fall again.

Now China has embarked on the epic journey to help all other ex-colonial countries in Asia, Africa and South America to fight Western imperialists led by the United States and to develop their countries through developments in education, build up of their industries, economy and finance and their vast urgent need of infrastructure developments like ports, airports, roads, railways, and hospitals. 

The Chinese patriotic song Ge Chang Zu Guo - "Ode To The Motherland" singing to Motherland China the sounds of victory in which the lyrics and music were composed by Wang Shen ( 1918 - 2007 ) in 1950. Unlike the Chinese National Anthem " The March of the Volunteers" which reflects the consternation and sombre atmosphere of the critical danger that China faced from the Japanese aggression and invasion and Western imperialism headed by the United States in the 1930s to 1940s, the Ode To The Motherland shows the exuberant mood of happiness and confidence and strong faith of China marching forward from strength to strength and to prosperity. It praises the Chinese people love of peace and their homeland and their great leader and helmsman Mao Zedong guiding China forward to ever greater success and prosperity. Nevertheless it reminds and encourages the Chinese patriots to continue to resist and fight and destroy all enemies that still dare to infringe on the Chinese people and nation. The unity and fraternity of the Chinese people and nation are now forged as strong as steel and this ensures the glorious " People's Republic of China" will last many more millenniums till the end of time .

It is fitting that  "TheOde To Motherland" has been honored as the second Chinese national anthem. 


Tuesday, 2nd May, 2023

NB:   PART     ONE  was published on May Day - 1st May,2023


Anonymous said...

The Europeans,Japs and Anglo-Saxons before called the Chinese 'sick men of Asia' when they were at the peak of their world rampage of attacking, invading, killing, robbing and looting of all non white countries in Africa, Asia, Central America and South America. Now that China has surpassed them in all round developmment and has grown rich and prosperous they turned out to be like fawning dogs queuing up to pay homage and respect to China hoping China will help them to save them from economic collapse.

Keng Huat

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Keng Huat.

Anonymous said...

The Americans call we African countries 'shit holes'. But now look at the United States. The U.S. has more than 50 million people homeless living on roadsides in pitch up cardboard tents. Millions more are hardly surviving from pay cheque to pay cheque. The American society is very violent and choatic. Racial strife is very rampant and robbing and killings take place all over the country frequently every day. America is really the biggest shit hole in the world and a very unsafe place to live in or to visit.

Olawi Nawa : South Africa

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Well said, Olawi Nawa. And welcome to the blog.

Anonymous said...

Many American leaders try to brainwash African politicians to go against China. President Trump, President Biden, Pompeo, Blinken, Yellen, VP Harris Kamala the laughing hyena and manny others went to several African countries to talk and lecture to African leaders the danger of dealing with China. Shamefully they all got the rebuff from all African countries.The African leaders told them off that every time they visited African countries they only mentioned China, China, China and how bad China is or how bad the Russians are. The African leaders in turn asked them what is so bad about China when it is China helping all the African countries all the time since the 1950s, while all this time European countries and America helped themselves freely to rob and loot all African countries of their minereal resources.

Anonymous said...

Not only the white men robbed the Africans, they massacred them and committed genocides all over Africa.

The inhuman crime of slavery, hunting down Africans like animals to be transported to the US for sale as slaves, with many dying of hunger, starvation and cruel beating and thrown overboard into the ocean. Such crimes against humanity the white men simply ignore, forget, and accuse China as the bad guy.

They think the Africans have forgotten about such cruel crimes against them, apartheid etc etc. What are the white men thinking about the Africans? Easily fooled?

Virgo49 said...

Daily quota of cotton pickings below par for that day, some selected ones are amputated their hands and legs as punishments and also as warnings to the other slaves.

How cruel these Bastards are and they used to praise their Almighty Peaceful and Gracious God.

Anonymous said...

China never rob the Africans of anything, not their dignity. China came to trade, every ounce of mineral and resources they took from Africa was paid in kind.

The white men came, took everything, including the pride and dignity of the Africans as humans, stole all their resources, diamonds, precious stones, oil, minerals, without paying a cent, and exploiting African slave labours.

They think the Africans did not know what is happening.

Anonymous said...

