
GE2015 – Feeling cheated

Some residents of Pasir Ris GRC are complaining. They are not happy with the SDA contesting in their GRC against the PAP. During the hassling to avoid a 3 corner fight, the opposition parties had agreed to leave Pasir Ris GRC to the SDA led by Desmond Lim. They are angry because they would prefer a stronger party than the SDA. They would prefer SingFirst to stand in Pasir Ris instead. The performance of Desmond Lim in the Punggol East by election was dismal and has affected the image of the Party.  Some of the voters are really very unhappy to have to vote either for PAP or SDA. They are crying for a change, for a better opposition party to contest in Pasir Ris. They felt let down given the choice of voting for the two parties they both rejected.

How serious is this sentiment? By performance and record, SDA under Desmond Lim is indeed the weakest of all the opposition parties. To make matter worse, some are accusing Desmond Lim and SDA as a mole of the PAP. Of course this is not proven. Whether it is true or just an imagination, the unhappiness is there.

There is a cry to be better represented. The people of Pasir Ris want a better opposition party to represent them. Would the party chiefs of the opposition camp heed their plea and call for a review on the Pasir Ris GRC? Would ignoring the cries of the people of Pasir Ris lead to other negative consequences?

The leaders of the opposition parties may want to take a look at this unique development that the voters are rejecting both parties before an election. They may want to walk the ground and gauge the true feelings of the voters there. If there is a case for a change, they may want to do something when there is still time for it. They could put up a join team to replace the SDA or even allow the SingFirst to contest Pasir Ris and talk Desmond Lim and his SDA out of it, or even to ignore the SDA and go for a 3 corner fight.

How appealing is Desmond Lim and his SDA to the voters in Pasir Ris? Is this already a lost cause even before the election has started? How serious is the problem of fielding SDA in Pasir Ris? If it is indeed a gone case for SDA, the big chiefs in the opposition camp may want to do something to show to the people that the opposition camp will not let them down and would not let a good opportunity slips away by default.

Should anything be done about Pasir Ris GRC? Would Desmond Lim and his SDA talk to the people now and have a good feel of the ground and if it is indeed unfavourable, they may want to volunteer to stay out of the GE? Or would SDA put up a really strong team to convince the voters they are serious in representing them?

This is a very unusual development in a GE. There is a perception problem. And if it is that serious, it must not be ignored and let the Pasir Ris voters feel that they had been the sacrificial lamb for opposition unity.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

They should just ignore sda and go in for the fight and sda would loose the deposit like pe by election

Anonymous said...

whenever people mentioned about him, I always
laugh and laugh and laugh.......

please please please I m his fan.............

hahahaha........and more hahahahaha..........

Anonymous said...

Voters of Singapore.
You should not take our Opposition Parties for granted.
If you don't support our Opposition parties now, you may end up just like Pasir Ris GRC in the future.
Not much of a choice anymore.

Anonymous said...

Here's a scary thought.
LHL gets voted out.
Big nose Teo is elected.
Big nose Teo becomes the new Prime Minister of Singapore.

Anonymous said...

There is as yet chance for some high calibre candidates in DPP such as Harvard Graduate Nadine Yap to gain some electioneering experience by running as a candidate besides helping in the walkabouts of her teammates as the vacancy in the BTPY slate, if contested under the SPP banner, is limited and hard to come by.

Anonymous said...

Actually hor, if I were a mole of PAP, I will act and behave just like Desmond, even though this is not the real me. In politics, must learn how to lead a wayang party (WP) mah. Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

How do you explain when your party team is constantly beaten and scored lowest return of votes?
And yet you keep sending team in knowing well your deposits will be gone?
This joker keep saying he wants to offer people a choice, but people don't want a lousy or questionable choice!!
All he can think of is building a seafood floating restaurant?
He clearly is placed among the Oppo to categorize and tarnish everyone in Oppo camp.
Having SDA there is almost like another walk overs and as resident there, we haven't had one for the last decade of real choice.
Pasir ris is a young town with educated populace. Don't be fooled by the high score of PAP.
Assemble a solid good team and there is every chance opposition can give Teo a run for his money!!
Bring on the 3or 4 quarter fight and you will see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

The current opposition method in sorting out seats to contest is quite dull and unimaginative. Thus, despite achieving almost complete unity to avoid 3-corner fight, many voters may not be "pleased" with the final outcome as some weak candidates/ parties who might not make a dent or difference in championing unfair, unjust, short-sighted quick-fix etc policies are allocated disproportionately high numbers of seats.

Another principle such as giving way to a far more qualified or well-received candidate ( and thus a higher chance to represent the people's voices and interests ) should be put into higher and better use.

Taking a calculated risk with a new but high profile candidate could be far more "promising" than sticking to some familiar but improbable personalities who neither stand much chance ( to be elected ) nor credibility ( to represent the people adequately ).

Take for example the party named in this post. Even 10 of such parties is not worth the weight of say even one high-calibre power packed team such as DPP with members who are at their prime and able to serve for at least another 10 to 20 years, possessing a hard-earned good education and trained mind, extensive working experience both overseas and in SMEs setting which are areas very much in need by sinkies and sinkieland if they are to solve their middle-age retrenched PMEs problems, social issues, some potentially workable and tested ideas worth having a second look for sinkieland's economic structuring and continued vibrancy.

