
Transport Ministry a high stress job

A former, Ho Kong Loon, wrote in Today paper saying that the Transport Minister worked tirelessly and deserves respite. I agree, seeing three Transport Ministers being bungled out of the job, this must be a very difficult job among all the ministries. And I don’t think any minister would dare to volunteer for this job. Would Boon Wan, the PAP magician and problem solver try to take this on? Or who would be the next poor minister to be assigned to this ministry after Lui?

Given that this is a difficult and troublesome job, I would like to offer a couple of suggestions to make this job more palatable. How about doubling the pay of this job? If this is not enough, raise it to the pay of the PM. That should make it worth while to risk career and reputable taking on this hazardous job.

You mean, raising the dignity not enough? How about raising the status with a fanciful job title like Emeritus Transport Minister? Or whoever given this job would concurrently hold the position of Dep PM? It is only fair that if a job is so difficult, it must deserve a just reward and recognition.

Come to the worst, rotate the job among the ministers. Everyone will sit on this hot seat for one year, then no one can hide in their cushy ministry and see the poor Transport Minister being hammered for doing a poor job that is not caused by him or for not working hard enough. This may be what they called work smart.

Ok, OK, my suggestions may be naïve, mediocre. As some clever people have suggested, split the jobs to smaller jobs to share around, to make the job easier. How can everyone be paid millions and some got easy jobs and some got to take on so difficult job? Not fair right?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I know how to make the Transport Ministry less stressful.

How about employing a CEO that actually has experience and a proven track record at operating trains to be CEO of SMRT?
I still don't understand why it is the Transport Minister's job to justify an MRT fare increase and not the SMRT CEO.

Goh said...

If Sinkie are lazy and choosy, cannot take stress, just get a Foreign Talent to do it.
Taiwan, Korea, China....

Anonymous said...

Seng Ki lai lah...paid the highest job more than president and leader of the real world, but don't want accountability and stress.!?!!
The aristocracys, elites sense of entitlement has gone sky high they should be ashamed.
Shape up or ship out.
No one owes you a living.
Overstayed more than 2 terms and the peasants are plaything them a life time of pension crutch. Do you have that kind of privilege ?
Even after a life time of CPF savings is not your money ok!!
LHLmshould in fact install a Minister of CPF!

Anonymous said...

Yes! My greatest SG50 gift is if Mr Khaw being appointed the
new transport minister.

Yes! Mr Khaw is PAP's magician!

Yes! Mr Khaw is PAP's problems solver!

Yes! Mr Khaw had successfully solved ALL the problems in the
health ministry and HDB.

Yes! Mr Khaw is the BEST!

Yes! If Mr Khaw takes over, everything will be FINE.

Yes! Say goodbye to transport problems.


Anonymous said...

"I agree, seeing three Transport Ministers being bungled out of the job, this must be a very difficult job among all the ministries."

Not really lah. I think it is more likely that the three transport ministers were able to find equally or even better paid jobs, and which unlike the transport minister's job, do not have to face the MRT troubles and kpkb from those "BMW" (Bus MRT Walk) Sinkies.

And with their calibre, they should have no problem finding other jobs lah, tio bo? At least no need to become taxi driver, security guards or even remisier cum blogger lah.

Anonymous said...

all opposition members and supporters are still shouting "huat ah" since tuesday

Anonymous said...

Eh 1:31, you think you earn more than remisiers?
If you earn more than a cleaner you would not have to earn money as a shameful IB.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, if I were Hsien Loong, why would I need to waste money to employ IBs, when WP Teochew Ah Hia already said majority (aka 60%) voters are very scared to accidentally vote PAP out because WP is not ready to be govt?

So I do not think Anon 1:31 p.m. is a PAP paid IB, but rather a self employed one, that is if u think he/she is one. But I do not think so, because what he/she wrote, although hurtful to RB and some, also reflects reality and make sense too.

Anonymous said...

Why are some of you here keep repeating that WP contested
less than a 1/3 of the parliament seats?

This may be part of WP strategy! The journey of 1000 miles
begins with the first step!

Please give them time.

WP needs to grow and gain some more grounds before launching an
island-wide contest, maybe in the next GE, or next next GE.


So give WP time. Don't rush them.


Anonymous said...

There is no time left. If the opposition cannot form a govt in this GE, Singaporeans would be finished for good. The foreigners will flood the island and take it over as their own.

Wake up. Be warned.

Anonymous said...

