
Foreigners can to the same jobs cheaper

‘Tan Chuan Jin: Manila graduates can do Singaporeans’ jobs for a quarter of their pay

In an interview with Rappler Talk, Minister of Social and Family Development Tan Chuan Jin said that because of globalization, graduates in Manila could do a Singaporean’s job for a fraction of the pay:

“But the competition today is so real. We have companies, jobs, departments being outsourced and completely relocating to Manila because graduates in Manila could do their job for a fraction of the pay.

That’s globalization. And that has resulted in the pulling out of jobs in many developed countries, those jobs are not going back.”’

The above is quoted from an article in the statestimesreview.com. Technically this is true. But to take this as a justification to run down on Singaporeans for wanting to do the same job for more is not very clever.  Look at the full picture and compares apple with apple. How much does it cost for a Singaporean to get his degree and how much does it cost a Pinoy to get his degree, presumably both degrees are of equivalent standard. If this is the case, our universities are underproductive, producing the same standard of graduates but at a much higher cost.

The other point, how much does it cost for a graduate to survive here and a graduate to survive in the Philippines? What is the comparative cost of living?  Just on these two points alone you know that the comparison is out of context, spurious. And to use it freely is, ok I won’t say it is stupid, but bizarre!

How can anyone use these two examples to make a logical and sensible case for comparison? Why don’t we say the govt of USA and UK or for that matter in all the developed countries are able to do their jobs at a much cheaper cost, a fraction of what Singapore pays to its politicians? Should we then farm out our political offices to the Americans or Europeans or to China? Xi Jinping’s annual salary is less than one day of Hsien Loong’s pay. You think Xi Jinping or Obama or Cameroon is doing a lousy job?  We can save a lot of money by outsourcing our whole cabinet right? Before that we should outsource all our PMETs and CEO jobs to the cheaper countries. We should even move our banks and airlines and whatever to operate in Manila or Mumbai or Jakarta.

Can I have a more sensible argument please.


Anonymous said...

These PAP people are just bird people.
"cheap, cheap". "cheap, cheap."

Everything they want cheap.
But when it comes to their salary, it must be the highest in the world.

Singaporean salaries not the cheapest in the world.
Therefore PAP cannot get investors to set up factories in Singapore.
Therefore we must allow Aliens to sack Singaporeans and replace with 3rd world Aliens.

Temasek and Temasek linked companies cannot gain access to India's markets.
Therefore we must sign CECA and MRA to allow more Indian Aliens to replace Singaporeans in Singapore.
Otherwise Temasek-linked companies cannot enter the India markets.

Singaporeans give up our jobs so that Temasek linked companies can gain India market access.
But will Temasek linked companies share their profits with Singaporeans?
Will Temasek linked companies give jobs to Singaporeans?

Is the above true?
What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Nonsense RB. This isn't comparing apples with apples. Running a government cannot be outsourced. Our PM and all in the parliament have been voted to do a job at a salary scale that was approved. If you have a bone to pick on that issue you should have voted to stop that. You have voted in this government to rule the country and if they think that they are worth their current salary, then you have no choice but to accept that. If you disagree then use your vote to stop that. As the majority of Singaporeans think it is OK, then it is OK. Singapore is a democratic country after all. Outsourcing job to a cheaper country is a different thing altogether. It is business and it is all about the bottom line. Seeking cheaper ways to increase productivity is the main crux of every business.

Anonymous said...

What Chuan Jin said is the truth which you do not want to hear.

The Govt cannot force the companies to stay here. It is a free market. The companies will move to whichever country that can offer them abundant labour at cheap rate. If MNCs move out, it is the "not so clever, not so stupid" Singaporeans and the lower skilled Singaporeans who will suffer the most. This group of people will be stuck here in Singapore with fewer jobs. Over time, they have to lower their salary to clinch any job at all. Not that the govt will lower their salary, but they themselves have to lower.

On the other hand, the "talented" can move anywhere to work, so this group of people will hardly see their salary moving down.

Anonymous said...

If this is our talented PAP politician, we are definately DOOMED.

Anonymous said...

@ August 13, 2015 9:16 a.m.

