
Princeton Study - US Democracy Don't Exist


A new study from the prestigious Princeton University in the USA has concluded that American democracy no longer exists. It merely confirms what possibility the rest of the world has known for a very long time. Perhaps, Democracy has never even taken root in the USA.

Princeton researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page, asking "Who really rules in the US?", argues that over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield the most power.
Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy,” they write, “while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.” Whither US Democracy? That also explains a lot about US arbitrary and unilateral behavior internationally in illegal wars and diplomacy (or lack of).  READ MORE.


Mikospace said...

From a top US Magazine, "America is Not a Democracy" - https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/03/america-is-not-a-democracy/550931/ .

Virgo 49 said...

EU another Mafia and Daylight Robbers having meetings on how to e Russia's Wealth in the countries to help rebuild Urukine.
Why no summits and meetings to seize UAssA assets to rebuild all the ME and Asian countries that they destroyed.
Farking Whites

Virgo49 said...

This the Link

Anonymous said...

It does exist, but fake democracy. Now, that is what they are trying very hard to export. The experience of the Iraqis and Libyans should mean something for those planning to import USA democracy. And the whole horror of the matter is that they will have to be ruled from Washington through a stooge Government answering to Washington.

OK, USA people wants that kind of democracy, but is that really going to be a democracy that people in other countries want?

Insufferablean said...

Democracy is when every citizen is allowed to freely vote(or not vote) for whoever they choose without fear, coersion or reprisals. The dumb ones can still influenced by their ignorance and biases .

patriot said...

The Americunts have freedoms to live at the Streets, own gun, bash up colour people
and invades country not align with the US.
The Westerners do enjoy
democrazy, period.

Anonymous said...

Sure, the USA citizens have democracy, right to vote, right to protest, right to own guns, etc, but they can vote only for 'candidates' chosen by the Powers behind the Throne. Only the very rich can afford to be 'candidates' and they will be supported by lobbies, like NRA, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Wall Street Banks etc. As a result, no President has been able to do anything about gun control for example. Hell, they said that about Hong Kong, but they forgot to look in the mirror.

But not to worry, Biden is going to do something. What that something is is not clear. Better unsaid than being said, because it will never happen. Talk is easy. Don't forget Mexico will pay for the Wall, but what happened? Trade wars are easy to win, but did the USA really win? What about Build Back Better? Still stuck in neutral gear and even Zimbabwe may surpass them some day.

Ah Meng said...

Anonymous 6.38pm "Still stuck in neutral gear and even Zimbabwe may surpass them some day."

We found the missing link between ancient ape and modern man.

Marcos is President - So what? said...

China is a real democracy where 3000 delegates represent the views and desires of 1.5bn people equally. The National Peoples Congress is the only representative of the people of China. Democracy can only exist if you have the freedom to celebrate pancake day or congyubing 葱油饼 day without having to worry what the rest of the world is eating.

Anonymous said...

@Ah Meng - I have agree to agree with you. No human could come up with such a stupid statement.

Anonymous said...

Just consider how screwed up the USA is. When Biden visited the site of the shooting of the 19 children, parents chanted 'do something', 'do something' and he said he will.

The very next day, he tweeted the message that it is up to Congress to do something. He said he cannot dictate it. That is the value of a USA Presidential pledge to his own people. And we expect him to honour those agreements and pledges he made to others. Keep hoping.