For centuries, the Africans had to swallow everything the white men shafted into their throats, including lies and shits. They could not fight back as there was no one to stand up for them. No country was strong enough to help them fight the white men.

Apartheid and genocides were the normal then. The Americans supported South African apartheid till the last day of its existence.

Today, Russia and China are strong enough to stand up to resist the Americans and white men. Many non white countries are also standing up. It is the whole world against the white men. The moment has come to avenge the atrocities and genocides committed by the white men against the Africans and the rest of the world.

The tide has changed, the wind has changed, the time has changed.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine what Africa and the Middle East would be with the Chinese growth engine behind them? China was poorer than Africa after being invaded and broken up by the white men.

China has come up with a formula of self reliance and has risen up from poverty to a relatively rich country and a humming economy. China did it and so can Africa with the help of China. Africa can rise above the poverty level to become developed countries.

Can you imagine more than 1b African middle class consumers!

Anonymous said...

Now the Whites are begging Africans - please, please, help us to contain China. It is so fortunate that Africa did not fall to the Whites, like the Native American Indians. The African population was too large to contain. And with the help of Russia, Cuba, North Korea and China in their fight against Western colonialism, they were therefore not annihilated like the Native American Indians. This part of history relating to the help from the above countries is seldom discussed and largely unknown, and it only being dug up by African leaders themselves. That is why Africans know who are their friends, and who are out to exploit them.

And equally fortunate is the fact that China and India, with thousands of year of civilisation each, did not fall to the barbaric Whites. They withstood the use of religious indoctrination to convert them to obey their White God using fear. Lee Kuan Yew attributed this to the thousands of years of religious heritage already in existence that they were able to hold their ground against the religious onslaught of the Whites. Their religious heritage had given them centuries of comfort in times of hardship. Had they succumb, they would probably have ended up like the Native American Indians, genocided to almost extinction. And today, there will probably not be a China or India worthy of mention.

Against China, beside using religious brainwashing unsuccessfully, they forced the opening of the Chinese market to the opium trade, hoping to drug the Chinese into desperate weakness and extinction. That failed too. Brute force by the eight Anglo Saxon barbarians was then formed to divide China up, which also could not succeed. Then Trump started his 'easy to win trade war', that he gloated about, but ultimately failing to bring China to its knees. And so they used biological means and COVID19 came into the picture. Was there any doubt the last attack using COVID19 was also not engineered by them after all those unsuccessful attempts? This is not the end as they are experimenting with biological weapons big time.

Anonymous said...

The most telling part of the African leaders narrative of how thankful they were to the Chinese, was the mention that China in the 1950s was even poorer than them, and despite that continued to give them support.

James AMK said...

Wow! DBS just posted its highest ever profit in a quarter. Huat ah!

DBS is also the world's strongest bank 3 times. Don't put your money in American bank like Sicilian Valley Bank or First Republic.


Anonymous said...

DBS is looking like a miracle bank. So easy to make record profits. Exceptional talents running DBS.

Anonymous said...

Does that hairy face character sitting at the apex of DBS make all the money for the bank. Definitely not. The success of the bank making huge profits is due to the grand banking strategy laid down by the founders of the bank like Dr Goh Keng Swee, Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Ek Tien etc with the help of some prominent local bankers from OCBC and others as well as the set up where all departments of the bank are well staffed with highly qualified officers like accountants, lawyers, insurance actuaries and the connections both local and foreign were all well organized and humming with success of huge profits every year. Other earlier local CEOs of DBS like Giam Tong Dow, Dhanabalan, Pillay and Sim Kee Boon continued to run the bank very profitably for years. Then out of the blue this character came from nowhere to claim the top seat of the bank being placed there by Singapore authorities which claim Singapore has no local talent. Has something inexplicably gone wrong somewhere?

All we Singaporeans want to know is how does the Singapore authority justify in giving this character a salary of ten to fifteen million dollars every year. Did he bring in any new business for the bank? Did he build any new profitable connections for the bank? All we know is that he had sunk in billions of dollars of Singaporean money in horribly bad investments in bankrupt broken down Indian banks in India which are sinkholes or black holes swallowing our money endlessly every year.

Singaporeans are being cheated.