"What Chuan Jin said is the truth which you do not want to hear."
- maybe it's time to vote in a more clever Minister and government who can lead Singaporeans to prosperity.

"The (PAP) Govt cannot force the companies to stay here. It is a free market. The companies will move to whichever country that can offer them abundant labour at cheap rate."
- maybe it's time to vote in a new government with better ideas and a more positive, can-do attitude.

" If MNCs move out, it is the "not so clever, not so stupid" Singaporeans and the lower skilled Singaporeans who will suffer the most. This group of people will be stuck here in Singapore with fewer jobs. Over time, they have to lower their salary to clinch any job at all."
- maybe it's time this group of "not so clever, not so stupid" Singaporeans vote for a new government who can provide them with better leadership.

"Not that the (PAP) govt will lower their salary,...."
- how very true and self-serving
- unable to help Singaporeans but still want the highest salaries in the world
- no sense of shame or honour

" On the other hand, the "talented" can move anywhere to work, so this group of people will hardly see their salary moving down. "
- very true
- and since this group of Singaporeans have no ties or loyalties to Singapore, why do we want to continue giving them the red carpet treatment?

Anonymous said...

From this narrative, YEW can see how "unclever, unintelligent, numb skull, nitwit" all these parasitic paper generals are.

Other than losing money big time at NOL, screwing up the public transport with major cock up, vomiting shit out of their ears, mouths and nostrils, what else are they good at?

Going by his logic, why is HDB charging half a million for a tiny pigeon hole in the sky when YEW can have a big landed mansion in even 1ST WORLD COUNTRIES like Australia in the suburbs?

Globalisation only goes one way and where it benefits the aristocrats?

If MNCs relocated to 3rd world countries, either the aristocrats have screwed up in land costs and sinkieland is no longer competitive or there are jobs Sinkieland can do without? Can Sinkieland ever grow rice and compete with the northeast Thailand farmers? International COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE also determines what industries are suited for Sinkieland unless the aristocrats have lost their plots and asking sinkies to go down instead of up the value chain?

Truly, going by the current trend, Sinkieland will be back from 1st world to 3rd world IN NO TIME with such million-dollar salary entitlement mentality parasites in charge.

Basically one common trait nowadays is to see or hear them take some standard scripts or narratives and they will go around PARROTING as if such are some profound wisdom given by the divine.


Anonymous said...

Pui And Pui Party of Lazy, self-serving Traitors.

Anonymous said...

Lao goa may be sacrificing his glorious retirement in vain ......

With this (useless) paper general pulling down the entire team, WP's C Team can easily eat them up for lunch .....

He should do the honourable thing as tuck you and resign than get "sacked" by the peasants .......

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

When Asians take ang moh jobs from the 1st world western democracies, the ang moh unions and displaced workers go crazy. And Asia, especially China and India GREW.

Now Asians (like redbean) are complaining that other Asians are "stealing" their jobs.

How can anyone not find this FUNNY? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Once upon a time, cheap skate Singaporeans lusted the high life, so they hired maids from the Philippines at SGD 280 per month (plus govt. levy). These Singaporeans---always on the make for a "good deal"---made their Pinoy wage-slaves work 7 days a week, from very early morning until late at night.

A Pinoy maid did virtually EVERYTHIG from looking after the kids, to preparing meals, to house cleaning, laundry and ironing, also grocery shopping, and if necessary looking after sick parents and grandparents.

All this, for a princely sum of $280 per month.

Now, the Pinoys are better educated. So they've brought their "cheap labour" to the same market to directly compete with those assholes who used to hire "cheap" Pinoy maids.

Now "cheap" Pinoy talent are Singaporeans' bosses.

Gee, payback's a BITCH! And I ask again:

How can anyone not find this FUNNY? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

"That’s globalization. And that has resulted in the pulling out of jobs in many developed countries, those jobs are not going back.”’
Tan Chuan Jin

It sounds like PAP's Chaun Jin got no fresh ideas.
Looks like the PAP General has already given up before he even goes into battle in his new job.
Chuan Jin ... you are not cheap.
You are one of the highest paid politicians in the world.
Earning more salary than President Obama of USA.

