
Middle East - No more wars

 The Arab and Muslim countries are mapping out a grand plan to rid the region of wars. There shall be no more wars in the Middle East, from Morocco in the West to Afghanistan in the East, from Turkiye in the North to Yemen in the South, it would be a region of peace and transquility. It is not easy after centuries of incessant warfare mastermind by the white men. The Arab and Muslim countries, ancient civilisations deep in culture, knowledge and wisdom, and rich in mineral and resources, were plunged into ages of darkness, wars and killings and destruction of their countries and people.

The Arab and Muslim countries have awoken to the cause of their tragedy and poverty. There is only one simple thing to do. Get rid of Satan, the evil Empire and the white men. All their troubles and warfare and demise were caused by the evil Empire and the white men.

The most important move is to chase the white men out of the region and make peace, build friendship among the Arab and Muslim states. The peace movement is gaining momentum. Peace between states that were historical enemies, peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia, peace between Syria and Turkiye, and peace among the various tribes, factions. And peace between the Sunnis and the Shiities, all brethens of the Abrahamic faith. They shall all live and prosper under the guidance of Allah, not misguided by Satan and the white men.

Russia and China are also being roped in to be peacemakers and bridge builders. All the funds and resources that were wasted on endless and meaningless wars would now be channeled to rebuild the lands and to build a better life for all the Arab and Muslim people. When peace returns, where the infrastructure is rebuilt, when the states are functional, the Arab and Muslim refugees around the world would have a peaceful and prosperous oasis in the region to return and to call home.

The Arab and Muslim states have embarked on a productive and beneficial journey together, to bring peace and prosperity for their people and their lands.

Good riddance to Satan and the white devils. The success of this gargantuan task requires the cooperation and commitment of all the Arab and Muslim people, to stand firm and together and not be manipulated by the white devils to hate and kill each other. Stay together as one united people and work for peace and prosperity for their brothers and sisters.

There shall be no wars and no white men to incite and agitate them for wars in the Middle East.

Inshallah. Bless the Arab and Muslim people in the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia.


Anonymous said...

RB not all white people are bad. I have to speak up for my blonde girl friend she is a wonderful person and one day will be my wonderful wife.

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Sure, there are many good white people.

My comments are used as a generalisation just like the white men demonised all Chinese in general.

Anonymous said...

But peace is a great threat to the Anglo Saxon Whites according to their evil doctrine. Just like saying that in order to have peace, there must be war. In order to have Jesus, there must be a Satan.

Glad that countries are realising that they have been lying to for decades and are now waking up. Oops, not all countries I beg your pardon.

Anonymous said...

Peace can only be possible without the Anglo Saxon Whites around, which means chasing them out. Now Middle East has done it. Africa is still doing it. Latin America is about to do it. Central America is thinking seriously about it.

Unfortunately, East Asia is doing the opposite by inviting the devil into the house.

Anonymous said...

REF: Anonymous 9:52am

You moronic idiot. You are a planted Western agent to muddle this blog. Don't pose your personal rubbish here. I dare you to identify yourself.

Chen De Sheng

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, De Sheng.

There will be a few odd characters here. The more troublesome ones I would block them out and delete their comments.


Anonymous said...

If the Arabs and Muslims in the ME can fulfill their pledge to strive for peace, will this trigger a positive outcome between the Palestinians and Israelis ?
Can both reconcile their deep-seated hatred for each other and with most of the land grab returned to the Palestinians ?

Anonymous said...

Quote from Twitter (Dancing with Bears):

Poland confirms Depleted Uranium radiation spike after Khmelnitsky blast. Poison is now heading for Denmark, Netherlands, England.

More info: https://johnhelmer.net/the-british-gift-that-keeps-on-giving-uranium-irradiated-wind-and-rain-for-poland-germany-denmark-netherlands-and-london-too/

Wow..instant karma !!