
Impossible to civilise the white savages

 After 500 years of wars, invasion, genocides, looting and plundering the world and getting very rich for their acts of barbarism, there was this expectation that prosperity and a life of plenty would turn the savages to be more human, more humane and less animalistic, in other words, more civilised as human beans. But no, the white savages (not all white men are savages) have been on a rampage, wars after wars, all over the face of this planet, killings and destruction wherever they went, in the name of fake democracy, fake human rights and freedom. 

Despite being unchallenged in their supremacy and hegemony, the Russians were only carving out their own area of influence to protect their national interest, to protect from being attacked by the white savages, did not mount a direct threat to the Americans across the Atlantic Ocean. The so called threat that the American used was a lie. If there was a threat, it was against their world domination, not to conduct war against the Americans or to destroy the American Empire. 

Similarly, the daily mouthing of aggressive threats from China is bigger lie. China was and is not out there to conduct wars of aggression to control and coerce countries to become communist states. China was and is not out there to challenge the military might of the Americans. China was just trading, doing commerce, building infrastructures, ports, roads, railroads etc etc. How could these economic activities be labelled as threats? How could the people of the world not question this ludicrous demonising of China when the threat to the world is the American savages, inciting wars, conducting wars, threatening every country that did not agree with their economic political system? The Americans even threaten every country to adopt their fake democracy, fake freedom, and fake human rights or be invaded and become victim of their regime change. The Americans want to control the world and change the world to their fake democratic system with no exceptions. No country can be allowed to live in peace in their own choice of political system and must be destroyed.

Given this objective of controlling the world under the American Empire, the savage Americans have been fighting wars non stop since WW2 and getting away with war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Ukraine War did not have to happen if the Americans did not push the Ukrainians led by a dumb traitor into it. The Ukrainians could live in peace with its neighbours and Russia just by being neutral and not posing an existential threat to Russia by allowing the Americans to set up military bases, bioweapon labs and nuclear weapons on its soil. Is that too hard to do, an unreasonable expectation from Russia and its neighbours?

Yes, the Russian's only condition is a neutral Ukraine and the war would end immediately. And the American savages could simply agree to this to end the daily slaughter of the Ukrainians. But the Americans would not have it. War is in their blood and war it must be. Instead of negotiating for peace, they encouraged the Ukrainians to continue to wage war with the Russians by promising all kinds of support, specifically more weapons and even soldiers, disguised as contractors or mercenaries, like those holed out under the Azovstal Steel Mills. And to make sure the war does not end soon, the Americans are dragging all the European savages to go along to fight a long protracted war of attrition, especially the much hated Nazis, training, funding and arming them. They have no intent to end the war. War is not only good for business, it is also their way of controlling the world, creating wars everywhere except in the American homeland to destabilise countries and regions, to impoverish them and make them dependent on the Americans, indebted to the Americans and unable to pay back. In other words, becoming a colony of the American Empire.

The Russians have been offering the olive branch to end the war. But never for a single day did the white savages talk about ending the war, about peace. They are so happy to keep the war going. War is in the blood of the uncivilised white savages. They love wars and would not allow the human beans to enjoy peace for a single day. Other than Ukraine, the white savages are agitating for wars in many corners of the earth, the Persian Gulf, Central Asia, South China Sea, the Pacific Ocean, Latin America, Africa etc etc. It is impossible to teach the white savages about peace. 

The white savages cannot be civilised. Period.


Virgo 49 said...

Hello agreed or disagreed!
Said properly lah.

Anonymous said...

After more than 30 years befriending the Whites, then I discovered that I was conned wholesale. They will invite you to their homes, etc. all year in and out; they will offer you this and that; yet when the crucial question of who you are is required, you are nothing but a Chinese!

Trust the Whites whenever you wishes, whatever you want to, at your own peril.

Only over the longest term will one be ever to realise the true nature of the self - irrespective of Whites, Blacks, or others!

Racism is ingrained into your DNA. No one can claim that he/she is not a racist!

Anonymous said...

On a private or individual basis, relationship is possible. But once an issue requires one to be part of a tribe, the tribe interest and instinct take precedent.

Anonymous said...

You can not generalize lar. From my experience there are so me e good white people. In fact my younger day I met a blue eye blonde with pair of knockers that really love me and prepare to give what I wanted. Unfortunately we did not needed up together in the end die to fate

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Just a word of caution to all readers. There have been many warnings about clicking onto unknown links. Anyone who wants to post links, please ensure that the links are easily identifiable and not something with one word that no one has any clue where it would lead to.

I have deleted the below link to protect readers here.

Anonymous said...
Correct. Look at the tribe and you will find their true 'nature'. The word nature was a link to an unknown site.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi, Don't mind provide the URL. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The Pope Blames NATO Expansion for Ukraine War

Shortly after America’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pope Francis quoted former German Chancellor Angela Merkel while criticizing the 20-year war: “It is necessary to put an end to the irresponsible policy of intervening from outside and building democracy in other countries, ignoring the traditions of the peoples.”

Pope Francis suggested that perhaps “NATO barking at Russia’s gate” had caused Mr. Putin to invade his neighbor, which doesn’t belong to the alliance. “I have no way of telling whether his rage has been provoked,” he continued. “but I suspect it was maybe facilitated by the West’s attitude.” Asked whether it was right to send weapons so Ukraine can defend itself, the Pope said, “I don’t know,” before criticizing the global arms trade.

Since the invasion, Francis has called for an end to the war and criticized the violence, but he hasn’t directly called out Russia for starting the conflict. Now that he finally speaks, he blames NATO for accepting members that want to avoid being invaded by Russia.

patriot said...

Nature shall take care of the Savage.
Cause and effect never fail.