If you got no vision and are politically bankrupt of ideas.
Please have the sense of honour and resign.
Make way for other people who have the can-do spirit and attitude to lead Singaporeans.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

At RB:

>> We can save a lot of money by outsourcing our whole cabinet right? Before that we should outsource all our PMETs and CEO jobs to the cheaper countries. <<

As I've said before. Singapore is a small island and only requires a management team to run it which should take no more than 3 or 4 floors of a modern office building.

Singapore will be fine. The entire parliament should be sacked, and parliament house sold off to companies like Far East or Banyan Tree (excellent managers of properties) for the to make hip.

Save money. Fire the govt.

Anonymous said...

Napoleon stood up, a smoking cigar in one hand, a bottle of whisky in the other, food dripping from the corners of his mouth, he raised his voice to his aristocrats and noble guests,

'Ladies and gentlemen, I have good news for you. I just spoke to our fellow citizens. I told them to tighten their belts, time is bad. And they believed me.'

'Yeah, yeah, you are a genius comrade.' And they roared in laughters.

'More champagne please! Let's drink to the good health of our dear leader.'

And the party went on till the early morning with food aplenty for them to gourge. It was great time.

Anonymous said...

WP has many brilliant and fresh ideas. But they do not want to discuss it now. They will let the citizens suffer since PAP is the govt.

"Good Catch" talented CSM did brilliantly as a employee, earning millions in salary. Although quiet thus far, is waiting to explode. Explode what, I don't know, you will have to promote him first, then he will show you, now cannot.

The other members like Sylvia, Pritam, LTK, all show good attitude (talents aside), should be elected to lead Singapore forward.

Anonymous said...

it is critical for those standing as a candidate in the GE
to say the RIGHT thing........

beware of the SWING voters........

their votes decide........you know......

never never never "run down on Singaporeans for wanting to
do the same job for more"......

never never never "run down on Singaporeans for wanting to
do the same job for more"......

so beware beware.......

patriot said...

The Pappy Rulers do BIRD TALKS
they cannot fly cos got no wing.

We should send them to fly kites in the Coming General Election.



The said...

‘Tan Chuan Jin: Manila graduates can do Singaporeans’ jobs for a quarter of their pay.

Manila ministers can do Singaporean Ministers' jobs for one twentieth of their pay.

Anonymous said...

The coming election is not about some "no EQ" paper generals constantly harping motherhood statements.

They are not paid about 5 millions a year ( salary + 20+ months bonuses ++ ) to talk nonsense and tell sinkies about some things easily available from the Internet for free. All these different theories and views about "globalisation" can be easily googled and these paper generals choose to present a ONE-SIDED argument to taunt and put sinkies down!

This ELECTION is about the future of sinkieland.

Whether sinkies choose to have more of the same and probably worst shits, inevitably edging closer towards the cliff, and below, a bottomless valley and abyss ......

Time for sinkies to reflect and ruminate what the 60.01% had done in 2011 and brought upon themselves and the 39.99% sinkies in the past 4 years plus ......

To repent and regret deeply four precious years of their lives and their children's future going in circles ......

No new initiatives except the same old one-trick pony of constructions upon constructions upon constructions, digging, cover back, dig again, cover back again, upgrade, destroy, upgrade every 3 years or so ..... again ...... who else at the end of the line to pick up the tabs and bills but taxpayers, sinkies and the mass consuming public?

This election, Whoever can deliver a sound, workable plan shall be given the support and chance they deserve .....

Swing voters are daft no more .....

"This is not a game of cards.

It is your lives and ours ......

Swing voters spent a whole life time building sinkieland.

As long as swing voters are around, nobody is going to knock it down!"

Sounds familiar?

Borrowing some words from old man in his 1980 Fullerton rally speech.

Yes, this ELECTION is about sinkieland's future.

It is about your lives and ours.

Carpe diem!

Seize this moment.

Now or never!

Time to put some giant spurs into monstrously non-performing paper generals' hides and make them wake up their idea and from their deep slumber. Make them work harder. Poor people need to be put through humiliations every month to fill up tons of forms just to get the monthly $300 social assistance. For $5 million taxpayers monies, sinkies need to squeeze every last drop out of all these Jiak Liao Bees and let them have a taste of what it feels like to be at the receiving end of all these vicious tormenting, torture, taunting, humiliation of the oldies and PG ..... "Frail old people performing back breaking tasks of rampaging rubbish bins and dumps for discarded card boxes are stated and described categorically a form of exercise and ramped down sinkies throats as the hardtruths."