Mr Seow Kee Leng of DPP may have found a worthy and promising successor in botak Ben. Ben has gone out of his way, both tapping his network and in his outreach efforts, sounding out and persuading high calibre, creditable candidates such as Nadine Yap and Chia Ser Lin to join his cause to offer the people an alternative choice/ voice to champion the masses' interests.

Such candidates are worth the time, efforts and resources in a democratic electoral exercise and contest to have non-phony choices for the people to choose leaders to represent them in their country's legislative law-making body.

patriot said...

No harm for Punggol Pasir Ris GRC Voters to vote any other Alternative Parties other than SDA contesting in Said Ward.
Even if SDA is the Only Alternative Party, go ahead and vote it.

The OBJECTIVE in the Coming General Election is for Singaporeans to end CRONYISM and PREVENT OURSELVES FROM BEING PAWNED AND SOLD OUT TO ALIENS.

By the Way, supposing SDA Punggol Pasir Ris GRC Team got into Parliament, I am sure they will have to work extra hard to prove their worth. Otherwise, it will be wiped off for good.





Anonymous said...

Ya, I also ask why this Desmond want to waste $120k to stand for election that he has no chance of winning?

He got so much money to lose meh? So happy to lose so much money meh?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Hey Pasir Ris cunt-heads, wake up your fucking ideas lah.

You like democratic process, you've got democratic process. But if the process doesn't deliver your political WET DREAM, you sulk and pout like a 2 year old who couldn't get their way by "bullying" his parents. WTF? Man up lah?

>> There is a perception problem. <<

Butoh to you lah! In politics, (where you are seeking the approval of OTHERS, not your high-and-mighty, over-valued SELF) perception IS reality...i.e. if you are perceived as fucked up, it means IN REALITY you are fucked up.

>> And if it is that serious, it must not be ignored and let the Pasir Ris voters feel that they had been the sacrificial lamb for opposition unity. <<

So what if they are? That's the way THE GAME is going. What? You don't like the "outcome" therefore you reckon you have a "right" to "tinker with the game"? Balls to you lah, Pasir Ris.

Got sore loser?

Anonymous said...

/// There is as yet chance for some high calibre candidates in DPP such as Harvard Graduate Nadine Yap to gain some electioneering experience ..... ///
August 17, 2015 9:10 a.m.

Here is another daft Sinkie who has been drinking too much PAP kool-aid soft drink.
Let me ask you.
PAP's "well qualified" candidates.
"Well qualified" to do what?
- well qualified to serve Singaporeans?
- well qualified to serve Aliens?
- well qualified to serve PAP?
- well qualified to serve themselves and their cronies?

Think first before you blindly vote for a "well qualified" PAP candidate.

Anonymous said...

/// There is as yet chance for some high calibre candidates in DPP such as Harvard Graduate Nadine Yap to gain some electioneering experience ..... ///
August 17, 2015 9:10 a.m.

Here is another daft Sinkie who has been drinking too much PAP kool-aid soft drink.
Let me ask you.
PAP's "well qualified" candidates.
"Well qualified" to do what?
- well qualified to serve Singaporeans?
- well qualified to serve Aliens?
- well qualified to serve PAP?
- well qualified to serve themselves and their cronies?

Think first before you blindly vote for a "well qualified" PAP candidate.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Vote for good people, not clever people who thinks only of their own interest. What is in for me and not about the people.

How to relate a soldier or policeman to caring for the people?
How to relate a breast surgeon or eye specialist to the good of the people?

You can go on and on.

Yes, vote for people with a heart, a good heart and in the right place.

Virgo 49 said...

People with hearts then vote Sing First.

Logo with hearts. That's my choice for Tg pagar grc.

Nsp come, actually not di keen they come but will still vote for them rather nthsn the pap pigs

Concerned and Worried Swing Voter said...

@ anon 1.03/ 1.04 and 1.27

"Well-said" but do be mindful to walk the talk!

Exiting MSN for now till after the hustings. No more blogging liao!

Since "no comment" party is so good with all the good hearts in the right places as alleged ( never mind what brains they have? ), let them battle it out and no more free loading and free riding. See how they measure up to the (cunning and unscrupulous) opponents. With such "brilliant" supporters like YEW around, who needs enemy?

Anonymous said...

Dear Redbean, it would be brilliant if the PAP sneaks in a mole to stand against them and end up with the mole winning the votes. This would really turn out to come true if we do not end up in a 3-corner fight, if we do not stir up the waters in suggesting that other opposition parties should step in.

The various opposition parties have reportedly come to an agreement which avoids 3-corner fight. Let us take it that they know what they're doing. We do not know who's a mole and who's not - trust me, the PAP is very crafty. Any of them could finally turn out to be a mole. The only basic concrete result we want is to reduce the power of the PAP, as long as the PAP team is voted out, it really doesn't matter if the party voted in is a mole. And it most certainly doesn't matter if the party voted in is a clown - that would only make the defeat of the PAP team even more shameful, and make me increase my respect for the voters of that GRC.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There have been so many moles standing for election in the past. And this is common knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Punggol Pasir Ris GRC Voters better be grateful that SDA is contesting.
If they don't support and vote SDA.
Maybe next time unggol Pasir Ris GRC become like Tanjong Pagar GRC.
No Opposition wants to fight there for a long, long time.

Be grateful that SDA is trying to protect you from the big white bullying pig.