
Non Chinese stands a better chance of being elected against a Chinese in Singapore

 The Chineseness of Chinese as a race is rapidly being watered down to the point that many Chinese do not see race as an important factor in their composition in Singapore. Many would simply want to be known as Singaporeans and nothing else.  There are also many Chinese that have forgotten or want to forget that they are Chinese, do not want to be identified by race.  Some are even embarrassed for being Chinese, or at the extreme, some even despised themselves as Chinese and hate anything Chinese. To the latter group, Chinese are China Chinese, not Singapore Chinese and they are Singaporeans, with no race. Yes, very odd way of personification after decades or centuries of demonisation of the Chinese race as inferior and obnoxious, despicable, no talent, by the western media.

On the political front, and given this composition of the Chinese and indifferent Chinese, quite a significant number of Chinese would live by the mantra of meritocracy as the desired value rather than race. As long as the man is capable and able, he would receive the vote of the Chinese. Caveat, there are still a section that is very Chinese and very proud of being Chinese. And there is the odd minority that could be racist, like in any racial groups. But this group is very small and insignificant to make a difference in the political arena.

Thus, in a democratic electoral process, the Chinese voters are quite evenly split into two halves, those that would choose a better man based on meritocracy and those that would choose based on race. Just on this alone, a candidate of a non Chinese race could have an even chance of winning against a Chinese candidate from the Chinese voters as he can count on his minority racial group to make the difference.

We  can add the factor that minority races tend to favour their own candidates, nothing racial about this, just an affinity, especially when they are in a minority, the preference is skewed in favour of the minority candidate.When the Chinese votes are splitted equally, the votes from the non Chinese voters would be the decider and thus the overall vote would favour a minority candidate...in Singapore. This is how far Singapore has progressed politically. You can still hear it clearly the voices calling for Tharman to be the next PM. And there are many incidents to prove that this theory is true from the results of recent elections when a minority candidate could win an election outright against a Chinese candidate in a single seat constituency in Chinese majority Singapore.

Many of the Chinese has lost their sense of identity as Chinese in multi racial Singapore. Many would prefer to be seen and known as a non racial identity, anything but Chinese.  Maybe it is time to do away with GRCs. Maybe it is time to put away the belief that the Chinese or non racial Chinese is not ready for a non Chinese PM in Singapore.

This phenomenon is likely the result of a big Chinese majority in the population. There is a lot of comfort and false confidence that nothing would change if the PM is a non Chinese. Life would be still the same, their lifestyle and way of life, opportunities in life, would not be affected. Hypothetically, if the Chinese become a minority or marginal majority, would the Chinese still be so indifferent to race as a factor in politics and political office, or in job opportunities? Did they see what had happened in Malaysia? Did they learn any thing from it? Did they see or experience what is happening when foreigners take over a company or organisations and the huge numbers of Singaporean PMETs being sacked to make way for foreigners?

What do you think?  Is this a good thing or a bad thing, the watering down of Chineseness in Singaporean Chinese?


Anonymous said...

If put to a vote, whether a public or within the party, or within the CEC, think Lawrence Wong would not stand a chance against Tharman or Shanmugam.

Anonymous said...

Virgo did not appear today. Think he is Genting enjoying himself.

Anonymous said...

We have approached him to join us in Kuda Club as we have affiliate in Malaysia but he did not respond.

David Hoh
International liaison
Singapore Kuda club

Anonymous said...

Aiya if I were to post of the Chinkees Sinkies that are so daft that they are going to be the Malaysian Chinkees Mats, I would be ended in Changi Resorts Hotel aka Changi Orr Tak Png.

Not NSRCC Resorts wow so enjoyable.

Malaysian Chinkees Mats are been discriminated and sidelined for so long even today and Sinkies Chinkees are following their paths the same way.

Ig they are still apathetic and boh chap as long as I am Ok why bother?

MOT they be shaking hands with the Malaysian Chinkees and that's be their fates.

Anonymous said...

Singapore hoh? If as a Chinkee you talked bad about others hoh you better be CAR FOOL u may ended in Changi Resorts Orr Tak Png Hotel.

But not of others.

They the blue eyes boys.


Anonymous said...

Out of Topic

Just for postings as follow:-

Today's ST aka Shits Times-
Drastically lowering BTO prices will end up hurting Sporeans: Sim Ann.

Wow be be so apt.

There you said it from your Mare's mouths.

Why will hurt all Singaporeans?

Because its you yourselves had all the years been artificially inflated the prices of all these flats and same breath from even your ex PM and Ministers that your flats are your assets that will be kept appreciating and not deprecating in value, so don't worry as we conned you.

So you must keep inflating up the prices as if you were suddenly to reduce the prices as just construction and other costs that includes your lame land costs then those daft Singaporeans who had paid thru their arses the astronomous ridiculous prices would screamed murders.

That's would hurt Singaporeans as well as you because you would be thrown out the next errections as many would be waiting to screw you and your lots.

So cannot reduce prices as this would be the exposure of our ahems ahems!

Must kept arising till the bubbles burst.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I almost write a piece about this. On second thought, pointless. Let them think they are very smart with their very power arguments. Never argue with power arguments. Power arguments are always right because they are power arguments.

patriot said...

shall be slaves just to have shelters soon.
Most will be homeless as food will be prioritize over shelter. And it could very well be starvation and homeless for some.
personally will not be surprised if Sin is run to ground zero by charlatans in power.

B Seng said...

The correct terminology is Chinese Singaporean.