If PAP returns to power after GE 2015, you can expect 6.9 million by 2020. Then if GE 2020 is again won by PAP, then 10 million population for sure. So stop the rot and make it happen. GE 2015 is the deciding event for Singaporeans to regain control.

Anonymous said...

Million dollars pay = million dollars stress

so what your issue ?

besides , PAP claims they deserve to be paid millions because they are the best. We never agree , they agree themselves and reward themselves with millions, and now they complaining they are stressful job ?

patriot said...




Though I wish that Voters will vote for Alternative Parties, I wish as much that the Strongest and Most Popular amongst them, the Workers Party to be more assuring and gives its' supporters the Hope and Comfort they deserve.


Anonymous said...

If people are constantly critical of the ministers and poking fun of them, no capable person in the right mind would want the job, and PAP would have difficulty attracting capable people to work for them.

In this Lui case, he is damned whether he stays or he leaves.

So slowly, one brick by one brick, you dismantle slowly, and the whole PAP will collapse. And huat ah, RB will be rich.

Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousAugust 13, 2015 4:32 p.m.
"If PAP returns to power after GE 2015, you can expect 6.9 million by 2020. Then if GE 2020 is again won by PAP, then 10 million population for sure."

More population good mah?

"What's wrong with collecting more $$$?"

More foreigners means more consumptions, more GST, more revenue for lottery operator and casinos, more demand for housing, lao goa and cohort who owns tons of properties can collect ever more and ever higher rentals and their offsprings can live for generations even if they choose not to work.

Why u think lao goa and Ma Bao Jiak embraced asset enhancement programme with open arms since the early 1990s?

Why did lao goa opened the flood gate in the 90s and the population jumped 1 million or 33% in just 10 years from 3 million in 1994 to 4 million in 2004 when sinkies TFR/ birth rate was falling rapidly?

With 6.9 or 10m, demand for limited housing in tiny sinkieland will be maintained at astronomically elevated heights.

It means every job new entrant in every single year for every young cohort will have to pay sky high prices for tiny pigeon holes in higher and higher air space when they get settled down. The earnings of these young entrants for the next 25 years are technically "pledged and transferred" to the properties and land owners of Lao goa and cohort who owned vast amount of properties acquired much earlier at a tiny fraction of current and future market prices.

Ah Hen yesterday admitted openly during the press conference, that the location where they were holding the briefing saw new flats transacted at a few thousand dollars back then before lao goa's and greedy Mao bao jiak's asset enhancement programme.

....... continue below

Anonymous said...

....... continue from above

Now what is the prices of those flats in TPY?

At least 100 folds more than the prices ah Hen mentioned!


Properties prices shot through the roof more than 100 folds or 10,000% over that period? Starting wages for fresh graduates are only marginally higher than back then at 4 to 6 times more or 400 to 600%.

At such rates and huge disparity and divergence of price gap between properties prices and real wages growth rate, how can new entrants into the society not ended up being ENSLAVED for life paying to the the land owners?

This is the single most ridiculous and unequal TRANSFER OF WEALTH in history globally between the older generation and the new entrants into the job market?

It is arguably the most deadly VICIOUS cycle for sinkies as the young will find it too costly and back breaking to shoulder the burden of paying for an exorbitantly priced pigeon hole and at the same time raised a family and looked after their oldies amidst FTs tsunami into the job market. ..... something needs to give way which inevitably would be unborn future generation sinkies ......

The lazy paper generals obviously know the implications but chose the easy and lazy short term and myopic way out of importing instant trees and instant big babies to make up for the shortfall .....

For all their rhetoric of planning ahead and thinking long term, this is by far the BIGGEST mismatch between their words and the realities!

Their GREED, MEGA-EGO and SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS had BLINDED their sense and duty to serve the sinkies long term interests instead of their own self-serving short term interests!

The result is the bleak future facing sinkies and the undoing of the national identity and faith in the cuntry painstakingly forged by the PG leaders. A demoralised and abandoned populace can never feel a sense of identity, comradeship and solidarity when their so-called leaders CANNOT and DO NOT have any clue or solution how to get out of the current rut they have brought sinkieland into since 1990. .......

By far, the most difficult job is NOT MOT!!!!!!

It is the ministry in charge of sinkieland's population and demography!

And nobody is seeing ( or at least genuinely flagging the serious implications ) that the failure to deliver in that aspect is thousand of times, if not more, far more fatalistic than the failures and lapses of SMRT or MOT .....