Why don't all these paper generals ask their parents and grandparents to go collect rubbish as a form of exercise?

Other people's parents and grandparents are shit to all these paper generals, is it?

Oldies are shit, is it?

What kind of "EQ" all these paper generals possess to deserve being lording over sinkies and the poor oldies?

Helping the poor and oldies is bankrupting the nation.

Helping foreigners and giving free education to 3rd world foreign students deserve all the support from sinkies?

Enough is enough?

Time to show them the "midxxe" finger right in their faces?

Anonymous said...

First time in modern history a country being sold under the nose of its citizens.
And the daft citizens are so happy celebrating their own demise without having a clue of what is happening.

patriot said...

In many ways, it is the Sinkies themselves pawning tgemselves and selling their own future.



Anonymous said...

I am stupid, I admit whole heartedly.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you too, Matilah!

Do you see countries like Japan, South Korea and so many other countries allowing tourists to apply for PMET jobs to compete with their locals. Not even a 3rd rate country like Malaysia or gun crazy US of A. So stop shooting your mouth off like your cheap whore mother!

Anonymous said...

When it comes to job creation, PAP’s trumpet has always been playing out of tune. And please, don’t insult citizens by telling us good jobs are paid relatively low. According to PAP MP Inderjit: “I remember when I started work in 1985, my salary was $1900 as an entry level engineer. After a few years I could afford a house and a car. Today, 28 years later, an entry level engineer in Singapore earns $2600, just $700 more than what I earned when I started.”

In the mid 80’s, my 5-room HDB flat in Simei cost less than $80,000. The loan could be serviced by a single income. 28 years later, the same flat had increased by 500% and many with dual income could not afford it. No wonder PM Lee kept trying to mask PAP’s failure by harking back to his daddy’s time when matas wore shorts not too long ago. - https://likedatosocanmeh.wordpress.com/

Anonymous said...

Another LKY legacy?
- sky high prices for HDB flats

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 929:

>> Fuck you too, Matilah! <<

This is a common response to me sharing my (dubious) opinion. People just take themselves too seriously...

Please lah, this is only a small-time election for bunch of village simpletons to choose their "leaders", because these village simpletons cannot even find their own assholes if you gave them torches and maps, so they need "LEEders" to LEEd them down the paths of righteousness. Why so serious? Your ONE VOTE will not determine the outcome of the election lah. Chill out.

Here's what going to happen after the election:

1. Property prices may continue to dip, and could possibly go to 2001-2003 prices when semi d's in Bk Timah were 750k, and you could rent an entire unit in the Orchard Rd/ Somerset/ Grange Rd area for $1500-$2000 per month.

2. Population will continue to increase

>> Do you see countries like Japan, South Korea and so many other countries allowing tourists to apply for PMET jobs to compete with their locals.<<

3. Once the TTP is signed, there will be more cross-border activity in the labour and capital markets (i.e. citizens, capital and businesses from TTP member cuntries can operate in other TPP member cuntries).

In the short time, "cheaper" labour cuntries will have an cost advantage. However, after a certain time, there will no longer be wage-rate differentials between cuntries, as the whole darn thing becomes one BIG BORDERLESS market.

4. More foreigners will relocate to Singapore, especially the entrepreneurial class. Singapore startups (by locals and foreigners) will rise up and make regional then global names for themselves.

5. Singapore will become more materialistic, meretricious, competitive, EXPENSIVE and AWESOME! This will add to the "Exclusivity" of the Singapore Brand. (The Singapore Brand will change into a "luxury" brand like Paris, France or Zurich, Switzerland). i.e. if you are a Gaziliionaire, then the place to secure your assets, and possibly own a nice home in, will be Singapore.

6. The number of people becoming wealthy in Singapore will INCREASE.

Conclusion: The result of the election won't really affect the course of history.

All of this will happen (I predict!) REGARDLESS of which party wins the election.