Public policies are never about black or white as in hard sciences or mathematics. It is a grey area that has many policy and national goals conflicts which is not dissimilar to walking a tight rope. Achieving the right balance between long term sustainability and short term economics vibrancy is a grey area all the paper generals, aristocrats including lao goa's cohort have failed miserably in the past 25 years!

Unless a fine and constantly adjusted balance to suit realities is achieved in sinkieland's various conflicting policies, sinkieland's future sinking into ever bleaker abyss is inevitable and unavoidable.

Anonymous said...

Well said August 13, 2015 6:12 p.m.

So what do we do about it? I do not honestly think that GE2015 will bring any changes. PAP WILL win and get majority seats in Parliament and all policies detrimental to the true blue Singaporeans will be passed without any objections from opposition MPs ( if any ). 6.9 million and then 10 million and soon Singapore will be gone. So very sad........

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Patriot, it is not so simple to field 60 candidates in a GE. Think of cost and also under present circumstances it is not easy to get so many good men and women to come out.

Anonymous said...

Patriot, it is not so simple to field 60 candidates in a GE.
RB 8:36 p.m.

Ya lor. And I think Hsien Loong has studied The Art of War by Sun Tzu, so he knows.

"Know yourself, know your enemies, 100 battles, 100 victories" - Sun Tzu (including coming election)- Anon me.

patriot said...

Chin Leng;

Points noted, thank You.

The FINAL HOPE with regards the Political Developments in Sin left for me is to see that PAP loses it's 2/3 Majority to the Combined Alternative Parties.

I tell myself not to talk about political affairs anymore if the Wish does not materialize.
Frankly, I know it is a little wishful, just hope that I get a consolation prize.

Personally, I find Sinkies fickle and inconsistent.
When Lui Tuck Yew gave subsidy to transport operator, supported their fare hikes, Sinkies bayed for his blood.
When Lui resigns, they sing him praises and blame others for getting him into trouble. Only a minority are able to see the Minister chickens out for fear of losing in the Coming General Election. And that he had NOT delivered any tangible contribution for his whole tenure as a Minister. How come all the Sympathy and Praises when many of us want the REMOVAL OF ALL THE PAPPIES?


You and many other Bloggers are tirelessly warning and reminding Sinkies of the flaw and abuse plaguing the People for over a decade and if at the End of it Sinkies remain DAFT, then there is NO HOPE LEFT TO LOOK FORWARD TO.

Hope the Efforts of You Folks do yield some consolation and comfort.



Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousAugust 13, 2015 9:09 p.m.
♤♡♢♧♤♡♢♧"Know yourself, know your enemies, 100 battles, 100 victories" - Sun Tzu (including coming election)- Anon me♤♡♢♧♤♡♢♧

For sinkies To SURVIVE:



Anonymous said...

What is so stressful about this job especially if you are paid millions and other CEOS managing larger cities and networks are paid so much lower. Maybe the entire Singapore is based on the model that we pay you millions on zero track record. Especially for our so call leaders, shouldn't you welcome a challenge to take a bite out of a bear? This is where the rubber hits to road and our leaders have failed, just like they have failed to realize that trying to compete with low cost countries such as Phillippines by trying to outdo them on labor cost is truly an un original thing to do and reflects an un-creative mindset. So again, why are we paying so much for Mr. Shit for Brains.

Or maybe the military experience leading men and ships for war, was really a easy job that didn't prepare you at all. What about the credentials, Scholarships, honors etc, shouldn't that translate to a high functioning individual able to rally talented people moving to solve problems? Maybe we should send them to Mount Kinabalu with tour guides for leadership training. It all refects 1 thing, which is all that stuff about selecting the best team of leaders is all crap!

Anonymous said...

///////// Personally, I find Sinkies fickle and inconsistent.
When Lui Tuck Yew gave subsidy to transport operator, supported their fare hikes, Sinkies bayed for his blood.
When Lui resigns, they sing him praises and blame others for getting him into trouble. Only a minority are able to see the Minister chickens out for fear of losing in the Coming General Election. And that he had NOT delivered any tangible contribution for his whole tenure as a Minister. How come all the Sympathy and Praises when many of us want the REMOVAL OF ALL THE PAPPIES? /////////
patriot @ August 13, 2015 9:27 p.m.

I fully agree with you.
Fickle and daft Singaporeans.
Is this another LKY legacy?

Should we thank Yew for his legacy of doom for Singapore?